Identificación taxonómica y distribución espacial de quistes de resistencia de dinoflagelados nocivos, en el Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Quirós Valerio, Marianela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El Golfo de Nicoya es uno de los estuarios más productivos del mundo, se le considera
un sitio de alto valor biológico, económico y turístico. No obstante, en los últimos años el
incremento en los eventos de floraciones algales ha ocasionado pérdidas económicas para el
sector productivo en la zona, por lo que determinar las áreas de distribución de quistes de
resistencia puede brindar información para la implementación de futuras actividades
productivas. Para realizar este estudio se determinaron un total de 21 estaciones de muestreo
distribuidas tanto en la parte interna como externa del golfo. Para la determinación de la
presencia de quistes se recolectaron muestras del sedimento marino con un nucleador por
gravedad y preservadas en refrigeración. Posteriormente, se utilizó la técnica de separación por
gradiente de densidad utilizando polytungstato de sodio para separar los quistes de los
sedimentos. Se utilizó un microscopio invertido para revisar las muestras, realizar mediciones
y tomar las microfotografías de los quistes. Los quistes viables se aislaron en cámaras
multipocillos con medio de cultivo L1 y se colocaron en una incubadora para su germinación.
La distribución de los quistes se graficó mediante el programa libre QGIS 3.0.0. En total se
observaron 6405 quistes de los cuales 4138 tenían contenido celular viable. Se aislaron un total
de 455 quistes. Se identificaron quistes de Pyrodinium bahamense var. compresum,
Alexandrium sp., Gyrodinium sp., Gonyaulax sp., Protoperidinium sp, Gymnodinium cf.
catenatum. y Pheopolykrikos sp. Las estaciones de muestreo ubicadas en Caldera y Tárcoles
fueron las que presentaron una concentración mayor de quistes en los sedimentos, mientas que
las estaciones en el interior del golfo cerca de Isla Chira registraron los valores más bajos. Se
concluye que el presente estudio establece las bases para determinar la ubicación de los
semilleros de especies potencialmente tóxicas y nocivas dentro del Golfo de Nicoya. Las zonas
de Tárcoles, Caldera, Isla Cedros e Isla San Lucas, no serían áreas recomendables para el
establecimiento de proyectos productivos al ser consideradas como zonas de alto riesgo debido
a la posibilidad de floraciones algales recurrentes.
The Gulf of Nicoya is one of the most productive estuaries in the world, it is considered a site of high biological, economic and tourist value. However, in recent years the increase in algal blooms has caused economic losses for the productive sector in the area, so determining the distribution areas of resistance cysts can provide information for the implementation of future productive activities. To carry out this study, a total of 21 sampling stations distributed both in the internal and external part of the gulf were determined. To determine the presence of cysts, samples of marine sediment were collected with a gravity nucleator and preserved in refrigeration. Subsequently, the density gradient separation technique using sodium polytungstate was used to separate the cysts from the sediments. An inverted microscope was used to review the samples, take measurements, and take photomicrographs of the cysts. Viable cysts were isolated in multiwell chambers with L1 culture medium and placed in an incubator for germination. The distribution of the cysts was graphed using the free program QGIS 3.0.0. In total, 6405 cysts were observed, of which 4138 had viable cellular content. A total of 455 cysts were isolated. Cysts of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compresum, Alexandrium sp., Gyrodinium sp., Gonyaulax sp., Protoperidinium sp, Gymnodinium cf. catenatum. and Pheopolykrikos sp. The sampling stations located in Caldera and Tárcoles were the ones with the highest concentration of cysts in the sediments, while the stations in the interior of the gulf near Isla Chira registered the lowest values. It is concluded that the present study establishes the bases to determine the location of the seedbeds of potentially toxic and harmful species within the Gulf of Nicoya. The areas of Tárcoles, Caldera, Isla Cedros and Isla San Lucas, would not be recommended areas for the establishment of productive projects as they are considered as high risk areas due to the possibility of recurrent algal blooms.
The Gulf of Nicoya is one of the most productive estuaries in the world, it is considered a site of high biological, economic and tourist value. However, in recent years the increase in algal blooms has caused economic losses for the productive sector in the area, so determining the distribution areas of resistance cysts can provide information for the implementation of future productive activities. To carry out this study, a total of 21 sampling stations distributed both in the internal and external part of the gulf were determined. To determine the presence of cysts, samples of marine sediment were collected with a gravity nucleator and preserved in refrigeration. Subsequently, the density gradient separation technique using sodium polytungstate was used to separate the cysts from the sediments. An inverted microscope was used to review the samples, take measurements, and take photomicrographs of the cysts. Viable cysts were isolated in multiwell chambers with L1 culture medium and placed in an incubator for germination. The distribution of the cysts was graphed using the free program QGIS 3.0.0. In total, 6405 cysts were observed, of which 4138 had viable cellular content. A total of 455 cysts were isolated. Cysts of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compresum, Alexandrium sp., Gyrodinium sp., Gonyaulax sp., Protoperidinium sp, Gymnodinium cf. catenatum. and Pheopolykrikos sp. The sampling stations located in Caldera and Tárcoles were the ones with the highest concentration of cysts in the sediments, while the stations in the interior of the gulf near Isla Chira registered the lowest values. It is concluded that the present study establishes the bases to determine the location of the seedbeds of potentially toxic and harmful species within the Gulf of Nicoya. The areas of Tárcoles, Caldera, Isla Cedros and Isla San Lucas, would not be recommended areas for the establishment of productive projects as they are considered as high risk areas due to the possibility of recurrent algal blooms.
Quirós Valerio, M. (2020). Identificación taxonómica y distribución espacial de quistes de resistencia de dinoflagelados nocivos, en el Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. (Tesis de Licenciatura). Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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