Propuesta de políticas de recursos humanos en las oficinas centrales y regionales de la Empresa Electronet,S.A
Campos Cortés, Karol Daniela
Delgado Villalobos, Fabrizio
Rodríguez Segura, Mariane
Villalobos Arguedas, Adriana Francinie
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las políticas de Recursos Humanos son necesarias dentro de una empresa para poder mantener una estabilidad en ella y que se pueda regir bajo parámetros adecuados para guiar la empresa mediante una estandarización de los procesos. A nivel centroamericano las empresas pequeñas, generalmente no tienen un departamento de recursos humanosy mucho menos políticas elaboradas y creadas que le permitan una gestión acorde con el desempeño y evaluación del recurso humano que laboran en las empresas. Estás son esenciales dentro de las empresas, por lo que, a través de este trabajo de investigación, se intenta modificar el paradigma, motivo por el cual se elige este tema de interés como el objeto de estudio.Se propone la creación de una política de recursos humanos para las oficinas centrales y regionales de la empresa Electronet, S. A., cuyo alcance se espera sea la implementación de estas políticas dentro de la empresa. Se debe recalcar que para el desarrollo del presente trabajo la empresa estuvo anuente a colaborar, por lo que autorizó la aplicación de los instrumentos para obtener la información requerida para efectuar el diagnóstico situacional del tema y generar la propuesta. En el capítulo I se explican los aspectos metodológicos, iniciando con el planteamiento y descripción del problema y la interrogante de la investigación. Seguidamente se enuncian los objetivos de estudio, se diseña el modelo de análisis y se termina con el planteamiento de la estrategia aplicada, todo lo anterior fundamenta el porqué y el cómo del estudio. En el capítulo II se desarrolla el marco de referencia, en el que plantean las generalidades de la empresa Electronet, S. A. y se exponen los aspectos legales en los que se basala investigación en forma directa o indirecta, a fin de establecer el contexto en el que se realiza. En el capítulo III se muestra el marco conceptualen el cual se desarrolla cada variable de forma específica con sus respectivos indicadores con el fin de sustentar el análisis de investigación.Seguidamente, en el capítulo IV se realiza el análisis de los resultados provenientes de la aplicación de los instrumentos determinados para la realización del estudio, conforme a las variables planteadas en el capítulo I
Human Resources policies are necessary within a company to be able to maintain stability in it and that can be governed under adequate parameters to guide the company through standardization of processes. At the Central American level, small companies generally do not have a human resources department, much less elaborated and created policies that allow them to manage according to the performance and evaluation of the human resources that work in the companies. These are essential within companies, which is why, through this research work, an attempt is made to modify the paradigm, which is why this topic of interest is chosen as the object of study. The creation of a policy of human resources for the central and regional offices of the company Electronet, SA, whose scope is expected to be the implementation of these policies within the company. It should be emphasized that for the development of this work the company was willing to collaborate, for which it authorized the application of the instruments to obtain the information required to carry out the situational diagnosis of the subject and generate the proposal. Chapter I explains the methodological aspects, starting with the approach and description of the problem and the research question. Next, the objectives of the study are stated, the analysis model is designed and it ends with the approach of the applied strategy, all of the above bases the why and how of the study. Chapter II develops the reference framework, in which the generalities of the company Electronet, SA are presented and the legal aspects on which the investigation is based directly or indirectly are exposed, in order to establish the context in which is done. Chapter III shows the conceptual framework in which each variable is developed specifically with their respective indicators in order to support the research analysis. Next, Chapter IV analyzes the results from the application of the instruments determined to carry out the study, according to the variables set out in chapter I
Human Resources policies are necessary within a company to be able to maintain stability in it and that can be governed under adequate parameters to guide the company through standardization of processes. At the Central American level, small companies generally do not have a human resources department, much less elaborated and created policies that allow them to manage according to the performance and evaluation of the human resources that work in the companies. These are essential within companies, which is why, through this research work, an attempt is made to modify the paradigm, which is why this topic of interest is chosen as the object of study. The creation of a policy of human resources for the central and regional offices of the company Electronet, SA, whose scope is expected to be the implementation of these policies within the company. It should be emphasized that for the development of this work the company was willing to collaborate, for which it authorized the application of the instruments to obtain the information required to carry out the situational diagnosis of the subject and generate the proposal. Chapter I explains the methodological aspects, starting with the approach and description of the problem and the research question. Next, the objectives of the study are stated, the analysis model is designed and it ends with the approach of the applied strategy, all of the above bases the why and how of the study. Chapter II develops the reference framework, in which the generalities of the company Electronet, SA are presented and the legal aspects on which the investigation is based directly or indirectly are exposed, in order to establish the context in which is done. Chapter III shows the conceptual framework in which each variable is developed specifically with their respective indicators in order to support the research analysis. Next, Chapter IV analyzes the results from the application of the instruments determined to carry out the study, according to the variables set out in chapter I
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