Bioprospección de la diatomea Nanofrustulum Shiloi (Bacillariophyceae) nativa del noroeste de Baja California Sur, México, para su uso como alimento alternativo en sistemas acuícolas
Portuguéz Solano, Brenda Priscilla
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las microalgas son organismos eficientes fotosintéticamente e importantes en las cadenas tróficas. Las diatomeas son un excelente alimento en la acuicultura debido a su valor nutricional y contenido de ácidos grasos esenciales. Actualmente, existe un interés en encontrar organismos con valor nutricional para la alimentación humana y animal, reduciendo así el impacto sobre los recursos naturales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue cultivar, escalar y analizar la composición bioquímica de la diatomea marina Nanofrustulum shiloi, cultivada al exterior. Esta fue recolectada en Bahía Balandra, Baja California Sur, México. Se generaron imágenes mediante microscopía confocal y electrónica de barrido. Se cultivó durante 7 días en columnas de 80 L. Se utilizó el fertilizante agrícola Fertiplus® junto con silicatos como medio de cultivo y se hicieron adiciones diarias de CO2. Se midió diariamente la temperatura, irradiancia, pH y oxígeno disuelto. Se registraron temperaturas dentro del cultivo entre 20°C y 30°C e irradiancias desde 6.5 μmol fotón m-2 s-1 hasta un máximo de 358 μmol fotón m-2 s-1. Además, se obtuvo una tasa de crecimiento de 0.25 d-1 con un rendimiento de biomasa de peso seco (PS) de 322 mg L-1 y productividad de 46 mg L-1 d-1. Se obtuvo un mayor contenido de proteínas (27 ± 1% PS) y carbohidratos (20 ± 2% PS) en el día 7 en comparación con el tiempo inicial (p <0.05) y no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto a lípidos (19 ± 3% PS). Los ácidos grasos con mayor porcentaje fueron el palmítico, palmitoleico, eicosapentaenoico y araquidónico. Los principales pigmentos encontrados fueron las clorofilas a y c y la fucoxantina. Nanofrustulum shiloi posee amplia tolerancia ante cambios en las condiciones de cultivo, además por su facilidad de cultivo y valor nutricional, puede considerarse como posible suplemento nutricional en la dieta de organismos acuáticos.
Microalgae are photosynthetically efficient organisms and important in food chains. Diatoms are an excellent feed in aquaculture due to their nutritional value and content of essential fatty acids. Currently, there is an interest in finding organisms with nutritional value for human and animal nutrition, thus reducing the impact on natural resources. The objective of the present was to cultivate, scale and analyze the biochemical composition of the marine diatom Nanofrustulum shiloi, grown outdoors. This was collected in Bahía Balandra, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Images were generated by confocal and scanning electron microscopy. It was cultivated for 7 days in columns of 80 L. The agricultural fertilizer Fertiplus® was used together with silicates as the culture medium and daily CO2 additions were made. Temperature, irradiance, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured daily. Temperatures within the culture between 20 ° C and 30 ° C and irradiances from 6.5 μmol photon m-2 s-1 to a maximum of 358 μmol photon m-2 s-1 were recorded. In addition, a growth rate of 0.25 d-1 was obtained with a dry weight biomass yield (PS) of 322 mg L-1 and productivity of 46 mg L-1 d-1. A higher content of proteins (27 ± 1% PS) and carbohydrates (20 ± 2% PS) was obtained on day 7 compared with the initial time (p <0.05) and there were no significant differences in terms of lipids (19 ± 2 3% PS). The fatty acids with the highest percentage were palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic. The main pigments found were chlorophylls a and c and fucoxanthin. Nanofrustulum shiloi has a wide tolerance to changes in cultivation conditions, in addition to its ease of cultivation and nutritional value, it can be considered as a possible nutritional supplement in the diet of aquatic organisms.
Microalgae are photosynthetically efficient organisms and important in food chains. Diatoms are an excellent feed in aquaculture due to their nutritional value and content of essential fatty acids. Currently, there is an interest in finding organisms with nutritional value for human and animal nutrition, thus reducing the impact on natural resources. The objective of the present was to cultivate, scale and analyze the biochemical composition of the marine diatom Nanofrustulum shiloi, grown outdoors. This was collected in Bahía Balandra, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Images were generated by confocal and scanning electron microscopy. It was cultivated for 7 days in columns of 80 L. The agricultural fertilizer Fertiplus® was used together with silicates as the culture medium and daily CO2 additions were made. Temperature, irradiance, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured daily. Temperatures within the culture between 20 ° C and 30 ° C and irradiances from 6.5 μmol photon m-2 s-1 to a maximum of 358 μmol photon m-2 s-1 were recorded. In addition, a growth rate of 0.25 d-1 was obtained with a dry weight biomass yield (PS) of 322 mg L-1 and productivity of 46 mg L-1 d-1. A higher content of proteins (27 ± 1% PS) and carbohydrates (20 ± 2% PS) was obtained on day 7 compared with the initial time (p <0.05) and there were no significant differences in terms of lipids (19 ± 2 3% PS). The fatty acids with the highest percentage were palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic. The main pigments found were chlorophylls a and c and fucoxanthin. Nanofrustulum shiloi has a wide tolerance to changes in cultivation conditions, in addition to its ease of cultivation and nutritional value, it can be considered as a possible nutritional supplement in the diet of aquatic organisms.
Portuguéz Solano, P. (2020). Bioprospección de la diatomea Nanofrustulum Shiloi (Bacillariophyceae), nativa del noroeste de Baja California Sur, México, para su uso como alimento alternativo en sistemas acuícolas. (Tesis de Licenciatura). Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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