Evaluación zooquímica preliminar del coral blanco Iciligorgia Schrammi colectado en Jacó, Herradura de la Costa Rica, como un agente anti-inflamatorio
Castro Carvajal, Josué Francisco
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El estudio zooquímico preliminar en este trabajo demostr6 que el coral blando
lciligorgia schrammi, colectado en la zona rocosa de playa de Jaco. Oceano Pacifico de Costa Rica, localizado entre las coordenadas ogo 37,181' al Ny 084° 38,839' al 0, ya una profundidad de 1,5 men época seca, en marea baja, poseía
un 2,8 % de material orgánico y mediante análisis químicos se confirmó la presencia de terpenos. La mayor parte de los terpenos presentes poseía naturaleza polar por la presencia de grupos hidroxilos.
Al estudiar la actividad anti-inflamatoria del extracto audo y de dos fracciones (una polar y otra no polar), se encontr6 que el extrado crudo poseía una actividad anti inflamatoria estadísticamente significativa mayor a la indometacina, que posiblemente se encuentre relacionada con la inhibici6n de la via de los prostanoides en el foco inflamatorio, pero por su parte las fracciones no mostraron actividad anti-inflamatoria apreciable, lo cual sugiere un efecto sinefgico en el
extrado crudo.
Un aspecto de gran importancia que se evalu6 en este trabajo fue la toxicidad del extracto crudo, ya que esto ayuda a sugerir la cantidad del compuesto que sería recomendable utilizar si se llega a elaborar un producto anti-inflamatorio. Bextracto crudo poseía una toxicidad de 78 ppm {LC50 = 78 ppm).
Además de la aplicaci6n que se encontr6 para el coral blando /. shrammi, fue posible iniciar una primera fase de investigación de un recurso tan valioso de costas de Costa Rica.
The preliminary zoochemical study in this work showed that the soft coral Iciligorgia schrammi, collected in the rocky area of Jaco beach. Pacific Ocean of Costa Rica, located between the coordinates ogo 37.181' to Ny 084° 38.839' to 0, and at a depth of 1.5 m in the dry season, at low tide, had 2.8% organic material and by chemical analysis the presence of terpenes was confirmed. Most of the terpenes present had a polar nature due to the presence of hydroxyl groups. When studying the anti-inflammatory activity of the audio extract and of two fractions (one polar and the other non-polar), it was found that the crude extract had a statistically significant anti-inflammatory activity greater than that of indomethacin, which is possibly related to the inhibition of the pathway of the prostanoids in the inflammatory focus, but for their part the fractions did not show appreciable anti-inflammatory activity, which suggests a synephgic effect in the crude extract. An aspect of great importance that was evaluated in this work was the toxicity of the crude extract, since this helps to suggest the amount of the compound that would be recommended to use if an anti-inflammatory product is elaborated. The crude extract had a toxicity of 78 ppm {LC50 = 78 ppm). In addition to the application found for soft coral /. shrammi, it was possible to initiate a first phase of investigation of such a valuable resource off the coast of Costa Rica.
The preliminary zoochemical study in this work showed that the soft coral Iciligorgia schrammi, collected in the rocky area of Jaco beach. Pacific Ocean of Costa Rica, located between the coordinates ogo 37.181' to Ny 084° 38.839' to 0, and at a depth of 1.5 m in the dry season, at low tide, had 2.8% organic material and by chemical analysis the presence of terpenes was confirmed. Most of the terpenes present had a polar nature due to the presence of hydroxyl groups. When studying the anti-inflammatory activity of the audio extract and of two fractions (one polar and the other non-polar), it was found that the crude extract had a statistically significant anti-inflammatory activity greater than that of indomethacin, which is possibly related to the inhibition of the pathway of the prostanoids in the inflammatory focus, but for their part the fractions did not show appreciable anti-inflammatory activity, which suggests a synephgic effect in the crude extract. An aspect of great importance that was evaluated in this work was the toxicity of the crude extract, since this helps to suggest the amount of the compound that would be recommended to use if an anti-inflammatory product is elaborated. The crude extract had a toxicity of 78 ppm {LC50 = 78 ppm). In addition to the application found for soft coral /. shrammi, it was possible to initiate a first phase of investigation of such a valuable resource off the coast of Costa Rica.
Castro Carvajal. J. F. (2007). Evaluación zooquímica preliminar del coral blanco Iciligorgia Schrammi colectado en Jacó, Herradura de la Costa Rica, como un agente anti-inflamatorio. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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