EFL professors’ perceptions and intentions towards the integration of the tools in UNA Virtual Program at UNA Brunca Campus
Zúñiga Vargas, Lesly
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II Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada CONLA UNA
La ponencia se basa en una investigación que enfoca de manera primordial el uso, o desuso, de las herramientas ofrecidas por el programa UNA Virtual el cual se encarga de incentivar la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en ambiente educativo de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). Asimismo, el estudio identifica y explica algunos factores que intervienen para que dichas herramientas tengan una limitada integración en la práctica educativa de once docentes de inglés como lengua extranjera de la Sede Regional Brunca de la Universidad Nacional. A la vez, se recogen y analizan las percepciones de los estos profesores en relación con el uso y la importancia que tienen el Internet y las herramientas educativas basadas en la web para ellos y su práctica docente. En la investigación se utilizaron métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos de recolección de datos pero el estudio tomó un diseño fenomenológico. Bodgen and Biklen (2003) se refieren a este tipo de diseños como aquellos que intentan reconocer las percepciones de las personas y los significados que ellas le atribuyen a un fenómeno o experiencia. (como se cita en Hernández, Fernández and Batista, 2010, p.515). El diseño generado es valioso para la investigación pues son las experiencias de los participantes las que se convierten en el centro de análisis y sus puntos de vista son sobre los cuales se basan los resultados del estudio.
This research primarily focuses on the use or lack of use of the tools offered by the UNA Virtual program which is in charge of incentivizing the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the teaching and learning environments at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). In addition, the study identifies and explains some factors affecting the integration of Web-based tools (tools based on the Internet) in the teaching praxis of a group of eleven EFL (English as a Foreign Language) professors teaching in the English Teaching Major at Universidad Nacional, Brunca Extension. Moreover, it recognizes the perceptions of these professors in regard to the use and importance of Web-based tools in their teaching praxis. This research made use of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, but the study took an overall qualitative phenomenological design. Bodgen and Biklen refer to this type of designs as those intended to recognize the people’s perceptions and meanings attributed to any specific phenomenon or experience (as cited in Hernández, Fernández and Batista, 2010 p. 515). What made this specific design valuable for this investigation is that the participants’ experiences become the center of the analysis their views towards the phenomenon are the focal point upon which this research is grounded.
This research primarily focuses on the use or lack of use of the tools offered by the UNA Virtual program which is in charge of incentivizing the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the teaching and learning environments at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). In addition, the study identifies and explains some factors affecting the integration of Web-based tools (tools based on the Internet) in the teaching praxis of a group of eleven EFL (English as a Foreign Language) professors teaching in the English Teaching Major at Universidad Nacional, Brunca Extension. Moreover, it recognizes the perceptions of these professors in regard to the use and importance of Web-based tools in their teaching praxis. This research made use of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, but the study took an overall qualitative phenomenological design. Bodgen and Biklen refer to this type of designs as those intended to recognize the people’s perceptions and meanings attributed to any specific phenomenon or experience (as cited in Hernández, Fernández and Batista, 2010 p. 515). What made this specific design valuable for this investigation is that the participants’ experiences become the center of the analysis their views towards the phenomenon are the focal point upon which this research is grounded.
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