Masculinidades y delito con hombres en condición carcelaria, que delinquieron siendo adultos mayores
González Murillo, Nicole
González Picado, Cristina
Loría Arias, Fabiola
Segura Arias, Dayana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente seminario profundiza sobre las distintas masculinidades de cinco sujetos que se encuentran privados de libertad en el Centro de Atención Integral Adulto Mayor Alajuela. El referente conceptual utilizado en esta investigación fue desarrollado desde la Psicología Social y de la Liberación, buscando plasmar los distintos matices de las masculinidades y la diversidad de contextos por los que estas se ven atravesadas. El mismo se realiza desde el enfoque cualitativo, con una metodología fenomenológica. Se utilizó como método de recolección las historias de vida por medio de entrevistas a profundidad, frases incompletas y palabras asociativas. Como parte de los resultados, se observó que las masculinidades se encuentran atravesadas por una serie de elementos como el contexto, historia y cultura en las que se desenvuelven y adaptan en las diferentes etapas de vida.
This seminar delves into the different masculinities of five subjects who are deprived of liberty in the Alajuela Senior Adult Comprehensive Care Center. The conceptual reference used in this research was developed from Social and Liberation Psychology, seeking to capture the different nuances of masculinities and the diversity of contexts through which they are crossed. It is carried out from the qualitative approach, with a phenomenological methodology. Life stories were used as a collection method through in-depth interviews, incomplete sentences and associative words. As part of the results, it was observed that masculinities are crossed by a series of elements such as the context, history and culture in which they develop and adapt in different stages of life.
This seminar delves into the different masculinities of five subjects who are deprived of liberty in the Alajuela Senior Adult Comprehensive Care Center. The conceptual reference used in this research was developed from Social and Liberation Psychology, seeking to capture the different nuances of masculinities and the diversity of contexts through which they are crossed. It is carried out from the qualitative approach, with a phenomenological methodology. Life stories were used as a collection method through in-depth interviews, incomplete sentences and associative words. As part of the results, it was observed that masculinities are crossed by a series of elements such as the context, history and culture in which they develop and adapt in different stages of life.
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