Cosmovisión. Perspectivas indígenas en la Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe: serie de relatos sociodiversos-culturales
Carmona Miranda, Adrián Gerardo
Carmona Miranda, Ronny
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe
La diversidad cultural ha sido definida como la multiplicidad de formas en que se expresan las culturas de los grupos y sociedades. Es, también, una manifestación de la diversidad de la vida en la tierra (Directrices de la Unesco sobre la educación intercultural, 2002). Perspectivas indígenas en la Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe es una serie de relatos con un enfoque social, tomando en cuenta aspectos de diversidad cultural enlos cuales los estudiantes hacen un contraste entre su hogar natal y sulugar de residencia actual en el Campus Sarapiquí. El objetivo de este trabajo es poder identificar diferencias en el ámbito social, cultural, espiritual de los estudiantes provenientes de grupos indígenas costarricenses con respecto a su vivencia en el Campus Sarapiquí; para lograrlo, se analizan una serie de relatos tanto orales como escritos de la cosmovisión propia de cada uno de ellos y la comparación que ellos hacen con respec-to a su actualidad y el entorno que les rodea en el Campus. Además, se aplican entrevistas por medio de instrumentos de respuesta cerrada y abierta para recabar información básica acerca de la muestra que participa en el estudio. Dicha investigación permitió conocer cuáles son aquellos aspectos de la vida universitaria en el Campus Sarapiquí que esta pobla-ción considera positivos y aquellos que ellos sugieren se deben mejorar a fin de tener una mayor armonía con la naturaleza, esto desde su cosmovisión personal y del grupo indígena al que pertenecen.
Cultural diversity has been defined as the multiplicity of forms in which the cultures of groups and societies express themselves. It is also a manifestation of the diversity of life on earth (Unesco Guidelines on Intercultural Education, 2002). Indigenous Perspectives in the Northern Huetar and Caribbean Regional Section is a series of stories with a social focus, taking into account aspects of cultural diversity in which the students contrast their native home and their current place of residence in the Sarapiquí Campus. The objective of this work is to identify differences in the social, cultural and spiritual environment of students from Costa Rican indigenous groups with respect to their experience at the Sarapiqui Campus; to achieve this, a series of oral and written accounts of the worldview of each of them and the comparison they make with respect to their present and the environment that surrounds them at the Campus are analyzed. In addition, interviews were conducted by means of closed and open response instruments to gather basic information about the sample participating in the study. This research allowed us to know which aspects of university life at the Sarapiqui Campus this population considers positive and those that they suggest should be improved in order to have greater harmony with nature, this from their personal worldview and that of the indigenous group to which they belong.
Cultural diversity has been defined as the multiplicity of forms in which the cultures of groups and societies express themselves. It is also a manifestation of the diversity of life on earth (Unesco Guidelines on Intercultural Education, 2002). Indigenous Perspectives in the Northern Huetar and Caribbean Regional Section is a series of stories with a social focus, taking into account aspects of cultural diversity in which the students contrast their native home and their current place of residence in the Sarapiquí Campus. The objective of this work is to identify differences in the social, cultural and spiritual environment of students from Costa Rican indigenous groups with respect to their experience at the Sarapiqui Campus; to achieve this, a series of oral and written accounts of the worldview of each of them and the comparison they make with respect to their present and the environment that surrounds them at the Campus are analyzed. In addition, interviews were conducted by means of closed and open response instruments to gather basic information about the sample participating in the study. This research allowed us to know which aspects of university life at the Sarapiqui Campus this population considers positive and those that they suggest should be improved in order to have greater harmony with nature, this from their personal worldview and that of the indigenous group to which they belong.
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