Consideraciones sobre el diálogo Norte-Sur
Sancho Alpízar, Virginia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La relación Norte Sur o diálogo Norte-Sur, es uno de los temas que ha cobrado especial relevancia en las actuales relaciones internacionales naturaleza del problema, si bien es de carácter económico social, repercute en la esfera internacional, y sobre todo en los organismos de la misma, tanto universales como regionales y en la política exterior de los Estados.
El primer enfrentamiento que se hizo presente en el sistema internacional contemporáneo fue la tensión Este-Oeste o ideológica, que operó desde sus En los años sesenta se da una tensión puntos de apoyo Washington-Moscú distinta, la tensión Norte-Sur o económica, que no anula la anterior, sino que se sobrepone a ella sin quitarle relevancia ni intensidad. Se trata del enfrentamiento a nivel mundial entre países desarrollados o ricos y países subdesarrollados o pobres. Los primeros son los del hemisferio norte, comprendiendo a los Estados Unidos, Canadá, la Comunidad Económica Eu- (1) Los otros son, europea, Europa Oriental, la Unión Soviética y Japón general, los países subdesarrollados que se ubican en el hemisferio sur, pertenecientes a los continentes de África, Asia y América.
Esta división simplificada, tiene ciertas excepciones, tales como Australia y Nueva Zelandia que, si bien están ubicados en el hemisferio Sur, han alcanzado cierto grado de desarrollo y entran en otra categoría, la de los nuevos países industrializados (NPI). En esta categoría también se incluye a Hong Kong, Corea, Taiwán, Singapur, en Asia; a España, Portugal, Grecia y Yugoslavia en Europa y a Brasil, Argentina, México y Colombia, en América. El enfrentamiento Norte-Sur, trata de una tensión entre países ricos y pobres, entre países desarrollados y subdesarrollados, entre países productores y exportadores de materias prima y países productores y exportadores de artículos manufacturados, entre países que prestan y países que toman prestados capitales internacionales. La convicción por parte de los países subdesarrollados, de que a pesar su independencia política seguirán sometidos a una dependencia económica, ha creado un sentimiento de solidaridad que se ha canalizado, unas veces en forma espontánea y en otras coordinadamente, por medio de Conferencias, Organismos Regionales y en el seno de las Naciones Unidas, para defender sus intereses comunes y tratar de obtener concesiones y relaciones más justas con los países del Norte. Este trabajo pretende estudiar algunos aspectos de la relación o diálogo lo anterior por cuanto este Norte-Sur, únicamente a nivel gubernamental.
The North-South relationship or North-South dialogue is one of the issues that has gained special relevance in current international relations. The nature of the problem, although it is of a social economic nature, has repercussions in the international sphere, and above all in its organizations, both universal and regional, and in the foreign policy of the States. The first confrontation that became present in the contemporary international system was the East-West or ideological tension, which operated from the 1960s onwards, a different tension arose between Washington and Moscow, the North-South or economic tension, which does not cancel out the previous one, but is superimposed on it without detracting from its relevance or intensity. This is the worldwide confrontation between developed or rich countries and underdeveloped or poor countries. The first are those in the northern hemisphere, including the United States, Canada, the European Economic Community, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and Japan, and in general, the underdeveloped countries in the southern hemisphere, belonging to the continents of Africa, Asia and America. This simplified division has certain exceptions, such as Australia and New Zealand, which, although located in the Southern Hemisphere, have reached a certain level of development and fall into another category, that of the Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs). This category also includes Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore in Asia; Spain, Portugal, Greece and Yugoslavia in Europe; and Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia in the Americas. The North-South confrontation is a tension between rich and poor countries, between developed and underdeveloped countries, between countries producing and exporting raw materials and countries producing and exporting manufactured goods, between countries that lend and countries that borrow international capital. The conviction on the part of the underdeveloped countries that, despite their political independence, they will continue to be subject to economic dependence, has created a feeling of solidarity which has been channeled, sometimes spontaneously and sometimes in a coordinated manner, through Conferences, Regional Organizations and within the United Nations, to defend their common interests and try to obtain concessions and fairer relations with the countries of the North. This work intends to study some aspects of the relationship or dialogue between the North and the South, only at the governmental level.
The North-South relationship or North-South dialogue is one of the issues that has gained special relevance in current international relations. The nature of the problem, although it is of a social economic nature, has repercussions in the international sphere, and above all in its organizations, both universal and regional, and in the foreign policy of the States. The first confrontation that became present in the contemporary international system was the East-West or ideological tension, which operated from the 1960s onwards, a different tension arose between Washington and Moscow, the North-South or economic tension, which does not cancel out the previous one, but is superimposed on it without detracting from its relevance or intensity. This is the worldwide confrontation between developed or rich countries and underdeveloped or poor countries. The first are those in the northern hemisphere, including the United States, Canada, the European Economic Community, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and Japan, and in general, the underdeveloped countries in the southern hemisphere, belonging to the continents of Africa, Asia and America. This simplified division has certain exceptions, such as Australia and New Zealand, which, although located in the Southern Hemisphere, have reached a certain level of development and fall into another category, that of the Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs). This category also includes Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore in Asia; Spain, Portugal, Greece and Yugoslavia in Europe; and Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia in the Americas. The North-South confrontation is a tension between rich and poor countries, between developed and underdeveloped countries, between countries producing and exporting raw materials and countries producing and exporting manufactured goods, between countries that lend and countries that borrow international capital. The conviction on the part of the underdeveloped countries that, despite their political independence, they will continue to be subject to economic dependence, has created a feeling of solidarity which has been channeled, sometimes spontaneously and sometimes in a coordinated manner, through Conferences, Regional Organizations and within the United Nations, to defend their common interests and try to obtain concessions and fairer relations with the countries of the North. This work intends to study some aspects of the relationship or dialogue between the North and the South, only at the governmental level.
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