Investigación acción participativa: proceso de reflexión sobre la práctica pedagógica
Chacón Céspedes, Melissa
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Centro de Estudios Generales, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre la experiencia pedagógica del
proceso de investigación acción participativa (IAP), realizada en el curso
de arte llamado “Teatro, Humanismo y Sociedad” del Centro de Estudios
Generales (CEG) de la Universidad Nacional. Mediante la vinculación del
impacto del arte, específicamente el teatro, se potencializa el desarrollo integral en el proceso vivido, pues el propósito fue redescubrirnos, reconocernos, sentirnos, reconectarnos, revivir oprimido la institucionalidad educativa. Se lograron visualizar estructuras para luchar contra el control, el respeto por medio del temor, la burla, la educación bancaria, la imposición, factores vividos en los espacios educativos tradicionales. La experiencia se basa en la pedagogía de Paulo Freire. Se parte de que las artes tienen múltiples códigos de expresión, su propósito es humanizar y sensibilizar por medio de diversos lenguajes, poseen una capacidad de transmitir mensajes, ideas, sensaciones, emociones, reflexiones; ha sido un medio para comunicar, aportando a la vida de las personas múltiples beneficios, a pesar de las ventajas que aporta el arte a las personas, en Costa Rica el desarrollo de dicha
actividad ha sido un proceso lento.
The article presents a reflection on the pedagogical experience of the participatory action research (PAR) process, carried out in the art course called "Theater, Humanism and Society" of the Center for General Studies (CEG) of the National University. By linking the impact of art, specifically theater, the integral development of the lived process is potentiated, since the purpose was to rediscover ourselves, recognize ourselves, feel ourselves, reconnect ourselves, revive the oppressed educational institutionality. We were able to visualize structures to fight against control, respect through fear, mockery, banking education, imposition, factors experienced in traditional educational spaces. The experience is based on Paulo Freire's pedagogy. It is assumed that the arts have multiple codes of expression, their purpose is to humanize and sensitize through different languages, they have the capacity to transmit messages, ideas, sensations, emotions, reflections; it has been a means to communicate, bringing multiple benefits to people's lives, in spite of the advantages that art brings to people, in Costa Rica the development of this activity has been a slow process.
The article presents a reflection on the pedagogical experience of the participatory action research (PAR) process, carried out in the art course called "Theater, Humanism and Society" of the Center for General Studies (CEG) of the National University. By linking the impact of art, specifically theater, the integral development of the lived process is potentiated, since the purpose was to rediscover ourselves, recognize ourselves, feel ourselves, reconnect ourselves, revive the oppressed educational institutionality. We were able to visualize structures to fight against control, respect through fear, mockery, banking education, imposition, factors experienced in traditional educational spaces. The experience is based on Paulo Freire's pedagogy. It is assumed that the arts have multiple codes of expression, their purpose is to humanize and sensitize through different languages, they have the capacity to transmit messages, ideas, sensations, emotions, reflections; it has been a means to communicate, bringing multiple benefits to people's lives, in spite of the advantages that art brings to people, in Costa Rica the development of this activity has been a slow process.
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