Crecimiento y sobrevivencia de la ostra de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guidan 1828) bajo dos densidades de cultivo en un sistema tipo “longline” en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica
Pacheco Prieto, Óscar José
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La ostra de mangle (Crassotrea rhizophorae) ha sido considerada como una especie con un elevado potencial para la industria acuícola en los países de la costa Atlántica de América y su producción se realiza, por lo general, a través de la extracción de bancos naturales o mediante la captación de semilla para su cultivo. El estudio tuvo la finalidad de evaluar la sobrevivencia y el crecimiento de la ostra de mangle C. rhizophorae a partir de semilla producida en laboratorio, que permita conocer el desempeño de esta especie bajo condiciones de cultivo en sistemas tipo longline. Este trabajo se realizó durante un periodo de 264 días, aproximadamente nueve meses comprendidos entre octubre de 2011 y julio de 2012, en el sector de Punta Cuchillo, Paquera, Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica (9.83292 N y 84.87976 W). Se evaluó el crecimiento y sobrevivencia de un lote de semilla de C. rhizophorae producida en laboratorio y cultivado a dos densidades de siembra: 30 610 individuos/m2 y 10 200 individuos/m2, correspondientes a los tratamientos a baja y alta densidad, respectivamente; cada tratamiento contaba con tres réplicas; suspendidas a 1.5 m de profundidad en un sistema de cultivo tipo “longline”. El mantenimiento del cultivo, eliminación de fouling, determinaciones biométricas y de la sobrevivencia se realizaron cada 15 días, mientras que el registro de los parámetros físico-químicos del agua (salinidad, temperatura, pH, oxígeno disuelto) se realizó de manera mensual. La integración de los parámetros ambientales explica de manera estadísticamente significativa el comportamiento del crecimiento en ambos tratamientos (P<0.05); no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos a baja y alta densidad (P>0.05). La mortalidad experimentada en ambos tratamientos no pudo ser asociada con los parámetros ambientales; sin embargo, la ocurrencia de fenómenos de floraciones algales nocivas podría afectar a esta especie. Las tallas finales fueron de 36.8mm y 40.8mm para los tratamientos a baja y alta densidad respectivamente. La proporción sexual entre machos y hembras fue de 4:1, y 23.6 mm la talla mínima a la que se diferenciaron los sexos.
The mangrove oyster (Crassotrea rhizophorae) has been considered a species with high potential for the aquaculture industry in the countries of the Atlantic coast of America and its production is generally carried out through the extraction of natural banks or by collecting seed for cultivation. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the survival and growth of the mangrove oyster C. rhizophorae from seed produced in the laboratory, which allows knowing the performance of this species under culture conditions in longline-type systems. This work was carried out during a period of 264 days, approximately nine months between October 2011 and July 2012, in the sector of Punta Cuchillo, Paquera, Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica (9.83292 N and 84.87976 W). The growth and survival of a batch of C. rhizophorae seeds produced in the laboratory and cultivated at two planting densities: 30,610 individuals/m2 and 10,200 individuals/m2, corresponding to low and high density treatments, respectively, were evaluated; each treatment had three replicates; suspended at a depth of 1.5 m in a "longline" culture system. Crop maintenance, fouling removal, biometric and survival determinations were performed every 15 days, while the physical-chemical water parameters (salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen) were recorded monthly. The integration of the environmental parameters explains in a statistically significant way the growth behavior in both treatments (P<0.05); no significant difference was found between the treatments at low and high density (P>0.05). The mortality experienced in both treatments could not be associated with environmental parameters; however, the occurrence of harmful algal blooms could affect this species. The final sizes were 36.8mm and 40.8mm for the low and high density treatments, respectively. The sexual ratio between males and females was 4:1, and 23.6 mm was the minimum size at which the sexes differed.
The mangrove oyster (Crassotrea rhizophorae) has been considered a species with high potential for the aquaculture industry in the countries of the Atlantic coast of America and its production is generally carried out through the extraction of natural banks or by collecting seed for cultivation. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the survival and growth of the mangrove oyster C. rhizophorae from seed produced in the laboratory, which allows knowing the performance of this species under culture conditions in longline-type systems. This work was carried out during a period of 264 days, approximately nine months between October 2011 and July 2012, in the sector of Punta Cuchillo, Paquera, Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica (9.83292 N and 84.87976 W). The growth and survival of a batch of C. rhizophorae seeds produced in the laboratory and cultivated at two planting densities: 30,610 individuals/m2 and 10,200 individuals/m2, corresponding to low and high density treatments, respectively, were evaluated; each treatment had three replicates; suspended at a depth of 1.5 m in a "longline" culture system. Crop maintenance, fouling removal, biometric and survival determinations were performed every 15 days, while the physical-chemical water parameters (salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen) were recorded monthly. The integration of the environmental parameters explains in a statistically significant way the growth behavior in both treatments (P<0.05); no significant difference was found between the treatments at low and high density (P>0.05). The mortality experienced in both treatments could not be associated with environmental parameters; however, the occurrence of harmful algal blooms could affect this species. The final sizes were 36.8mm and 40.8mm for the low and high density treatments, respectively. The sexual ratio between males and females was 4:1, and 23.6 mm was the minimum size at which the sexes differed.
Pacheco Prieto, Ó. J. (2018). Crecimiento y sobrevivencia de la ostra de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guidan 1828) bajo dos densidades de cultivo en un sistema tipo “longline” en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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