Adaptación de prácticas DevOps para aumentar el ‘Scrum Velocity’ del proyecto SecurityOps en Componentes Intel Costa Rica S.A.
Piedra Hidalgo, Mauricio
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Resumen. SecurityOps es un proyecto utilizado como repositorio para investigaciones de casos de seguridad informática de la empresa Intel® y se encuentra ubicado en el departamento de Seguridad Informática. La herramienta es utilizada por más de cien usuarios en la empresa y tiene una gran relevancia para esta, pues en ella se encuentra información sensible que ocupa un alto grado de disponibilidad y un constante manejo de las mejoras que los clientes solicitan frecuentemente. Los integrantes del proyecto han identificado problemas con respecto a la cantidad de trabajo que se entrega al cliente final, la cual tiene un grado de estancamiento y no se está cumpliendo con la expectativa de entrega de los clientes, afectando su modelo del negocio. Por lo tanto, la investigación consiste en una estrategia para implementar un marco de trabajo que permita mejorar esos números de entrega, utilizando la misma cantidad de miembros en el equipo y evitando la contratación de más plazas para el mismo. El marco de trabajo propuesto es DevOps, el cual procura combinar las actividades de desarrollo y operaciones, donde no existan miembros del equipo específicos para cada tarea, sino que todos tengan las capacidades y herramientas para ejecutar cualquier actividad en el equipo. A partir de los hallazgos identificados en el escenario previo a la investigación, se logra evidenciar una marcable deuda técnica en el equipo, lo que significa que no todos los miembros del mismo pueden trabajar ciertas tareas, lo cual crea un sobrecargo en ciertos recursos, por ende, retrasos en la entrega. Además, se evidencian otras falencias que afectan la velocidad de la productividad del proyecto. Finalmente, el desarrollo de la propuesta solución se basa en la implementación del marco de trabajo DevOps, implementación que se divide en tres grandes pilares, los cuales están compuestos por actividades específicas que sumadas y ejecutadas dan como resultado la obtención del objetivo principal de cada uno de esos pilares. Se plantean las conclusiones y recomendaciones del caso, así como las acciones futuras que deben tomarse en consideración para la implementación de otros procesos según las prácticas del marco de trabajo seleccionado.
Abstract. SecurityOps is a project used as a repository for computer security case investigations at Intel® and is located in the Computer Security department. The tool is used by more than one hundred users in the company and has great relevance for the company, since it contains sensitive information that requires a high degree of availability and a constant management of the improvements that customers frequently request. The members of the project have identified problems with respect to the amount of work delivered to the final client, which has a degree of stagnation and is not meeting the clients' delivery expectations, affecting their business model. Therefore, the research consists of a strategy to implement a framework to improve those delivery numbers, using the same amount of team members and avoiding the hiring of more team members. The proposed framework is DevOps, which seeks to combine development and operations activities, where there are no specific team members for each task, but everyone has the capabilities and tools to execute any activity in the team. From the findings identified in the scenario prior to the research, it is possible to evidence a marked technical debt in the team, which means that not all team members can work on certain tasks, which creates an overload in certain resources, thus, delays in delivery. In addition, there are other shortcomings that affect the speed of project productivity. Finally, the development of the proposed solution is based on the implementation of the DevOps framework, implementation that is divided into three main pillars, which are composed of specific activities that added and executed result in the achievement of the main objective of each of these pillars. The conclusions and recommendations of the case are presented, as well as future actions to be taken into consideration for the implementation of other processes according to the practices of the selected framework.
Abstract. SecurityOps is a project used as a repository for computer security case investigations at Intel® and is located in the Computer Security department. The tool is used by more than one hundred users in the company and has great relevance for the company, since it contains sensitive information that requires a high degree of availability and a constant management of the improvements that customers frequently request. The members of the project have identified problems with respect to the amount of work delivered to the final client, which has a degree of stagnation and is not meeting the clients' delivery expectations, affecting their business model. Therefore, the research consists of a strategy to implement a framework to improve those delivery numbers, using the same amount of team members and avoiding the hiring of more team members. The proposed framework is DevOps, which seeks to combine development and operations activities, where there are no specific team members for each task, but everyone has the capabilities and tools to execute any activity in the team. From the findings identified in the scenario prior to the research, it is possible to evidence a marked technical debt in the team, which means that not all team members can work on certain tasks, which creates an overload in certain resources, thus, delays in delivery. In addition, there are other shortcomings that affect the speed of project productivity. Finally, the development of the proposed solution is based on the implementation of the DevOps framework, implementation that is divided into three main pillars, which are composed of specific activities that added and executed result in the achievement of the main objective of each of these pillars. The conclusions and recommendations of the case are presented, as well as future actions to be taken into consideration for the implementation of other processes according to the practices of the selected framework.
Piedra Hidalgo, M. (2019). Adaptación de prácticas DevOps para aumentar el ‘Scrum Velocity’ del proyecto SecurityOps en Componentes Intel Costa Rica S.A. [Tesis de Maestría]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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