Experiencias de profesores de matemática al implementar adecuaciones curriculares significativas en el aula de secundaria en educación diversificada
Aguilar Chaves, Alberto
Chavarría Segura, Lilliana
Mora Campos, Nuria
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Esta tesis se realizó con el propósito de conocer y analizar experiencias que tienen profesores de matemática participantes, al implementar Adecuaciones Curriculares Significativas (ACS) en su aula. También se buscaba aprender sobre su formación profesional para realizar el proceso de implementación de dichas adecuaciones, perspectivas y responsabilidades para con los estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE) que requieren de ACS.
Un estudiante con NEE es aquel que presenta dificultades mayores que el resto de los alumnos para acceder a los aprendizajes que determina el currículo que le corresponde por su edad. Este alumno para compensar esas dificultades requiere de algún tipo de adecuación y, en algunos, casos requiere de ACS.
La investigación se llevó a cabo en un colegio público, académico, diurno en secundaria, ubicado en un cantón de la provincia de Heredia. El trabajo de campo se realizó durante el segundo y el tercer periodo del año 2010.
Los protagonistas de este proceso fueron dos profesores de matemática que tenían a cargo, cada uno, dos estudiantes con NEE que requieren de ACS. Tres de estos estudiantes eran de décimo año y uno de undécimo.
Otros Participantes, fueron los padres de familia de los estudiantes que requerían como aPOY0 ACS, miembros del Comité de Apoyo Educativo (CAE), así como del Comité de Evaluación (CE). Todos ellos actores importantes en la atención de las NEE, brindando diferentes apoyos para la implementación de las ACS en matemática.
A diferencia de otros estudios, tales como Chavarría (2008) y Arley et al. (2008), éste tuvo su foco investigativo, en profesores de matemática que tenían a cargo estudiantes con Con base en los hallazgos reportados, se formularon recomendaciones con el propósito de mejorar los procesos al implementar las ACS en el contexto de secundaria, en matemática. Entre las más relevantes están comunicación constante entre: padres de familia de estudiantes con NEE que requieren de ACS, docentes y CAE, con el fin de que el apoyo que se le brinda al estudiante con NEE sea integral.
La conducción de esta investigación vino a llenar un vacío existente en esta línea de investigación. En efecto, el docente de matemática tiene entre sus responsabilidades la implementación de las ACS en sus lecciones, de ahí el interés de abordar este proceso investigativo, desde las vivencias de Selena y José, principales participantes en esta investigación.
This thesis was carried out with the purpose of knowing and analyzing experiences that participating mathematics teachers have, when implementing Significant Curricular Adaptations (ACS) in their classroom. It also sought to learn about their professional training to carry out the process of implementing said adaptations, perspectives and responsibilities towards students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) who require ACS. A student with SEN is one who presents greater difficulties than the rest of the students in accessing the learning determined by the curriculum that corresponds to them for their age. To compensate for these difficulties, this student requires some type of adaptation and, in some cases, requires ACS. The research was carried out in a public, academic, secondary day school, located in a canton of the province of Heredia. The field work was carried out during the second and third periods of 2010. The protagonists of this process were two mathematics teachers who were each in charge of two students with SEN who require ACS. Three of these students were tenth graders and one was eleventh grade. Other Participants were the parents of the students who required ACS as support, members of the Educational Support Committee (CAE), as well as the Evaluation Committee (CE). All of them important actors in the attention of the SEN, providing different supports for the implementation of the ACS in mathematics. Unlike other studies, such as Chavarría (2008) and Arley et al. (2008), this had its investigative focus, in mathematics teachers who were in charge of students with Based on the reported findings, recommendations were formulated with the purpose of improving the processes when implementing the ACS in the secondary context, in mathematics. Among the most relevant are constant communication between: parents of students with SEN who require ACS, teachers and CAE, so that the support provided to students with SEN is comprehensive. The conduct of this research came to fill an existing gap in this line of research. Indeed, the mathematics teacher has among his responsibilities the implementation of the ACS in his lessons, hence the interest in addressing this investigative process, from the experiences of Selena and José, main participants in this investigation.
This thesis was carried out with the purpose of knowing and analyzing experiences that participating mathematics teachers have, when implementing Significant Curricular Adaptations (ACS) in their classroom. It also sought to learn about their professional training to carry out the process of implementing said adaptations, perspectives and responsibilities towards students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) who require ACS. A student with SEN is one who presents greater difficulties than the rest of the students in accessing the learning determined by the curriculum that corresponds to them for their age. To compensate for these difficulties, this student requires some type of adaptation and, in some cases, requires ACS. The research was carried out in a public, academic, secondary day school, located in a canton of the province of Heredia. The field work was carried out during the second and third periods of 2010. The protagonists of this process were two mathematics teachers who were each in charge of two students with SEN who require ACS. Three of these students were tenth graders and one was eleventh grade. Other Participants were the parents of the students who required ACS as support, members of the Educational Support Committee (CAE), as well as the Evaluation Committee (CE). All of them important actors in the attention of the SEN, providing different supports for the implementation of the ACS in mathematics. Unlike other studies, such as Chavarría (2008) and Arley et al. (2008), this had its investigative focus, in mathematics teachers who were in charge of students with Based on the reported findings, recommendations were formulated with the purpose of improving the processes when implementing the ACS in the secondary context, in mathematics. Among the most relevant are constant communication between: parents of students with SEN who require ACS, teachers and CAE, so that the support provided to students with SEN is comprehensive. The conduct of this research came to fill an existing gap in this line of research. Indeed, the mathematics teacher has among his responsibilities the implementation of the ACS in his lessons, hence the interest in addressing this investigative process, from the experiences of Selena and José, main participants in this investigation.
Aguilar Chaves, A.; Chavarría Segura, L. & Mora Campos, N. (2011). Experiencias de profesores de matemática al implementar adecuaciones curriculares significativas en el aula de secundaria en educación diversificada. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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