¡Ale che buglere tadege! 3 : chadaguara soadanga no
Bolaños Villalobos, Isabel Cristina
Quesada Pacheco, Juan Diego
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este libro es parte de un proyecto de apoyo al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua buglere para niños nativos y descendientes buglé. Hasta ahora se han diseñado tres libros para primero, segundo y tercer grado respectivamente.
Los libros están divididos en tres unidades. El libro 3 presenta las unidades: Vivo en una comunidad buglé; Comidas y siembras; y Artes y oficios, las cuales tienen que ser estudiadas a través del año. Se calcula que cada unidad tomará dos meses en ser desarrollada.
Cada unidad está dividida en cuatro lecciones: Presentación de la estructura; Práctica controlada; Práctica libre; y Evaluación de la unidad. Cada una de las lecciones tienen un objetivo específico que promueve el estudio de los contenidos en distintas formas.
Cada lección presenta una serie de ejercicios para que los niños puedan practicar las estructuras y el vocabulario ampliamente. Todos los ejercicios pueden ser ampliados adaptándolos a los niños en el aula. Es necesario que se utilicen los ejercicios cuidadosamente, con el fin de que todos los niños tengan la oportunidad de realizarlos, leer, participar y aclarar dudas.
La Guía del Maestro, de la cual solamente usted tiene copia, presenta en color café la traducción al español del contenido del libro de los estudiantes. Trate de no utilizarlas con los niños, pero acuda a ellas
cuando sea necesario para aclarar dudas.
Al inicio de cada unidad encontrará una lista detallada de los procedimientos para realizar cada ejercicio. Por supuesto, usted puede complementar o modificar esos procedimientos según los niños lo necesiten. Recordemos que el objetivo primordial es que los niños entiendan el contenido y practiquen los ejercicios la mayoría de veces posible. Es importante saber que la repetición es una estrategia muy valiosa en el aprendizaje de lenguas.
This book is part of a project to support the teaching-learning process of the Buglere language for children of Buglé natives and descendants. So far, three books have been designed for first, second and third grade respectively. The books are divided into three units. Book 3 presents the units: I live in a Buglé community; Meals and crops; and Arts and crafts, which have to be studied throughout the year. It is estimated that each unit will take two months to develop. Each unit is divided into four lessons: Presentation of the structure; Controlled practice; Free practice; and Unit evaluation. Each of the lessons has a specific objective that promotes the study of the contents in different ways. Each lesson presents a series of exercises so that children can practice the structures and vocabulary extensively. All exercises can be extended by adapting them to the children in the classroom. The exercises need to be used carefully, so that all children have the opportunity to do them, read, participate and clarify doubts. The Teacher's Guide, of which only you have a copy, presents in brown color the Spanish translation of the content of the students' book. Try not to use them with the children, but refer to them when necessary to clarify doubts. when necessary to clarify doubts. At the beginning of each unit you will find a detailed list of the procedures to perform each exercise. Of course, you can supplement or modify these procedures as the children need them. Remember that the primary objective is that the children understand the content and practice the exercises as many times as possible. It is important to know that repetition is a very valuable strategy in language learning.
This book is part of a project to support the teaching-learning process of the Buglere language for children of Buglé natives and descendants. So far, three books have been designed for first, second and third grade respectively. The books are divided into three units. Book 3 presents the units: I live in a Buglé community; Meals and crops; and Arts and crafts, which have to be studied throughout the year. It is estimated that each unit will take two months to develop. Each unit is divided into four lessons: Presentation of the structure; Controlled practice; Free practice; and Unit evaluation. Each of the lessons has a specific objective that promotes the study of the contents in different ways. Each lesson presents a series of exercises so that children can practice the structures and vocabulary extensively. All exercises can be extended by adapting them to the children in the classroom. The exercises need to be used carefully, so that all children have the opportunity to do them, read, participate and clarify doubts. The Teacher's Guide, of which only you have a copy, presents in brown color the Spanish translation of the content of the students' book. Try not to use them with the children, but refer to them when necessary to clarify doubts. when necessary to clarify doubts. At the beginning of each unit you will find a detailed list of the procedures to perform each exercise. Of course, you can supplement or modify these procedures as the children need them. Remember that the primary objective is that the children understand the content and practice the exercises as many times as possible. It is important to know that repetition is a very valuable strategy in language learning.
Este es el tercer libro de la colección ¡Aprendamos buglere! Esta versión del docente incluye su traducción al español y guías metodológicas para la enseñanza de la lengua buglere.
Ediciones Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje
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