Emprendimiento e innovación para la construcción de capital social
Bermúdez Mora, Juan Carlos
Láscaris-Comneno, Tatiana
Chinchilla Jiménez, Alexis
Vargas Calvo, Margarita
Ramírez Alfaro, Herminia
Aguilar Mata, Guillermo
Navarro Rojas, Oscar
Coto Chotto, Mayela
Vargas Trejos, Yendry
Villalobos Rodríguez, Gerardo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En esta obra publicamos el resultado de la elaboración teórica-conceptual sobre el
emprendimiento e innovación para la construcción de capital social, con ejemplificación
empírica mediante estudios de casos nacionales e internacionales, y que ha sido uno de los
resultados de nuestra interacción disciplinar y trabajo colaborativo en red desde el 2007.
La red surge como resultado del Simposio “Comunicación e innovación para el desarrollo
sostenible”, en el marco del III Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Desarrollo y Ambiente
(CISDA III, 2007), organizado por la Universidad Nacional.
Dentro de sus objetivos, la Red MUNDO ha propiciado el intercambio e interacción
inclusiva y multidisciplinar de sus integrantes para abordar el emprendimiento y la
innovación desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria con la finalidad de crear capacidades
con las empresas y organizaciones sociales.
A la vez, la red propicia la complementariedad de las capacidades de gestión de
sus integrantes a través de acciones de formación y actualización en los ámbitos de
la red a nivel institucional, nacional e internacional. Finalmente genera procesos de
internalización, difusión y divulgación sobre emprendimiento y la innovación con un
enfoque en la responsabilidad social para el desarrollo sostenible.
En el primer capítulo, presentamos una construcción teórica-conceptual acerca del
emprendimiento e innovación para el desarrollo humano sostenible con ejemplificación
empírica del caso: Mecanismos de gestión y responsabilidad social, proporcionado por el
Cuerpo Académico “Contabilidad, gestión y fiscalización” (COGFIS), de la Universidad
de Sonora, México.
A partir de este marco de referencia general, en el segundo capítulo abordamos la
inclusión social como finalidad del emprendimiento y la innovación, ejemplificada
empíricamente con los casos de construcción de las redes sociales: Fundación Acción
Joven y Asociación ANDAR, aportados por el Programa UNA Emprendedores, de la
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
En consecuencia con la construcción de redes de capital social, en el tercer capítulo,
discutimos la incidencia que tiene la comunicación de la ciencia y la tecnología en el
emprendimiento y la innovación, ejemplificada empíricamente mediante el caso: Museo
virtual Saber de Población, aportado por el Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Población
(IDESPO), de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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En el cuarto capítulo discutimos el impulso innovador que tienen las TIC´s para el
emprendimiento e innovación académica, y lo ejemplificamos empíricamente mediante
el caso: Comunidad de práctica UNÁgora, aportado por el Programa UNA Virtual, de la
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Para concluir, en el quinto y último capítulo, destacamos la importancia que tiene la
protección del emprendimiento y la innovación, la cual ejemplificamos empíricamente
mediante los casos: Diseño industrial como insumo de innovación tecnológica; Tipologías
de protección del emprendimiento e innovación en el diseño industrial; y Contratos de
compraventa como modelos de emprendimiento, aportados por el grupo de investigación
“Propiedad Industrial y Nuevas tecnologías” (PROINDTEN), de la Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid, España.
In this work we publish the result of the theoretical-conceptual elaboration on entrepreneurship and innovation for the construction of social capital, with empirical exemplification through national and international case studies, and which has been one of the results of our disciplinary interaction and collaborative work in network since 2007. The network emerged as a result of the Symposium "Communication and innovation for sustainable development", within the framework of the III Ibero-American Congress on Development and Environment (CISDA III, 2007), organized by the National University. Within its objectives, the MUNDO Network has fostered inclusive and multidisciplinary exchange and interaction of its members to address entrepreneurship and innovation from a multidisciplinary perspective in order to create capacities with companies and social organizations. At the same time, the network fosters the complementarity of the management capacities of its members through training and updating actions in the areas of the network at the institutional, national and international level. Finally, it generates internalization, diffusion and dissemination processes on entrepreneurship and innovation with a focus on social responsibility for sustainable development. In the first chapter, we present a theoretical-conceptual construction about entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable human development with empirical exemplification of the case: Management mechanisms and social responsibility, provided by the Academic Body "Accounting, management and inspection" (COGFIS), from the University of Sonora, Mexico. Based on this general frame of reference, in the second chapter we address social inclusion as a goal of entrepreneurship and innovation, empirically exemplified by the cases of construction of social networks: Young Action Foundation and ANDAR Association, contributed by the UNA Emprendedores Program , from the National University, Costa Rica.Consequently, with the construction of social capital networks, in the third chapter, we discuss the impact that communication of science and technology has on entrepreneurship and innovation, empirically exemplified by the case: Virtual Museum of Knowledge of Population, contributed by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (IDESPO), of the National University, Costa Rica. P reface - 9 - In the fourth chapter we discuss the innovative impulse that ICTs have for entrepreneurship and academic innovation, and we exemplify it empirically through the case: UNÁgora Community of Practice, contributed by the UNA Virtual Program of the National University , Costa Rica. To conclude, in the fifth and final chapter, we highlight the importance of the protection of entrepreneurship and innovation, which we empirically exemplify through the cases: Industrial design as an input for technological innovation; Typologies of protection of entrepreneurship and innovation in industrial design; and Purchase and sale contracts as entrepreneurship models, contributed by the research group “Industrial Property and New Technologies” (PROINDTEN), of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain.
In this work we publish the result of the theoretical-conceptual elaboration on entrepreneurship and innovation for the construction of social capital, with empirical exemplification through national and international case studies, and which has been one of the results of our disciplinary interaction and collaborative work in network since 2007. The network emerged as a result of the Symposium "Communication and innovation for sustainable development", within the framework of the III Ibero-American Congress on Development and Environment (CISDA III, 2007), organized by the National University. Within its objectives, the MUNDO Network has fostered inclusive and multidisciplinary exchange and interaction of its members to address entrepreneurship and innovation from a multidisciplinary perspective in order to create capacities with companies and social organizations. At the same time, the network fosters the complementarity of the management capacities of its members through training and updating actions in the areas of the network at the institutional, national and international level. Finally, it generates internalization, diffusion and dissemination processes on entrepreneurship and innovation with a focus on social responsibility for sustainable development. In the first chapter, we present a theoretical-conceptual construction about entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable human development with empirical exemplification of the case: Management mechanisms and social responsibility, provided by the Academic Body "Accounting, management and inspection" (COGFIS), from the University of Sonora, Mexico. Based on this general frame of reference, in the second chapter we address social inclusion as a goal of entrepreneurship and innovation, empirically exemplified by the cases of construction of social networks: Young Action Foundation and ANDAR Association, contributed by the UNA Emprendedores Program , from the National University, Costa Rica.Consequently, with the construction of social capital networks, in the third chapter, we discuss the impact that communication of science and technology has on entrepreneurship and innovation, empirically exemplified by the case: Virtual Museum of Knowledge of Population, contributed by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (IDESPO), of the National University, Costa Rica. P reface - 9 - In the fourth chapter we discuss the innovative impulse that ICTs have for entrepreneurship and academic innovation, and we exemplify it empirically through the case: UNÁgora Community of Practice, contributed by the UNA Virtual Program of the National University , Costa Rica. To conclude, in the fifth and final chapter, we highlight the importance of the protection of entrepreneurship and innovation, which we empirically exemplify through the cases: Industrial design as an input for technological innovation; Typologies of protection of entrepreneurship and innovation in industrial design; and Purchase and sale contracts as entrepreneurship models, contributed by the research group “Industrial Property and New Technologies” (PROINDTEN), of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain.
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