Propuesta de Plan Estratégico para el Comité de Deportes y Recreación de Belén 2019-2023
Jiménez Montoya, Candy Cristina
Nájera Alvarado, Alice Francinni
. Soto Céspedes, Rolando Vinicio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo final de graduación se centró en los procesos de planificación del
Comité de Deportes y Recreación de Belén, y tuvo como propósito orientar la toma de
decisión en la organización. Es un trabajo tipo descriptivo, ya que se ahondó en la recolección
de datos para luego brindar resultados a la Junta directiva y personal administrativo.
La metodología utilizada fue la revisión y análisis exhausto de fuentes secundarias
tanto a nivel nacional como internacional de entes rectores y promotores de la salud, el
deporte y la recreación. Además, para recopilar la información se utilizaron fuentes primarias
que se llevaron a cabo través de diversas técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas.
Entre los resultados arrojados más importantes destacan: el haber identificado las
fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas de la organización, para luego valorarlos
y priorizar los elementos, de los cuales se partió para la construcción de los siguientes ejes
estratégicos: aprendizaje y crecimiento, gestión interna, financiamiento y comunidad, todos
con su respectivo objetivo estratégico y acciones.
Al terminar de procesar los datos y obtener los resultados, se recomiendan algunos
aspectos, entre los más importantes destacan: explorar a futuro nuevas áreas estratégicas, que
antes no eran contempladas como la coordinación interinstitucional e interdisciplinaria, la
captación de nuevos ingresos a través de otras fuentes de financiamiento, promover mayor
acercamiento e involucramiento de la comunidad en las diversas actividades del Comité, la
mejora de la gestión administrativa y capacidades del recurso humano, lo anterior con la
finalidad de lograr mayor asertividad del Comité en sus actividades lo cual influirá de
manera positiva en el bienestar y calidad de vida de la población Belemita.
The present final graduation work focused on the planning processes of the Sports and Recreation Committee of Bethlehem, and its purpose was to guide the taking of decision in the organization. It is a descriptive type work, since it delved into the collection of data and then provide results to the Board of Directors and administrative staff. The methodology used was the review and exhaustive analysis of secondary sources both nationally and internationally of governing bodies and health promoters, the sport and recreation. In addition, primary sources were used to collect the information. that were carried out through various quantitative and qualitative techniques. Among the most important results obtained, the following stand out: having identified the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the organization, to later assess them and prioritize the elements, from which it was started for the construction of the following axes strategic: learning and growth, internal management, financing and community, all with their respective strategic objective and actions. When you finish processing the data and get the results, some recommended aspects, among the most important are: exploring new strategic areas in the future, which Before, they were not considered as inter-institutional and interdisciplinary coordination, attracting new income through other sources of financing, promoting greater approach and involvement of the community in the various activities of the Committee, improvement of administrative management and human resource capacities, the above with the purpose of achieving greater assertiveness of the Committee in its activities which will influence positive way in the well-being and quality of life of the Belemita population.
The present final graduation work focused on the planning processes of the Sports and Recreation Committee of Bethlehem, and its purpose was to guide the taking of decision in the organization. It is a descriptive type work, since it delved into the collection of data and then provide results to the Board of Directors and administrative staff. The methodology used was the review and exhaustive analysis of secondary sources both nationally and internationally of governing bodies and health promoters, the sport and recreation. In addition, primary sources were used to collect the information. that were carried out through various quantitative and qualitative techniques. Among the most important results obtained, the following stand out: having identified the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the organization, to later assess them and prioritize the elements, from which it was started for the construction of the following axes strategic: learning and growth, internal management, financing and community, all with their respective strategic objective and actions. When you finish processing the data and get the results, some recommended aspects, among the most important are: exploring new strategic areas in the future, which Before, they were not considered as inter-institutional and interdisciplinary coordination, attracting new income through other sources of financing, promoting greater approach and involvement of the community in the various activities of the Committee, improvement of administrative management and human resource capacities, the above with the purpose of achieving greater assertiveness of the Committee in its activities which will influence positive way in the well-being and quality of life of the Belemita population.
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