Plan de Seguridad del Agua (PSA) para el acueducto de Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
García-Fernández, Francisco J.
Arce-Chinchilla, Andrea
Fonseca-Sánchez., Alicia
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El Plan de Seguridad del Agua (PSA) es una herramienta impulsada por la OMS que permite identificar los peligros físicos, químicos y
biológicos que existen desde las captaciones de agua hasta los hogares, tomando en cuenta el manejo de los ecosistemas y recursos
naturales. El objetivo consistió en diseñar el PSA del acueducto de Jacó hasta la etapa del programa operacional, para asegurar la
calidad y el abastecimiento de agua potable a la comunidad. El trabajo se realizó en el acueducto del AyA de Jacó donde se ejecutó
un diagnóstico detallado, se aplicó la metodología Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (APPCC) para identificar peligros y
clasificar los riesgos y se elaboró el programa operacional. En todos los procesos se detectó peligros de riesgo bajo, moderado, alto y
muy alto. Es necesaria la aplicación de medidas correctivas y el programa operacional para cada etapa del sistema tomando en
cuenta la gestión de riesgo ante el cambio climático, el análisis de amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo a la contaminación, protección de
las fuentes de agua y zonas de recarga.
The Water Safety Plan (PSA) is a tool promoted by the WHO that allows the identification of physical, chemical and biological systems that exist from water catchments to homes, taking into account the management of ecosystems and resources. natural. The objective was to design the PSA for the Jacó aqueduct up to the stage of the operational program, to ensure the quality and supply of drinking water to the community. The work was carried out in the AyA de Jacó aqueduct where it was carried out a detailed diagnosis, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methodology was applied to identify hazards and classify the risks and the operational program will be drawn up. In all processes, low, moderate, high and low risk hazards were detected. very high. It is necessary to apply corrective measures and the operating program for each stage of the system, taking into account account risk management in the face of climate change, threat analysis, vulnerability and risk to contamination, protection of water sources and recharge areas.
The Water Safety Plan (PSA) is a tool promoted by the WHO that allows the identification of physical, chemical and biological systems that exist from water catchments to homes, taking into account the management of ecosystems and resources. natural. The objective was to design the PSA for the Jacó aqueduct up to the stage of the operational program, to ensure the quality and supply of drinking water to the community. The work was carried out in the AyA de Jacó aqueduct where it was carried out a detailed diagnosis, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methodology was applied to identify hazards and classify the risks and the operational program will be drawn up. In all processes, low, moderate, high and low risk hazards were detected. very high. It is necessary to apply corrective measures and the operating program for each stage of the system, taking into account account risk management in the face of climate change, threat analysis, vulnerability and risk to contamination, protection of water sources and recharge areas.
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