La gestión estratégica institucional para la promoción del desarrollo socioeconómico, cultural y ambiental del cantón de Dota: Análisis del Comité Local Un Pueblo, Un Producto (OVOP Dota), 2015-2021
Agüero Mora, Katerine Johana
Navarro Vargas, Maria del Milagro
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación titulada “La gestión estratégica institucional para la promoción del desarrollo socioeconómico, cultural y ambiental del cantón de Dota: Análisis del Comité Local Un Pueblo, Un Producto (OVOP). Años 2015-2021”, persigue dar a conocer el funcionamiento administrativo y estratégico del comité, tanto como apoyar en la necesidad de formular estrategias para lograr una adecuada planificación a mediano y corto plazo, así como brindar apoyo en el desarrollo del cantón.
Es de suma importancia indicar que todo el trabajo fue dirigido para cubrir la necesidad de fortalecer al comité local OVOP Dota en temas de planificación, estrategias y principalmente en vincular la estrategia con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Su principal objetivo establece investigar la gestión estratégica institucional en el cantón de Dota, para el diseño de propuestas de desarrollo local por medio del estudio del Comité Local Un Pueblo, Un Producto. Años 2015-2021.
La propuesta realizada por las estudiantes de la carrera de Planificación Económica y Promoción Social de la Universidad Nacional, permite dar a conocer la necesidad de fortalecer el comité local. El comité cuenta con todo el potencial necesario para brindar apoyo a los productores, emprendimientos y proyectos que se encuentran inscritos a OVOP Dota. Sin embargo, dentro de sus necesidades se evidencia una ausencia de estrategias para lograr la adecuada planificación con el fin de ser sostenibles en el tiempo, mientras obtienen el financiamiento de instituciones involucradas para fomentar el desarrollo en diferentes áreas del cantón Dota.
Por lo anterior, la propuesta fue orientada hacia un plan estratégico para la gestión del comité OVOP Dota, con el objetivo de fortalecer, afianzar su desempeño y evidenciar la generación de valor agregado relacionado con los productos, proyectos y emprendimientos existentes en el cantón.
The present investigation entitled "Institutional strategic management for the promotion of socioeconomic, cultural and environmental development of the canton of Dota: Analysis of the Local Committee One Town, One Product (OVOP). Years 2015-2021”, seeks to publicize the administrative and strategic operation of the committee, as well as support the need to formulate strategies to achieve adequate planning in the medium and short term, as well as provide support in the development of the canton. It is very important to indicate that all the work was directed to cover the need to strengthen the local OVOP Dota committee in planning issues, strategies and mainly in linking the strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals. Its main objective is to investigate institutional strategic management in the canton of Dota, for the design of local development proposals through the study of the One Town, One Product Local Committee. Years 2015-2021. The proposal made by the students of the Economic Planning and Social Promotion career of the National University, allows to publicize the need to strengthen the local committee. The committee has all the necessary potential to provide support to producers, ventures and projects that are registered with OVOP Dota. However, within their needs there is an absence of strategies to achieve adequate planning in order to be sustainable over time, while obtaining financing from institutions involved to promote development in different areas of the Dota canton. Therefore, the proposal was oriented towards a strategic plan for the management of the OVOP Dota committee, with the objective of strengthening, strengthening its performance and demonstrating the generation of added value related to the existing products, projects and ventures in the canton.
The present investigation entitled "Institutional strategic management for the promotion of socioeconomic, cultural and environmental development of the canton of Dota: Analysis of the Local Committee One Town, One Product (OVOP). Years 2015-2021”, seeks to publicize the administrative and strategic operation of the committee, as well as support the need to formulate strategies to achieve adequate planning in the medium and short term, as well as provide support in the development of the canton. It is very important to indicate that all the work was directed to cover the need to strengthen the local OVOP Dota committee in planning issues, strategies and mainly in linking the strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals. Its main objective is to investigate institutional strategic management in the canton of Dota, for the design of local development proposals through the study of the One Town, One Product Local Committee. Years 2015-2021. The proposal made by the students of the Economic Planning and Social Promotion career of the National University, allows to publicize the need to strengthen the local committee. The committee has all the necessary potential to provide support to producers, ventures and projects that are registered with OVOP Dota. However, within their needs there is an absence of strategies to achieve adequate planning in order to be sustainable over time, while obtaining financing from institutions involved to promote development in different areas of the Dota canton. Therefore, the proposal was oriented towards a strategic plan for the management of the OVOP Dota committee, with the objective of strengthening, strengthening its performance and demonstrating the generation of added value related to the existing products, projects and ventures in the canton.
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