Consecuencias del entorno social en el comportamiento escolar de los niños residentes del Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante, durante el primer trimestre del curso lectivo 2007, Daniel Flores, Pérez Zeledón.
Monge Godínez, Adriana
Serrano León, Laury
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esa investigación tuvo como propósito analizar cual era el tipo de influencia que presentaba el ambiente social en el comportamiento escolar de los niños residentes del Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante. El objetivo general es investigar las consecuencias del entorno social en el comportamiento escolar de los niños residentes del Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante, durante el primer trimestre del curso lectivo 2007. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y bajo el paradigma cualitativo. La literatura consultada muestra una referencia sobre ambiente social, la familia, los tipos de esta que se pueden encontrar, el estilo de vida de las familias en la actualidad, sus valores, los hogares sustitutos y su vinculación con los niños, los grupos de amigos, los medios de comunicación, las relaciones interpersonales en el desarrollo del individuo y la nutrición, desarrollo físico – emocional del niño en la edad escolar, así como el estudio cualitativo y la investigación descriptiva. Para registrar el proceso de sistematización se diseñaron tres entrevistas dirigidas, para el director del centro educativo San Francisco de Asís, los docentes y para el encargado del Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante, y dos guías de observación para los niños en las lecciones y en los recesos. La población estuvo conformada por trece niños, cuatro maestras, el director de la escuela y el encargado del Hogar. Los principales resultados muestran que los niños tienen un buen comportamiento y que el entorno en el que se encuentra la escuela es favorable para el desarrollo de estos. Las conclusiones indican que el entorno social en el que viven actualmente los niños residentes del Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante (Hogar A.M.A.) influye de manera positiva en el comportamiento escolar y social de los niños. Se recomienda seguir brindando apoyo al Hogar A.M.A. como institución benefactora de la población infantil del país que se encuentra en riesgo social; así como la implementación de estrategias en pro de favorecer el desarrollo integral de los niños que viven en el Hogar, tanto en la escuela como en la comunidad vecina.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the type of influence that the social environment had on the school behavior of the children residing at the Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante. The general objective is to investigate the consequences of the social environment on the school behavior of the children residing at the Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante, during the first trimester of the 2007 school year. The research is descriptive and under the qualitative paradigm. The literature consulted shows a reference to the social environment, the family, the types of families that can be found, the lifestyle of families today, their values, foster homes and their link with children, groups of friends, the media, interpersonal relationships in the development of the individual and nutrition, physical and emotional development of the child at school age, as well as the qualitative study and descriptive research. To record the systematization of the syste, interviews were conducted for the principal of the San Francisco de Asis school, the directors of the San Francisco de Asis school, the teachers, and the person in charge, and two observation guides for the children during lessons and recesses, and two observation guides for the children. The population consisted of thirteen children, four teachers, the school director and the person in charge of the home. The main results show that the children are well-behaved and that the environment in which the school is located is favorable for their development. The conclusions indicate that the social environment in which the children residing in the Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante (Hogar A.M.A.) currently live has a positive influence on the children's school and social behavior. It is recommended to continue providing support to Hogar A.M.A. as a benefactor institution of the country's child population that is at social risk; as well as the implementation of strategies in favor of favoring the integral development of the children living in the Hogar, both at school and in the neighboring community.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the type of influence that the social environment had on the school behavior of the children residing at the Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante. The general objective is to investigate the consequences of the social environment on the school behavior of the children residing at the Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante, during the first trimester of the 2007 school year. The research is descriptive and under the qualitative paradigm. The literature consulted shows a reference to the social environment, the family, the types of families that can be found, the lifestyle of families today, their values, foster homes and their link with children, groups of friends, the media, interpersonal relationships in the development of the individual and nutrition, physical and emotional development of the child at school age, as well as the qualitative study and descriptive research. To record the systematization of the syste, interviews were conducted for the principal of the San Francisco de Asis school, the directors of the San Francisco de Asis school, the teachers, and the person in charge, and two observation guides for the children during lessons and recesses, and two observation guides for the children. The population consisted of thirteen children, four teachers, the school director and the person in charge of the home. The main results show that the children are well-behaved and that the environment in which the school is located is favorable for their development. The conclusions indicate that the social environment in which the children residing in the Hogar de Atención al Menor Ambulante (Hogar A.M.A.) currently live has a positive influence on the children's school and social behavior. It is recommended to continue providing support to Hogar A.M.A. as a benefactor institution of the country's child population that is at social risk; as well as the implementation of strategies in favor of favoring the integral development of the children living in the Hogar, both at school and in the neighboring community.
Licenciatura en Orientación.
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