Espiritualidad(es) y educación para la paz
Paniagua Calvo, Ricardo Antonio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este documento es el resultado de un Trabajo Final de Graduación presentado
para optar por el grado de Magíster en Derechos Humanos y Educación para la
Paz, posgrado profesional del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la
Universidad Nacional con sede en Heredia, Costa Rica.
Su autor quiere mostrar que el tema de la espiritualidad tiene una reveladora
pertinencia en la actualidad, máxime si se le coloca en diálogo con la cuestión
de los derechos humanos y una de sus más significativas tareas, la educación
para la paz. Se estima que en el contexto costarricense, particularmente
marcado en la última década por un debate social en torno al lugar de lo
religioso, una reflexión académica informada, respetuosa y crítica sobre las
relaciones educación para la paz- espiritualidad puede ser un aporte de gran
Dicha reflexión, se asegura, será de mayor provecho si surge al interno de la
misma Maestría, lugar académico que, a pesar de concebirse como una
maestría interdisciplinaria y pluricultural, tiene pocos espacios para una
reflexión como la que se propone. Por ello, tomando como referencia, entre
otras herramientas metodológicas, la opinión de algunas personas docentes y
estudiantes de la Maestría en Derechos Humanos y Educación para la Paz, se
hace una propuesta de curso optativo que complemente el plan de estudios, y
permita a los y las profesionales que la cursan, además de construir una
concepción crítica e integral de la espiritualidad y su relación con la praxis
educativa por la paz, logren que la experiencia del curso impacte de manera
creativa sus esfuerzos por educar para la paz y, más aún, la totalidad de su
praxis profesional.
This document is the result of a Final Graduation Work presented to opt for the Master's degree in Human Rights and Education for the Paz, professional graduate of the Institute of Latin American Studies of the National University based in Heredia, Costa Rica. Its author wants to show that the theme of spirituality has a revealing relevance today, especially if placed in dialogue with the question of human rights and one of its most significant tasks, education for peace. It is estimated that in the Costa Rican context, particularly marked in the last decade by a social debate around the place of religious, an informed, respectful and critical academic reflection on the peace education-spirituality relationships can be a great contribution benefit. Such reflection, it is assured, will be of greater benefit if it arises within the same Master's degree, an academic place that, despite being conceived as a interdisciplinary and multicultural master's degree, it has few spaces for a reflection like the one proposed. Therefore, taking as a reference, between other methodological tools, the opinion of some teachers and students of the Master in Human Rights and Education for Peace, makes an optional course proposal that complements the curriculum, and allow the professionals who study it, in addition to building a critical and comprehensive conception of spirituality and its relationship with praxis educational for peace, make the course experience impact in a way creative their efforts to educate for peace and, furthermore, the entirety of their professional praxis.
This document is the result of a Final Graduation Work presented to opt for the Master's degree in Human Rights and Education for the Paz, professional graduate of the Institute of Latin American Studies of the National University based in Heredia, Costa Rica. Its author wants to show that the theme of spirituality has a revealing relevance today, especially if placed in dialogue with the question of human rights and one of its most significant tasks, education for peace. It is estimated that in the Costa Rican context, particularly marked in the last decade by a social debate around the place of religious, an informed, respectful and critical academic reflection on the peace education-spirituality relationships can be a great contribution benefit. Such reflection, it is assured, will be of greater benefit if it arises within the same Master's degree, an academic place that, despite being conceived as a interdisciplinary and multicultural master's degree, it has few spaces for a reflection like the one proposed. Therefore, taking as a reference, between other methodological tools, the opinion of some teachers and students of the Master in Human Rights and Education for Peace, makes an optional course proposal that complements the curriculum, and allow the professionals who study it, in addition to building a critical and comprehensive conception of spirituality and its relationship with praxis educational for peace, make the course experience impact in a way creative their efforts to educate for peace and, furthermore, the entirety of their professional praxis.
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