Rol jurídico de la persona juzgadora en materia civil y mercantil con más de cinco años de ejercer jurisdicción en el área metropolitana de San Salvador, durante el primer semestre del 2020
Maza-Calderón, Judith
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación tiene como punto de partida un esbozo de las teorías fundamentales que se suscitan dentro del tema de rol, desde la perspectiva sociológica. Luego, se realiza una exposición de las corrientes publicistas y garantistas en cuanto a los poderes de la persona juzgadora, con el objeto de perfilar lo que se denomina el rol jurídico de la persona juzgadora. La investigación desarrollada fue de carácter descriptivo. Se estudió la situación de interés, con base en aspectos cualitativos. La primera etapa de este estudio se desarrolló con la finalidad de obtener información bibliográfica. Asimismo, se pretende evidenciar los elementos conceptuales sobre el rol jurídico y el marco normativo que establece cada rol vinculado con posiciones ideológicas diferentes, que ha dado lugar a un desempeño jurídico, el cual puede incidir como limitante en el acceso a la justicia, concretamente en la efectiva tramitación de los procesos judiciales. Además, se indaga la actividad judicial en aspectos procesales como: posición frente a las facultades probatorias, conciliación, nulidades subsanables, abandono del ritualismo, relevo de presupuestos procesales, integración oficiosa del litis consorcio, rechazo de incidentes propios y plazos razonables de respuesta en la tramitación de expedientes. El estudio cualitativo facilitó la obtención de información de las personas juzgadoras en materia civil y mercantil que se desempeñan en el Área metropolitana de San Salvador (a quienes se considera informantes claves), con el fin de conocer su opinión sobre la temática abordada. Cabe destacar que la segunda parte de la investigación se fundamentó en el estudio de opinión con respecto a la dinámica jurídica, para lo cual se emplearon técnicas cualitativas, en las que la información fue recolectada por medio del acercamiento de estudio de caso con informantes claves, mediante entrevistas en profundidad, que se contrastaron con los informes de gestión judicial del período objeto de análisis. A partir de las distintas fuentes de información, se concluyó, como opinión generalizada y concordante de las personas juzgadoras, la necesidad de establecer su perfil normativo en forma definida; además, estas consideraron que existe una brecha entre el rol normativo, planteado como ideal, y el rol real de la persona juzgadora.
The present investigation has as its starting point an outline of the fundamentals theories that arise within the theme of role, from the sociological perspective. Then, an exhibition of the publicists and guarantors currents is made in terms of the powers of the judging person, in order to outline what is called the judge´s legal status role. The research developed was descriptive. The situation was studied interest, based on qualitative aspects. The first stage of this study was carried out in order to obtain bibliographic information. Besides, it is intended to demonstrate the conceptual elements on the legal role and the regulatory framework established by each role linked to different ideological positions, which has given rise to a legal performance, which can have a limiting effect on access to justice, specifically in the effective processing of judicial processes. In addition, judicial activity is investigated in procedural aspects such as: position vis-à-vis powers of evidence, conciliation, rectifiable annulments, abandonment of ritualism, relief of procedural budgets, unofficial integration of consortium litigation, rejection of own incidents and reasonable response times in the processing of files. The qualitative study facilitated obtaining information from judges in civil and commercial matters that are carried out in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (who are considered key informants), in order to know their opinion on the topic addressed. It should be noted that the second part of the investigation was based on the study of opinion regarding the legal dynamics, for which techniques were used qualitative, in which the information was collected through the approach of case study with key informants, through in-depth interviews, which were contrasted with the judicial management reports for the period under analysis. Based on the different sources of information, it was concluded, as a generalized opinion and concordant of the judges, the need to establish their normative profile in a definite way; in addition, they considered that there is a gap between the normative role, posed as an ideal, and the real role of the judging person.
The present investigation has as its starting point an outline of the fundamentals theories that arise within the theme of role, from the sociological perspective. Then, an exhibition of the publicists and guarantors currents is made in terms of the powers of the judging person, in order to outline what is called the judge´s legal status role. The research developed was descriptive. The situation was studied interest, based on qualitative aspects. The first stage of this study was carried out in order to obtain bibliographic information. Besides, it is intended to demonstrate the conceptual elements on the legal role and the regulatory framework established by each role linked to different ideological positions, which has given rise to a legal performance, which can have a limiting effect on access to justice, specifically in the effective processing of judicial processes. In addition, judicial activity is investigated in procedural aspects such as: position vis-à-vis powers of evidence, conciliation, rectifiable annulments, abandonment of ritualism, relief of procedural budgets, unofficial integration of consortium litigation, rejection of own incidents and reasonable response times in the processing of files. The qualitative study facilitated obtaining information from judges in civil and commercial matters that are carried out in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (who are considered key informants), in order to know their opinion on the topic addressed. It should be noted that the second part of the investigation was based on the study of opinion regarding the legal dynamics, for which techniques were used qualitative, in which the information was collected through the approach of case study with key informants, through in-depth interviews, which were contrasted with the judicial management reports for the period under analysis. Based on the different sources of information, it was concluded, as a generalized opinion and concordant of the judges, the need to establish their normative profile in a definite way; in addition, they considered that there is a gap between the normative role, posed as an ideal, and the real role of the judging person.
Maestría en Administración de Justicia Enfoque Sociojurídico
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