Corredor Biológico Interurbano Río Bermúdez para las comunidades de Heredia: Una propuesta de la Universidad Nacional
Romero-Vargas, Marilyn
Bermúdez-Rojas, Tania
Alfaro-Sánchez, Marvin
Durán-Apuy, Alejandro
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Costa Rica es reconocida internacionalmente por su
política ambiental y sus acciones exitosas en la protección
de áreas silvestres (Obando 2007), sin embargo,
hay una deuda pendiente asociada a la falta de prioridad
ambiental en la forma de planificar la ocupación del
suelo (Programa Estado de la Nación 2017). En este sentido,
los desafíos que enfrenta el país se centran en los espacios
urbanos consolidados, así como aquellos emergentes, donde
las problemáticas ambientales van en aumento.
Problemáticas como emisiones contaminantes (Herrera
et al., 2017), poca gestión de residuos sólidos y poco
alcance del tratamiento de aguas residuales (Programa Estado
de la Nación 2017), insuficiente cantidad y calidad de
áreas verdes urbanas tanto públicas y privadas (Morales-
Cerdas et al., 2018; Programa Estado de la Nación, 2017),
provocan el deterioro y disminución de los servicios ecosistémicos
en la ciudad.
Costa Rica is internationally recognized for its environmental policy and its successful actions in the protection of wild areas (Obando 2007), however, there is an outstanding debt associated with the lack of priority environmental in the way of planning the occupation of the soil (State of the Nation Program 2017). In this sense, The challenges facing the country focus on spaces consolidated urban areas, as well as those emerging, where Environmental problems are increasing. Problems such as polluting emissions (Herrera et al., 2017), little solid waste management and little scope of wastewater treatment (State Program of the Nation 2017), insufficient quantity and quality of urban green areas, both public and private (Morales- Cerdas et al., 2018; State of the Nation Program, 2017), cause the deterioration and decrease of ecosystem services in the city.
Costa Rica is internationally recognized for its environmental policy and its successful actions in the protection of wild areas (Obando 2007), however, there is an outstanding debt associated with the lack of priority environmental in the way of planning the occupation of the soil (State of the Nation Program 2017). In this sense, The challenges facing the country focus on spaces consolidated urban areas, as well as those emerging, where Environmental problems are increasing. Problems such as polluting emissions (Herrera et al., 2017), little solid waste management and little scope of wastewater treatment (State Program of the Nation 2017), insufficient quantity and quality of urban green areas, both public and private (Morales- Cerdas et al., 2018; State of the Nation Program, 2017), cause the deterioration and decrease of ecosystem services in the city.
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