Uso de la argumentación y lenguaje científico con el abordaje de los ecosistemas marinos y costeros para la promoción de las competencias de pensamiento científico en profesores de Biología del Caribe sur de Costa Rica
Castillo-Segura, Jesús Alberto
Pereira-Chaves, José
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La enseñanza de las ciencias ha sido concebida como una forma de transmisión de conocimientos disciplinares en donde el profesor era el responsable de hacer que los estudiantes memorizaran un saber acabado, el cual, debía recibir conocimiento como un ser pasivo, carente de herramientas y saberes previos para participar en el proceso de aprendizaje, sin dar posibilidad de construir conocimientos. Sin embargo, se comprendió que las personas debían ser capaces de utilizar tanto recursos cognitivos como de su experiencia para poder llevar a cabo una labor de la mejor forma, es decir, individuos competencialmente formados.
A raíz de la preocupación de investigadores en didáctica de las ciencias, se han iniciado profundos análisis que den alternativas metodológicas para promover la generación de conocimiento en el aula, y así la propuesta de nuevas estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje que puedan gestarse en los estudiantes como protagonistas activo en su propia construcción de conocimiento, por ello actualmente se busca promover las habilidades para la vida en el estudiante, por lo que se hace un abordaje y revisión de lo señalado por Quintanilla (2014) quien resalta que una de las acciones como estrategias posicionada en el tope de la “jerarquía” del sistema formativo, son las competencias de pensamiento científico (CPC); y describe que éstas buscan que no solo las personas sean capaces de realizar una labor de la mejor manera, sino que también que sean capaces de entender qué hacen, por qué lo hacen y para qué lo hacen; a su vez que el individuo desarrolle destrezas que trasciendan el área cognitiva.
Science teaching has been conceived as a form of transmission of disciplinary knowledge where the teacher was responsible for making students memorize finished knowledge, which had to receive knowledge as a passive being, lacking tools and prior knowledge. to participate in the learning process, without giving the possibility of building knowledge. However, it was understood that people had to be able to use both cognitive resources and their experience to be able to carry out a task in the best way, that is, competently trained individuals. As a result of the concern of researchers in science teaching, in-depth analyzes have been initiated to provide methodological alternatives to promote the generation of knowledge in the classroom, and thus the proposal of new teaching-learning strategies that can be developed in students as active protagonists in their own construction of knowledge, which is why we currently seek to promote life skills in the student, so an approach and review of what was pointed out by Quintanilla (2014) is made, who highlights that one of the actions as strategies positioned at the top of the “hierarchy” of the training system, are the scientific thinking competencies (CPC); and describes that they seek not only to ensure that people are capable of carrying out a job in the best way, but also that they are capable of understanding what they do, why they do it and why they do it; In turn, the individual develops skills that transcend the cognitive area.
Science teaching has been conceived as a form of transmission of disciplinary knowledge where the teacher was responsible for making students memorize finished knowledge, which had to receive knowledge as a passive being, lacking tools and prior knowledge. to participate in the learning process, without giving the possibility of building knowledge. However, it was understood that people had to be able to use both cognitive resources and their experience to be able to carry out a task in the best way, that is, competently trained individuals. As a result of the concern of researchers in science teaching, in-depth analyzes have been initiated to provide methodological alternatives to promote the generation of knowledge in the classroom, and thus the proposal of new teaching-learning strategies that can be developed in students as active protagonists in their own construction of knowledge, which is why we currently seek to promote life skills in the student, so an approach and review of what was pointed out by Quintanilla (2014) is made, who highlights that one of the actions as strategies positioned at the top of the “hierarchy” of the training system, are the scientific thinking competencies (CPC); and describes that they seek not only to ensure that people are capable of carrying out a job in the best way, but also that they are capable of understanding what they do, why they do it and why they do it; In turn, the individual develops skills that transcend the cognitive area.
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