Análisis diacrónico de la problemática del recurso humano informático del Sector Público: variables de rotación y motivación de personal
Castillo Sánchez, José
Rodríguez Caicedo, Cristian
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El presente estudio comprende la realización de un diagnóstico el cual nos mostrará los principales elementos relacionados al comportamiento de los factores de motivación y de rotación del funcionario público informático. Para ello se visitaron las veintisietes Instituciones Gubernamentales que n ese momento se encontraban debidamente creadas, sobre ellas se estableció una estrategia de aplicación del instrumento (cuestionario) en forma personalizada, llegando a lograr una cobertura del 93% el cual equivale a 348 funcionarios de un total de 470. El mismo presenta una visión introductoria sobre las principales teorías de los expertos en materia de administración pública en nuestro siglo, así mismo, de las posiciones de los exponentes de mayor renombre en temas de motivación y rotación de personal o "turnover", en los cuales nos basamos para complementar los análisis posteriores que extraeríamos del estudio. Una vez que se tuvieron las herramientas principales, tanto teóricas como prácticas, definimos las áreas de importancia que debería de tener el diagnóstico (Datos personales del funcionario, Datos generales del puesto, Nivel académico, factores de incidencia que lo llevaron a rotar o que lo llevarían a rotar, Grado de motivación o desmotivación, Aceptación o no de la clasificación de puestos actuales para el Sector Informático Gubernamental), además, se contó con la colaboración de expertos en estadística los cuales nos asesoraron en la construcción, análisis y el tipo de manejo que deberíamos de tener para controlar a la totalidad de la población, a lo cual se añaden problemas propios del entorno nacional y económico del país los cuales son importantes mencionar.
The present study includes the realization of a diagnosis which will show us the main elements related to the behavior of the motivational factors and rotation of the IT public official. To do this, the twenty-seven Government Institutions that were duly created at that time were visited, a strategy for the application of the instrument (questionnaire) was established on them in a personalized way, reaching a coverage of 93% which is equivalent to 348 officials of a total of 470. It presents an introductory vision on the main theories of the experts in public administration in our century, likewise, of the positions of the most renowned exponents in matters of motivation and staff turnover or "turnover" , on which we rely to complement the subsequent analyzes that we would extract from the study. Once the main tools, both theoretical and practical, were had, we defined the areas of importance that the diagnosis should have (Personal data of the official, General data of the position, Academic level, factors of incidence that led him to rotate or that would lead to rotation, Degree of motivation or demotivation, Acceptance or not of the current job classification for the Government IT Sector), in addition, we had the collaboration of statistical experts who advised us on the construction, analysis and type of management that we should have to control the entire population, to which are added problems of the national and economic environment of the country which are important to mention.
The present study includes the realization of a diagnosis which will show us the main elements related to the behavior of the motivational factors and rotation of the IT public official. To do this, the twenty-seven Government Institutions that were duly created at that time were visited, a strategy for the application of the instrument (questionnaire) was established on them in a personalized way, reaching a coverage of 93% which is equivalent to 348 officials of a total of 470. It presents an introductory vision on the main theories of the experts in public administration in our century, likewise, of the positions of the most renowned exponents in matters of motivation and staff turnover or "turnover" , on which we rely to complement the subsequent analyzes that we would extract from the study. Once the main tools, both theoretical and practical, were had, we defined the areas of importance that the diagnosis should have (Personal data of the official, General data of the position, Academic level, factors of incidence that led him to rotate or that would lead to rotation, Degree of motivation or demotivation, Acceptance or not of the current job classification for the Government IT Sector), in addition, we had the collaboration of statistical experts who advised us on the construction, analysis and type of management that we should have to control the entire population, to which are added problems of the national and economic environment of the country which are important to mention.
Castillo Sánchez, J. & Rodríguez Caicedo, C. (1995). Análisis diacrónico de la problemática del recurso humano informático del Sector Público: variables de rotación y motivación de personal. [Tesis de Licenciatura].
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