Honrando a nuestros ancestros caribeños: Conmemorando 150 años de la segunda ola de personas de descendencia africana en Costa Rica.
Hutchinson Miller, Carmen
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El año 2022 conmemora 150 años de la migración de personas afrodescendientes para la construcción del ferrocarril en Costa Rica a finales del siglo XIX y más tarde a inicios del siglo XX en las plantaciones de banano. Lamentablemente dentro de la historia general los nombres e historias de las personas quienes contribuyen con el desarrollo de estos países sean nacionales o extranjeros y en especial si estos no son parte del grupo étnico hegemónico, en la mayoría de los casos son ignorados. Los inmigrantes de finales del siglo XIX no son la excepción. El objetivo de este artículo es el de traer al imaginario del colectivo costarricense siete nombres de individuos/a Afrocaribeños y una familia quienes contribuyeron al desarrollo económico, cultural y reproductivo de este país, honrándoles, visibilizándoles por medio de la memoria. Este artículo recoge historia oral entre enero y marzo del 2022, la revisión y análisis de periódicos además de otras publicaciones.
The year 2022 commemorates 150 years of the arrival of Caribbean immigrants to Costa Rica for the construction of the railroad during the late XIX century and later for labor in the banana plantations during early XX Century. Unfortunately, there is virtually any acknowledgement of the important role that individuals be national, or foreigners play in the economic development of a nation. While some nationals may be recognized for their outstanding contribution or achievements it is rare for immigrants and especially if they are not part of the hegemonic ethnic group. Late XIX and early XX century AfroCaribbean migrants are not the exception. The objective of this article is to bring to the collective Costa Rican imagination the names of seven Afro Caribbean individual migrants and a family who contributed to the economic, cultural, and reproductive development of this country by honoring them making their stories visible through memory. The article gathered information through oral history between January and March 2022 along with the revision and analysis of newspaper archives and other documentation
The year 2022 commemorates 150 years of the arrival of Caribbean immigrants to Costa Rica for the construction of the railroad during the late XIX century and later for labor in the banana plantations during early XX Century. Unfortunately, there is virtually any acknowledgement of the important role that individuals be national, or foreigners play in the economic development of a nation. While some nationals may be recognized for their outstanding contribution or achievements it is rare for immigrants and especially if they are not part of the hegemonic ethnic group. Late XIX and early XX century AfroCaribbean migrants are not the exception. The objective of this article is to bring to the collective Costa Rican imagination the names of seven Afro Caribbean individual migrants and a family who contributed to the economic, cultural, and reproductive development of this country by honoring them making their stories visible through memory. The article gathered information through oral history between January and March 2022 along with the revision and analysis of newspaper archives and other documentation
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