Repelencia de tres extractos naturales en el combate de mosca blanca Bemista tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) en el cultivo del melón en la zona de Trinidad Vieja de Salinas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Corrales Castillo, Jordan Eliécer
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias
Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de repelencia de tres extractos naturales de plantas
de fácil acceso: tomillo, chile picante/ajo y canela/clavo de olor, para combatir la mosca
blanca en el cultivo de melón, se evaluó la efectividad de estos productos orgánicos en
relación a un control, que fue la aplicación con Plural 20 OD (Imidacloprid), un
insecticida comúnmente utilizado en este cultivo. El estudio se realizó en una finca
propiedad de la empresa agrícola MAYAN S.A de Orotina en Esparza, Puntarenas, Costa
Rica. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado, de tres tratamientos
con tres repeticiones y el control, en donde se determinó el efecto de repelencia mediante
un conteo de estos insectos antes y posterior a la aplicación. De ahí se estableció un
porcentaje de eficiencia de los extractos.
En el análisis estadístico se realizó una prueba de Shapiro-Wilk en la que se determinó
la distribución de los datos, además se implementó una prueba de rangos con signos de
Wilcoxon con el fin de contrastar las distribuciones del Índice Medio de Infestación
(IMI) precisamente antes y después de las aplicaciones y finalmente se implementó un
Modelo Lineal Generalizado (MLG) para explicar la tendencia de los datos y el
comportamiento de la variabilidad en los resultados. El tratamiento que mejor mostró su
eficiencia de control de la plaga de mosca blanca fue precisamente el insecticida, sin
embargo esta eficiencia fue disminuyendo con el paso de las semanas. Entre los extractos
el que mostró una mayor disminución en el IMI resultó ser el de canela/clavo de olor; y
su efecto sobre la disminución en la población persistió más en el tiempo. No se
encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los repelentes de extractos
naturales, sólo de estos contra el control.
The aim of this thesis reached to analyse the effect of three natural repellents made from extracts of thyme, spicy/garlic and cinnamon/clove for decreasing whitefly´s infest on melon crops in Costa Rica. The effectiveness of these organic products were examined in relation to a control treatment using Plural 20 OD (Imidacloprid), a commonly insecticide. The study was carried out on a farm owned by the agricultural company MAYAN de Orotina S.A in Esparza, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. We used a completely randomized experimental design of repeated measurements for three treatments with three replicates, where the effect of repellence was determined by counting white flies before and after applications have been done so fitting an index: Average Infestation Index (AII). Then, the percentage of efficiency of the extracts was established depending whether AII increases or decreases. The statistical analysis was performed initially using a Shapiro-Wilk test to determine the distribution of data, in addition a test of ranged Wilcoxon signs was implemented in order to contrast the AII distributions just before and afterward that applications were applied and finally a Generalized Linear Model (MLG) was implemented to detail data pattern and variability. The treatment that best showed efficiency controlling the white fly pest was precisely the insecticide, however this efficiency decreases over the time. The best treatment that decrease white fly population was obtained using the extract of cinnamon/clove. Also, this treatment persisted during long time decreasing white fly population on crop. No statistically significant differences were found between natural extracts repellents, there was only differences on treatments against control depending what week is part of the analysis.
The aim of this thesis reached to analyse the effect of three natural repellents made from extracts of thyme, spicy/garlic and cinnamon/clove for decreasing whitefly´s infest on melon crops in Costa Rica. The effectiveness of these organic products were examined in relation to a control treatment using Plural 20 OD (Imidacloprid), a commonly insecticide. The study was carried out on a farm owned by the agricultural company MAYAN de Orotina S.A in Esparza, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. We used a completely randomized experimental design of repeated measurements for three treatments with three replicates, where the effect of repellence was determined by counting white flies before and after applications have been done so fitting an index: Average Infestation Index (AII). Then, the percentage of efficiency of the extracts was established depending whether AII increases or decreases. The statistical analysis was performed initially using a Shapiro-Wilk test to determine the distribution of data, in addition a test of ranged Wilcoxon signs was implemented in order to contrast the AII distributions just before and afterward that applications were applied and finally a Generalized Linear Model (MLG) was implemented to detail data pattern and variability. The treatment that best showed efficiency controlling the white fly pest was precisely the insecticide, however this efficiency decreases over the time. The best treatment that decrease white fly population was obtained using the extract of cinnamon/clove. Also, this treatment persisted during long time decreasing white fly population on crop. No statistically significant differences were found between natural extracts repellents, there was only differences on treatments against control depending what week is part of the analysis.
Palabras clave
Corrales-Castillo, J. (2017). Repelencia de tres extractos naturales en el combate de mosca blanca Bemista tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) en el cultivo del melón en la zona de Trinidad Vieja de Salinas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. (Tesis de Licenciatura en Ingeniería Agronómica). Universidad Nacional.