Armonía con la naturaleza
Corrales, Lenin
Chacón Araya, Karen
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Programa Estado de la Nación
Este capítulo valora el desempeño ambiental de Costa Rica en el 2014, con el propósito de determinar en qué grado se acercó al logro de las nueve aspiraciones que orientan este análisis. Con ese objetivo revisa, desde la perspectiva del desarrollo humano sostenible, las principales tendencias en el uso y la conservación de los recursos naturales, su sostenibilidad y el papel de los actores sociales e institucionales relacionados con su gestión. Para esto, sintetiza buena parte de los esfuerzos de investigación realizados por instituciones científicas nacionales e internacionales, universidades públicas, entidades estatales, organizaciones no gubernamentales, sectores productivos y la sociedad civil. Aunque el análisis requiere indicadores ambientales, el país carece de un sistema consolidado que permita identificar avances y retrocesos en esta área, lo cual hace que el seguimiento sea complejo y, a veces, fragmentado. Este es un desafío pendiente para empatar el discurso nacional con sus patrones de uso de los recursos y su conocimiento sobre el tema. La presente entrega se organiza en torno a tres grandes conceptos: los resultados, los procesos y las capacidades de la gestión ambiental. Esta última se entiende como el conjunto de acciones relacionadas con la conservación y uso de los recursos naturales y la administración del patrimonio natural en nombre de las generaciones futuras (PEN, 2000)...
This chapter assesses Costa Rica's environmental performance in 2014, with the purpose of determining to what degree it came close to achieving the nine aspirations that guide this analysis. To this end, it reviews, from the perspective of sustainable human development, the main trends in the use and conservation of natural resources, their sustainability, and the role of social and institutional actors related to their management. To this end, it synthesizes a good part of the research efforts carried out by national and international scientific institutions, public universities, state entities, non-governmental organizations, productive sectors and civil society. Although the analysis requires environmental indicators, the country lacks a consolidated system to identify progress and setbacks in this area, which makes monitoring complex and sometimes fragmented. This is a pending challenge to match the national discourse with its resource use patterns and knowledge on the subject. This paper is organized around three major concepts: results, processes and environmental management capacities. The latter is understood as the set of actions related to the conservation and use of natural resources and the administration of the natural heritage on behalf of future generations (PEN, 2000)...
This chapter assesses Costa Rica's environmental performance in 2014, with the purpose of determining to what degree it came close to achieving the nine aspirations that guide this analysis. To this end, it reviews, from the perspective of sustainable human development, the main trends in the use and conservation of natural resources, their sustainability, and the role of social and institutional actors related to their management. To this end, it synthesizes a good part of the research efforts carried out by national and international scientific institutions, public universities, state entities, non-governmental organizations, productive sectors and civil society. Although the analysis requires environmental indicators, the country lacks a consolidated system to identify progress and setbacks in this area, which makes monitoring complex and sometimes fragmented. This is a pending challenge to match the national discourse with its resource use patterns and knowledge on the subject. This paper is organized around three major concepts: results, processes and environmental management capacities. The latter is understood as the set of actions related to the conservation and use of natural resources and the administration of the natural heritage on behalf of future generations (PEN, 2000)...
Palabras clave
Programa Estado de la Nación en Desarrollo Humano Sostenible (Costa Rica) Vigésimo primer Informe Estado de la Nación en Desarrollo Humano Sostenible/ PEN.---San José C.R : PEN 2015