Análisis de la práctica pedagógica en un salón de clase: una contrastación desde una perspectiva sociohistórica
Abarca Mora, Sonia
Hernández Benavides, Carlos Manuel
Riba Bazo, Guillermo
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
Este trabajo es producto del interés común de los autores por incursionar en la
Teoría Sociohistórica, desarrollada por
Lev Seminonvich Vygotsky y su aplicación en el campo de la educación.
Ese interés también deviene de una temática que surge y reta cotidianamente el quehacer
ordinario de la mayoría de quienes directa o indirectamente se convierten en actores del proceso
En tal sentido, se procurará ofrecer una
experiencia que no pretende juzgar ni concluye
categóricamente en sus apreciones y comentarios, sino aportar un estudio provisional.
Como podrá observarse en su momento, se
conjugan y contrastan algunas reflexiones a la luz
de una teoría y una realidad complejas, al amparo
de la meta de despertar el interés por este campo
particular de estudio.
This work is a product of the common interest of the authors in entering the Socio-Historical Theory, developed by Lev Seminonvich Vygotsky and his application in the field of education. This interest also comes from a theme that emerges and challenges the daily work of most of those who directly or indirectly become actors in the process educational. In this sense, we will try to offer a experience that does not claim to judge or conclude categorically in their assessments and comments, but to provide an interim study. As will be seen in due course, the conjugate and contrast some reflections to the light of a complex theory and reality, under of the goal of awakening interest in this field particular of study.
This work is a product of the common interest of the authors in entering the Socio-Historical Theory, developed by Lev Seminonvich Vygotsky and his application in the field of education. This interest also comes from a theme that emerges and challenges the daily work of most of those who directly or indirectly become actors in the process educational. In this sense, we will try to offer a experience that does not claim to judge or conclude categorically in their assessments and comments, but to provide an interim study. As will be seen in due course, the conjugate and contrast some reflections to the light of a complex theory and reality, under of the goal of awakening interest in this field particular of study.
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