Las representaciones sociales sobre el comercio informal que construyen un grupo de personas que se dedican a esta actividad en la Avenida Central de San José, Costa Rica
Muñoz Morales, Rodolfo David
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente estudio es una descripción sistémica de la dimensión psico-social del
fenómeno del comercio informal ambulatorio (CIA), desde el análisis de los elementos
simbólicos constitutivos del sentido común que organiza la comunicación, las cogniciones y la
ideología, es decir, la realidad socialmente construida. Se ha acudido al constructivismo y a lo
sistémico como base epistemológica para abordar el fenómeno como una totalidad organizada
cuya génesis y evolución están condicionadas por la forma en que los sujetos sociales construyen
un corpus organizado del conocimiento para la vivencia en la colectividad: Las Representaciones
Sociales. La teoría desarrollada por Serge Moscovici será la guía principal para entender el
comercio informal ambulatorio, su contexto, los conocimientos nacidos en él y la experiencia de
los actores. La exclusión social, la pobreza, el desempleo abierto1
, la desigualdad social y la
precarización del empleo son fenómenos que condicionan el desarrollo del CIA, haciendo
necesario asumirlo como un resultado del proceso de modernización y expansión del
La Avenida Central de San José en Costa Rica, como toda ciudad capital de la región, plasma en
su urbanidad el testimonio de estos procesos macroeconómicos que condicionan la consciencia
de los actores sociales más perjudicados, quienes lejos de resignarse a la exclusión absoluta,
participan en la economía de manera ilegal, ilícita, pero no clandestina, sino más bien, visible y
contestataria. El Bulevar Central es entonces un escenario de resistencia y represión, mientras
que la venta ambulante representa un mecanismo de sobrevivencia colectiva que es por
necesidad de carácter anti-sistémico y, al mismo tiempo, directamente asociado a las leyes del
libre mercado. Se analizarán a continuación las Representaciones Sociales que son la génesis de
estos procesos complejos en un contexto muy acotado pero representativo de una crisis global en
los albores del siglo XXI sobre la cual la psicología social no puede ser ajena.
The present study is a systemic description of the psychosocial dimension of the phenomenon of informal ambulatory commerce (CIA), from the analysis of the elements constitutive symbols of the common sense that organizes communication, cognitions and ideology, that is, the socially constructed reality. Constructivism has been resorted to and systemic as an epistemological basis for approaching the phenomenon as an organized totality whose genesis and evolution are conditioned by the way in which social subjects construct an organized corpus of knowledge for the experience in the community: The Representations Social. The theory developed by Serge Moscovici will be the main guide to understand the informal ambulatory commerce, its context, the knowledge born in it and the experience of actors. Social exclusion, poverty, open unemployment1 , social inequality and precarious employment are phenomena that condition the development of the CIA, making It is necessary to assume it as a result of the process of modernization and expansion of the capitalism. The Central Avenue of San José in Costa Rica, like any capital city in the region, reflects in its urbanity the testimony of these macroeconomic processes that condition consciousness of the most affected social actors, who, far from resigning themselves to absolute exclusion, participate in the economy illegally, illicitly, but not clandestinely, but rather, visible and rebellious. The Central Boulevard is then a scene of resistance and repression, while that street vending represents a collective survival mechanism that is by need of an anti-systemic nature and, at the same time, directly associated with the laws of free market. The Social Representations that are the genesis of these complex processes in a very limited context but representative of a global crisis in the dawn of the XXI century on which social psychology cannot be alien.
The present study is a systemic description of the psychosocial dimension of the phenomenon of informal ambulatory commerce (CIA), from the analysis of the elements constitutive symbols of the common sense that organizes communication, cognitions and ideology, that is, the socially constructed reality. Constructivism has been resorted to and systemic as an epistemological basis for approaching the phenomenon as an organized totality whose genesis and evolution are conditioned by the way in which social subjects construct an organized corpus of knowledge for the experience in the community: The Representations Social. The theory developed by Serge Moscovici will be the main guide to understand the informal ambulatory commerce, its context, the knowledge born in it and the experience of actors. Social exclusion, poverty, open unemployment1 , social inequality and precarious employment are phenomena that condition the development of the CIA, making It is necessary to assume it as a result of the process of modernization and expansion of the capitalism. The Central Avenue of San José in Costa Rica, like any capital city in the region, reflects in its urbanity the testimony of these macroeconomic processes that condition consciousness of the most affected social actors, who, far from resigning themselves to absolute exclusion, participate in the economy illegally, illicitly, but not clandestinely, but rather, visible and rebellious. The Central Boulevard is then a scene of resistance and repression, while that street vending represents a collective survival mechanism that is by need of an anti-systemic nature and, at the same time, directly associated with the laws of free market. The Social Representations that are the genesis of these complex processes in a very limited context but representative of a global crisis in the dawn of the XXI century on which social psychology cannot be alien.
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