Parámetros de transformación entre los marcos geodésicos CR05 y CR-SIRGAS contemplando diferentes soluciones ITRF
Moya Zamora, Jorge
Bastos Gutiérrez, Sara
Álvarez Caderón, Álvaro
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En Costa Rica, la oficialización del marco CR-SIRGAS implica la necesidad de transformar la información vinculada con el marco anterior a esta nueva referencia nacional. Por tanto, se presentan los resultados de un análisis efectuado en la determinación de varios conjuntos de parámetros de transformación entre el antiguo marco geodésico CR05 y el marco geodésico CR-SIRGAS. Este proceso contempló el estudio de la transformación directa entre ambos marcos. Se tomaron en cuenta dos variantes, así como también, una secuencia de transformaciones igualmente en dos variantes considerando las soluciones ITRF que se han dado desde la implementación del CR05. Dicho proceso, denominado transformación en escalera, consideró la afectación que produjo el terremoto de Mw 7,6 en la península de Nicoya en agosto de 2012 [1] y [2] sobre los vértices de la red geodésica nacional activa y pasiva del CR05. Considerar los aspectos geométrico y físico es indispensable en una adecuada y correcta georreferenciación. Se usó el modelo de transformación baricéntrico [3] y [4] para seis parámetros: las tres traslaciones entre los orígenes y las tres rotaciones de los ejes [5]. En cada uno de los procesos de cálculo se analizaron los residuales en componentes topocéntricos [N, E, U]. Así, se ofrece como resultado dos conjuntos de seis parámetros de transformación desde el marco nacional CR05, época de referencia 2005,83, marco ITRF2000 al marco nacional CR-SIRGAS, época de referencia 2014,59, marco ITRF2008. Además de dos conjuntos de seis parámetros entre CR05 y CR-SIRGAS contemplando diferentes soluciones ITRF y sus respectivas épocas. En cada determinación se expone el comportamiento de los residuales.
In Costa Rica, the officialization of the CR-SIRGAS framework implies the need to transform the information linked to the previous framework to this new national reference. The results of an analysis carried out in the determination of several sets of transformation parameters between the old geodetic frame CR05 and the geodetic frame CR-SIRGAS are presented. This process contemplated the study of the direct transformation between both frameworks contemplating two variants, as well as a sequence of transformations also in two variants considering the ITRF solutions that have occurred since the implementation of CR05. This process, called stair transformation, considered the impact caused by the Mw 7.6 earthquake in the Nicoya peninsula in August 2012 [1] and [2] on the vertices of the active and passive national geodetic network of CR05. Considering the geometric and physical aspects is essential in an adequate and correct georeferencing. The barycentric transformation model [3] and [4] was used for six parameters: the three translations between the origins and the three rotations of the axes [5]. In each of the calculation processes the residuals in topocentric components [N, E, U] were analyzed. As a result, two sets of six transformation parameters are offered from the national framework CR05, reference time 2005,83, framework ITRF2000 to the national framework CR-SIRGAS, reference period 2014,59, framework ITRF2008. In addition, two sets of six parameters between CR05 and CR-SIRGAS contemplating different ITRF solutions and their respective epochs. In each determination the behavior of the residuals is exposed.
In Costa Rica, the officialization of the CR-SIRGAS framework implies the need to transform the information linked to the previous framework to this new national reference. The results of an analysis carried out in the determination of several sets of transformation parameters between the old geodetic frame CR05 and the geodetic frame CR-SIRGAS are presented. This process contemplated the study of the direct transformation between both frameworks contemplating two variants, as well as a sequence of transformations also in two variants considering the ITRF solutions that have occurred since the implementation of CR05. This process, called stair transformation, considered the impact caused by the Mw 7.6 earthquake in the Nicoya peninsula in August 2012 [1] and [2] on the vertices of the active and passive national geodetic network of CR05. Considering the geometric and physical aspects is essential in an adequate and correct georeferencing. The barycentric transformation model [3] and [4] was used for six parameters: the three translations between the origins and the three rotations of the axes [5]. In each of the calculation processes the residuals in topocentric components [N, E, U] were analyzed. As a result, two sets of six transformation parameters are offered from the national framework CR05, reference time 2005,83, framework ITRF2000 to the national framework CR-SIRGAS, reference period 2014,59, framework ITRF2008. In addition, two sets of six parameters between CR05 and CR-SIRGAS contemplating different ITRF solutions and their respective epochs. In each determination the behavior of the residuals is exposed.
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