Clave dendrológica digital basada en características conspicuas para la identificación de 67 especies comerciales vulnerables y en peligro de extinción de la Región Mesoamericana
Obando Rodríguez, Priscilla
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Costa Rica es un país que cuenta con una gran diversidad de especies arbóreas de las cuales solo un pequeño porcentaje son las que se utilizan en la industria, lo que presenta muchos inconvenientes en el tema de conservación y el papel ecosistémico del bosque. Sumado a esto, el escaso conocimiento sobre la dinámica del bosque, taxonomía de las especies y la sobreestimación de las poblaciones debido a la alta diversidad de especies en el trópico, permite la tala de especies vulnerables y la disminución de sus poblaciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue el crear una herramienta interactiva para la identificación de
especies comerciales en peligro de extinción y vulnerables de acuerdo con los criterios de la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), Apéndices de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) y leyes y decretos nacionales para los países de la Región Mesoamericana1, mediante características conspicuas de las mismas para facilitar su identificación. Se realizó una serie de filtros para la escogencia de las especies los cuales incluyen la UICN, Apéndices de CITES, las leyes y decretos nacionales de los países de la Región Mesoamericana, con el fin de obtener las especies con mayor criterio de protección a nivel
internacional y nacional. Basados en los filtros se obtuvo una lista de 71 especies maderables vulnerables y en peligro de extinción que se encuentran protegidas bajo alguno de los criterios de selección antes mencionados y que representan parte importante de la flora de cada uno de los países. Posteriormente se realizó la búsqueda de información de las especies seleccionadas para crear una ficha técnica que contiene datos importantes para el apoyo en la identificación de las especies y permita al usuario confirmar la taxonomía de su especie en estudio. Además, de la búsqueda y toma de fotografías de las especies para complementar una galería de imágenes de la parte vegetativa y anatómica a nivel macro y microscópica de la madera de las 71 especies. Se desarrolló la clave dendrológica digital, donde se
concatenaron las entidades (especies) con cada una de sus características, así como con su galería de imágenes y ficha técnica. 1 En este proyecto, la Región Mesoamericana abarca desde el sur de México hasta Panamá.
Costa Rica is a country that has a great diversity of tree species of which only a small percentage are used in the industry, which presents many disadvantages in terms of conservation and the ecosystem role of the forest. Added to this, the scarce knowledge about the dynamics of the forest, the taxonomy of the species and the overestimation of the populations due to the high diversity of species in the tropics, allows the felling of vulnerable species and the decrease of their populations. The objective of this study was to create an interactive tool for the identification of endangered and vulnerable commercial species according to the criteria of the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and national laws and decrees for the countries of the Mesoamerican Region1, through conspicuous characteristics of the same to facilitate their identification. A series of filters was made to select the species, which include the IUCN, CITES Appendices, the national laws and decrees of the countries of the Mesoamerican Region, in order to obtain the species with the highest international protection criteria. and national. Based on the filters, a list of 71 vulnerable and endangered timber species was obtained that are protected under any of the aforementioned selection criteria and that represent an important part of the flora of each of the countries. Subsequently, the search for information on the selected species was carried out to create a technical sheet that contains important data to support the identification of the species and allow the user to confirm the taxonomy of the species under study. In addition, the search and taking of photographs of the species to complement a gallery of images of the vegetative and anatomical part at the macro and microscopic level of the wood of the 71 species. The digital dendrological key was developed, where the entities (species) with each of their characteristics were concatenated, as well as their image gallery and technical data sheet. 1 In this project, the Mesoamerican Region spans from southern Mexico to Panama.
Costa Rica is a country that has a great diversity of tree species of which only a small percentage are used in the industry, which presents many disadvantages in terms of conservation and the ecosystem role of the forest. Added to this, the scarce knowledge about the dynamics of the forest, the taxonomy of the species and the overestimation of the populations due to the high diversity of species in the tropics, allows the felling of vulnerable species and the decrease of their populations. The objective of this study was to create an interactive tool for the identification of endangered and vulnerable commercial species according to the criteria of the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and national laws and decrees for the countries of the Mesoamerican Region1, through conspicuous characteristics of the same to facilitate their identification. A series of filters was made to select the species, which include the IUCN, CITES Appendices, the national laws and decrees of the countries of the Mesoamerican Region, in order to obtain the species with the highest international protection criteria. and national. Based on the filters, a list of 71 vulnerable and endangered timber species was obtained that are protected under any of the aforementioned selection criteria and that represent an important part of the flora of each of the countries. Subsequently, the search for information on the selected species was carried out to create a technical sheet that contains important data to support the identification of the species and allow the user to confirm the taxonomy of the species under study. In addition, the search and taking of photographs of the species to complement a gallery of images of the vegetative and anatomical part at the macro and microscopic level of the wood of the 71 species. The digital dendrological key was developed, where the entities (species) with each of their characteristics were concatenated, as well as their image gallery and technical data sheet. 1 In this project, the Mesoamerican Region spans from southern Mexico to Panama.
Obando Rodríguez, P. (2018). Clave dendrológica digital basada en características conspicuas para la identificación de 67 especies comerciales vulnerables y en peligro de extinción de la Región Mesoamericana. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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