Las luchas por la defensa del derecho a la salud durante el significativo año 2012: Entre concepciones y agendas políticas de las organizaciones laborales de la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS).
Mora Solano, Sindy
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En este trabajo final de graduación se realiza un análisis de las luchas por la defensa del derecho a la salud en Costa Rica, durante el año 2012. Durante este año, se llevaron a cabo una serie de manifestaciones por la defensa del derecho a la salud, una vez que se hizo de conocimiento público un informe de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), del año 2011, que exponía la situación de “crisis” en la que se encontraba la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS). Teniendo como punto de partida este informe, se analiza lo sucedido durante el año 2012, tanto en términos institucionales, como en relación a las acciones colectivas, a los distintos pronunciamientos de actores vinculados a la CCSS y a las marchas realizadas ese año por la exigencia del derecho a la salud.
Como parte del abordaje teórico-metodológico de este trabajo final de graduación, se parte de un enfoque crítico del estudio de derechos humanos, en donde éstos son entendidos como las luchas que emprenden distintos grupos sociales y actores colectivos para exigir y reivindicar estos derechos. Este trabajo se lleva a cabo a partir de una metodología que combina las técnicas de análisis de coyuntura, la sociología visual y la etnografía de la protesta.
A fin de difundir las luchas por la defensa del derecho a la salud, así como, los procesos descalificadores, estigmatizantes y represivos a los que son sometidos distintos grupos y actores cuando reivindican su agenda de derechos humanos, este trabajo final de graduación se hace acompañar de una memoria gráfica, titulada Las luchas por la defensa del derecho a la salud durante el año 2012. Memoria Gráfica, que aparece en el anexo de este trabajo final de graduación.
Adicionalmente, como parte de este trabajo final de graduación se presenta el curso El derecho humano a la salud en Costa Rica. Situación actual y alternativas desde una perspectiva de educación para la paz, elaborado en el marco del curso Educación para la paz, llevado en el proceso de formación de la maestría. Este curso posiciona la importancia iv de la formación en derechos humanos del personal en salud, siendo su objetivo propiciar un espacio de discusión e intercambio sobre el estado actual del derecho a la salud en Costa Rica, sobre los procesos de formación de las y los profesionales de la salud y sobre las utopías en torno al derecho a la salud de quienes forman parte de esta área de trabajo.
Este curso, elaborado bajo la modalidad de extensión docente, cuenta con 10 sesiones de trabajo, en donde se exponen los temas a trabajar, los contenidos y objetivos correspondientes a cada sesión de trabajo, las actividades, los valores y las actitudes, las destrezas y las capacidades que se espera estimular en las y los participantes, los materiales necesarios para cada encuentro y la duración de estas actividades.
In this final graduation work, an analysis of the struggles for the defense of the right to health in Costa Rica during 2012 is made. During this year, a series of demonstrations for the defense of the right to health took place, once a report of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) of 2011 was made public, which exposed the situation of "crisis" in which the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) found itself. Taking this report as a starting point, we analyze what happened during 2012, both in institutional terms and in relation to collective actions, the various statements made by actors linked to the CCSS and the marches held that year to demand the right to health. As part of the theoretical-methodological approach of this final graduation work, it is based on a critical approach to the study of human rights, where these are understood as the struggles undertaken by different social groups and collective actors to demand and vindicate these rights. This work is based on a methodology that combines the techniques of conjuncture analysis, visual sociology and ethnography of protest. In order to disseminate the struggles for the defense of the right to health, as well as, the disqualifying, stigmatizing and repressive processes to which different groups and actors are subjected when they claim their human rights agenda, this final graduation work is accompanied by a graphic memory, entitled Las luchas por la defensa del derecho a la salud durante el año 2012. Memoria Gráfica, which appears in the appendix of this final thesis. Additionally, as part of this final graduation work, the course The human right to health in Costa Rica. Current situation and alternatives from a perspective of education for peace, developed within the framework of the course Education for Peace, carried out in the training process of the master's degree. This course positions the importance of human rights training for health personnel, its objective being to provide a space for discussion and exchange on the current state of the right to health in Costa Rica, on the training processes of health professionals and on the utopias regarding the right to health of those who are part of this area of work. This course, developed under the teaching extension modality, has 10 working sessions, where the topics to be worked on, the contents and objectives corresponding to each working session, the activities, values and attitudes, skills and capacities expected to be stimulated in the participants, the materials needed for each meeting and the duration of these activities are set out.
In this final graduation work, an analysis of the struggles for the defense of the right to health in Costa Rica during 2012 is made. During this year, a series of demonstrations for the defense of the right to health took place, once a report of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) of 2011 was made public, which exposed the situation of "crisis" in which the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) found itself. Taking this report as a starting point, we analyze what happened during 2012, both in institutional terms and in relation to collective actions, the various statements made by actors linked to the CCSS and the marches held that year to demand the right to health. As part of the theoretical-methodological approach of this final graduation work, it is based on a critical approach to the study of human rights, where these are understood as the struggles undertaken by different social groups and collective actors to demand and vindicate these rights. This work is based on a methodology that combines the techniques of conjuncture analysis, visual sociology and ethnography of protest. In order to disseminate the struggles for the defense of the right to health, as well as, the disqualifying, stigmatizing and repressive processes to which different groups and actors are subjected when they claim their human rights agenda, this final graduation work is accompanied by a graphic memory, entitled Las luchas por la defensa del derecho a la salud durante el año 2012. Memoria Gráfica, which appears in the appendix of this final thesis. Additionally, as part of this final graduation work, the course The human right to health in Costa Rica. Current situation and alternatives from a perspective of education for peace, developed within the framework of the course Education for Peace, carried out in the training process of the master's degree. This course positions the importance of human rights training for health personnel, its objective being to provide a space for discussion and exchange on the current state of the right to health in Costa Rica, on the training processes of health professionals and on the utopias regarding the right to health of those who are part of this area of work. This course, developed under the teaching extension modality, has 10 working sessions, where the topics to be worked on, the contents and objectives corresponding to each working session, the activities, values and attitudes, skills and capacities expected to be stimulated in the participants, the materials needed for each meeting and the duration of these activities are set out.
Maestría en Derechos Humanos y Educación para la Paz
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