Evaluación del grado de frescura del pescado de mar y tilapia mediante un método organoléptico durante su recibo en establecimientos procesadores y exportadores del país
Castillo Mc Quiddy, Gabriela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Un total de 1582 muestras de pescado de 14 especies marinas: atún aleta amarilla, atún big eye,
cabrilla, congrio, corvina reina, dorado, pez espada, macarela, marlín blanco, marlín rosado, pargo
seda, pargo mancha, tiburón y pez vela, y una especie de acuicultura (tilapia), fueron recibidas
en siete diferentes plantas procesadoras y exportadoras del país, para ser analizadas y
posteriormente ser clasificadas según su grado de frescura, según el cual, las estructuras pueden
ser catalogadas en cuatro categorías o clases: Extra (Muy buena calidad), A (Calidad regular), B
(Mala Calidad) y C (No apta para el consumo humano).
El método organoléptico es catalogado como rápido y eficaz, para detectar cambios físicos en el
producto pesquero capturado, donde cada país debe adoptar su propio método sensorial, de acuerdo
con las especies comercializadas, para mantener un valor alto en su frescura o calidad y así poder
satisfacer tanto los mercados locales como los internacionales.
Las alteraciones observadas en las especies estudiadas e inspeccionadas mediante el método
organoléptico, se deben a procesos irreversibles, de autolisis (debido a la variedad de enzimas
presentes en el músculo, que se incorporan a reacciones degradativas) y a la multiplicación
Se concluyó que el método organoléptico es un procedimiento que permite agilizar el proceso
de recepción de productos pesqueros o acuícolas, los cuales son altamente perecederos, para
que los mismos sean aceptados o rechazados sin demora alguna y para que posteriormente
sean enfriados, procesados, empacados y enviados a su destino final.
Se recomienda que, una vez que el pescado es extraído del mar, debe ser eviscerado
completamente, lavado e inmediatamente refrigerado a la temperatura más baja posible y
mantenerse en esas condiciones un periodo tan corto como sea posible.
A total of 1582 fish samples from 14 marine fish: yellow fin tuna, big eye tuna, comber, conger, queen croaker, goldfish, swordfish, mackerel, white marlin, pink marlin, silk snapper, spot snapper, Tiburon, and sailfish, and one species of aquaculture (tilapia), were received in seven different processing and export plants of the country to be analyzed and then be classified according to their freshness, according to which structures can be categorized into four categories or classes: Extra (very good quality), A (Regular Quality), B (Poor Quality) and C (not fit for human consumption). The organoleptic method is classified as a fast and efficient to detect physical changes in the capture fishery product, where each country should adopt its own sensory method, according to the species traded, to maintain a high value on freshness or quality and thus be able satisfy both the local and international markets. The changes observed in the species studied and inspected by organoleptic method, are due to irreversible processes of autolysis (due to the variety of enzymes present in muscle, which are incorporated into degradative reactions) and bacterial multiplication. It was concluded that the organoleptic method is a procedure to let the process of receiving fishery or aquaculture products, which are highly perishable, so that they are accepted or rejected without delay and that are subsequently cooled, processed, packaged and sent to their final destination. It's recommended that once the fish is taken out of the sea should be completely gutted, washed and immediately cooled to the lowest possible temperature and maintained under these conditions a period as short as possible.
A total of 1582 fish samples from 14 marine fish: yellow fin tuna, big eye tuna, comber, conger, queen croaker, goldfish, swordfish, mackerel, white marlin, pink marlin, silk snapper, spot snapper, Tiburon, and sailfish, and one species of aquaculture (tilapia), were received in seven different processing and export plants of the country to be analyzed and then be classified according to their freshness, according to which structures can be categorized into four categories or classes: Extra (very good quality), A (Regular Quality), B (Poor Quality) and C (not fit for human consumption). The organoleptic method is classified as a fast and efficient to detect physical changes in the capture fishery product, where each country should adopt its own sensory method, according to the species traded, to maintain a high value on freshness or quality and thus be able satisfy both the local and international markets. The changes observed in the species studied and inspected by organoleptic method, are due to irreversible processes of autolysis (due to the variety of enzymes present in muscle, which are incorporated into degradative reactions) and bacterial multiplication. It was concluded that the organoleptic method is a procedure to let the process of receiving fishery or aquaculture products, which are highly perishable, so that they are accepted or rejected without delay and that are subsequently cooled, processed, packaged and sent to their final destination. It's recommended that once the fish is taken out of the sea should be completely gutted, washed and immediately cooled to the lowest possible temperature and maintained under these conditions a period as short as possible.
Modalidad: Proyecto de Graduación
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