Propuesta de modelo de exportación de plántulas de melina y vainilla para el laboratorio de biotecnología del Inisefor
Jiménez Zamora, Beeroth María
Salas Salas, Tatiana Vanessa
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente documento presenta un plan de exportación de plantas de melina y vainilla in vitro desde el Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales (INISEFOR) con destino a México. Con el desarrollo de esta investigación se encontró que este instituto tiene las condiciones y características para poder llevar a cabo este proyecto, ya que cuenta con experiencia en diferentes actividades productivas, entre otras áreas, que pueden ser aprovechadas para internacionalizar los productos e investigaciones que llevan a cabo; además es importante destacar que una de las áreas es donde llevan a cabo estudios es respecto a la propagación de especies vegetales de forma in vitro.
En el primer capítulo se destacan algunos aspectos introductorios sobre la investigación en donde se justifica la importancia de desarrollar este plan de exportación con plantas in vitro, especies que son utilizadas y distribuidas en México y que además presentan características que convierten este país como destino. En el caso de la vainilla, inclusive se trata de una especie de importancia cultural en ese país y se han venido presentando problemáticas que han disminuido la producción, mismos que pueden subsanarse con la obtención de plantas propagadas de manera in vitro.
Por su parte la melina es una especie muy utilizada por su madera, que contribuye con el alcance de la reforestación comercial sostenible, así como el desarrollo económico; esto, en la fabricación de muebles, subproductos para la industria de la construcción y su relevante participación en el comercio internacional, por medio de la producción de pallets que permiten transportar y estibar las diversas mercancías de forma segura, en donde dichas actividades de intercambio de bienes, fomentan el crecimiento global.
Se destaca que las plantas de melina y vainilla in vitro son difíciles de conseguir en el mercado, pero el INISEFOR, cuenta con material seleccionada que garantiza la calidad de estas plantas, es por ello por lo que ha crecido su demanda tanto a nivel del país como internacionalmente. El instituto cuenta con experiencia indirecta de exportación, que llevaron a cabo un proyecto de producción de plantas de melina.
En el segundo capítulo, se abordan elementos determinantes sobre el marco referencial y el marco metodológico; se destacan aspectos importantes sobre la producción tanto nacional como internacional de la melina y la vainilla, se destaca la producción de melina con fines maderables y también la extracción de pulpa y elaboración de papel; mientras que la vainilla es utilizada mayoritariamente en la industria alimenticia, perfumes, licores, cosméticos y en menor medida en la industria tabacalera y artesanal...
This document presents a plan to export melina and vanilla plants in vitro from the Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales (INISEFOR) to Mexico. With the development of this research it was found that this institute has the conditions and characteristics to be able to carry out this project, since it has experience in different productive activities, among other areas, that can be used to internationalize the products and research they carry out; it is also important to highlight that one of the areas where they carry out studies is regarding the propagation of plant species in vitro. In the first chapter, some introductory aspects of the research are highlighted, justifying the importance of developing this export plan with in vitro plants, species that are used and distributed in Mexico and that also present characteristics that make this country a destination. In the case of vanilla, even though it is a species of cultural importance in that country, there have been problems that have reduced production, which can be solved by obtaining in vitro propagated plants. Melina is a species widely used for its wood, which contributes to the scope of sustainable commercial reforestation, as well as economic development; this, in the manufacture of furniture, by-products for the construction industry and its relevant participation in international trade, through the production of pallets that allow transport and stowage of various goods safely, where such activities of exchange of goods, promote global growth. It should be noted that melina and vanilla plants in vitro are difficult to obtain in the market, but INISEFOR has selected material that guarantees the quality of these plants, which is why their demand has grown both domestically and internationally. The institute has indirect export experience, which carried out a project for the production of melina plants. In the second chapter, determining elements on the referential framework and the methodological framework are addressed; important aspects on the national and international production of melina and vanilla are highlighted, the production of melina for timber purposes and also the extraction of pulp and paper production; while vanilla is mainly used in the food industry, perfumes, liquors, cosmetics and to a lesser extent in the tobacco and handicraft industry...
This document presents a plan to export melina and vanilla plants in vitro from the Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales (INISEFOR) to Mexico. With the development of this research it was found that this institute has the conditions and characteristics to be able to carry out this project, since it has experience in different productive activities, among other areas, that can be used to internationalize the products and research they carry out; it is also important to highlight that one of the areas where they carry out studies is regarding the propagation of plant species in vitro. In the first chapter, some introductory aspects of the research are highlighted, justifying the importance of developing this export plan with in vitro plants, species that are used and distributed in Mexico and that also present characteristics that make this country a destination. In the case of vanilla, even though it is a species of cultural importance in that country, there have been problems that have reduced production, which can be solved by obtaining in vitro propagated plants. Melina is a species widely used for its wood, which contributes to the scope of sustainable commercial reforestation, as well as economic development; this, in the manufacture of furniture, by-products for the construction industry and its relevant participation in international trade, through the production of pallets that allow transport and stowage of various goods safely, where such activities of exchange of goods, promote global growth. It should be noted that melina and vanilla plants in vitro are difficult to obtain in the market, but INISEFOR has selected material that guarantees the quality of these plants, which is why their demand has grown both domestically and internationally. The institute has indirect export experience, which carried out a project for the production of melina plants. In the second chapter, determining elements on the referential framework and the methodological framework are addressed; important aspects on the national and international production of melina and vanilla are highlighted, the production of melina for timber purposes and also the extraction of pulp and paper production; while vanilla is mainly used in the food industry, perfumes, liquors, cosmetics and to a lesser extent in the tobacco and handicraft industry...
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