Análisis de las Relaciones Bilaterales entre Cuba y Costa Rica 1890-1910
Montiel Carrillo, Harinton Ernesto
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Uno de los aspectos fundamentales que me mueven a realizar esta investigación es el sentimental, primordialmente, y lo académico en lo profesional, ya que por mi lado materno soy el nieto mayor. Mi abuelo Jacinto Carrillo Carrillo (q.d.D.g) era, a su vez, nieto del general Francisco Adolfo Crombet Tejera, para la historia Flor Crombet, a quien nunca conoció.
Tuve la dicha de compartir más de la mitad de lo que llevo de vida con mi abuelo, y fueron incontables las ocasiones en las cuales él, conocido en su natal Nicoya por su profesión como: ―El barbero del pueblo‖, me contó una y otra vez, lleno de sentimiento y con ideas muy generales de su nexo sanguíneo con Cuba, lo que desde niño despertó mi interés, y es lo que me tiene aquí presente ahora.
Una vez estando pequeño, me pidió mi abuelo que cuando trabajase lo llevara a Cuba con el fin de buscar a su familia lo cual no pude cumplir, ya que mi abuelo falleció cuando yo apenas tenia siete meses de laborar...
One of the fundamental aspects that move me to carry out this research is the sentimental, primarily, and the academic in the professional, since on my maternal side I am the eldest grandson. My grandfather Jacinto Carrillo Carrillo (q.d.d.g) was, in turn, grandson of General Francisco Adolfo Crombet Tejera, for history Flor Crombet, whom he never met. I had the joy of sharing more than half of my life with my grandfather, and there were countless occasions in which he, known in his native Nicoya for his profession as -The people's barber‖, told me over and over again, full of feeling and with very general ideas of his blood link with Cuba, which since childhood aroused my interest, and is what has me here present now. Once, when I was a child, my grandfather asked me to take him to Cuba when I was working in order to look for his family, which I was unable to do, since my grandfather passed away when I was only seven months old...
One of the fundamental aspects that move me to carry out this research is the sentimental, primarily, and the academic in the professional, since on my maternal side I am the eldest grandson. My grandfather Jacinto Carrillo Carrillo (q.d.d.g) was, in turn, grandson of General Francisco Adolfo Crombet Tejera, for history Flor Crombet, whom he never met. I had the joy of sharing more than half of my life with my grandfather, and there were countless occasions in which he, known in his native Nicoya for his profession as -The people's barber‖, told me over and over again, full of feeling and with very general ideas of his blood link with Cuba, which since childhood aroused my interest, and is what has me here present now. Once, when I was a child, my grandfather asked me to take him to Cuba when I was working in order to look for his family, which I was unable to do, since my grandfather passed away when I was only seven months old...
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