Comparación de los protocolos de anestesia total intravenosa xilacina/butorfanol/ketamina versus contra xilacina/midazolam/ketamina con y sin lidocaína en ambos, para orquiectomía de equinos
Rodríguez González, Andrés
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El propósito de este estudio fue comparar cuatro protocolos de anestesia total
intravenosa. Dos protocolos incluyeron xilacina (1 mg/kg), butorfanol (0.04 mg/kg), y
ketamina (2 mg/kg), con y sin lidocaína intravenosa (2 mg/kg), y los otros dos incluyeron
xilacina (1 mg/kg), midazolam (0.02 mg/kg) y ketamina (2 mg/kg), con y sin lidocaína
intravenosa (2 mg/Kg), en orquiectomía en equinos, usando exclusivamente medicamentos
registrados a nivel nacional y bajo las condiciones de campo típicas de Costa Rica. Cuarenta
caballos fueron distribuidos al azar y utilizados en un modelo doble ciego para recibir uno de
los cuatro protocolos anestésicos. Un catéter intravenoso con una llave de triple vía fue
posicionado en la vena yugular para la administración de los fármacos. Todos los caballos
fueron sedados con xilacina 5 minutos previo a la inducción con el respectivo protocolo
anestésico. Parámetros como frecuencia cardiaca, respiratoria y respuesta a estímulo
quirúrgico fueron recolectados en intervalos de 5 minutos para evaluar la profundidad
anestésica. Las duraciones del periodo de anestesia y recuperación fueron recopiladas durante
la investigación, así como también fueron evaluadas las calidades de inducción y
Todos los protocolos anestésicos produjeron inducciones y recuperaciones suaves y
tranquilas. La respuesta ante el estímulo quirúrgico fue leve y mostró diferencias mínimas
entre grupos, por su parte la frecuencia cardiaca y respiratoria no mostró diferencias
significativas. En promedio, la duración de período de anestesia fue de 35 minutos para todos
los protocolos.
The purpose of this study was to compare four total intravenous anesthesia protocols for orchiectomy in horses using the following drugs registered in Costa Rica: xylazine (1 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.04 mg/kg), and ketamine (2 mg/kg), with or without intravenous lidocaine (2 mg/kg), represents two of the protocols; and xylazine (1mg/kg), midazolam (0.02mg/kg) and ketamine (2mg/kg), with or without intravenous lidocaine (2mg/kg), the other two. Forty horses in a double-blind model were randomly assigned to one of the four protocols. An intravenous catheter with a three-way stopcock was placed in the jugular vein for drug administration. All horses were sedated with xylazine five minutes before the respective induction protocol. Parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate and response to surgical stimulation were recorded at five minutes intervals to evaluate the depth of anesthesia. The duration of anesthesia and the recovery period were measured during the investigation. The induction and recovery quality were also evaluated. All anesthetic protocols generated smooth and calm inductions and recoveries. The response to surgical stimulation was mild and showed minimal differences between groups. The heart rate and breathing did not show differences within the four protocols. The overall duration of anesthesia was located at an average of 35 minutes for all groups.
The purpose of this study was to compare four total intravenous anesthesia protocols for orchiectomy in horses using the following drugs registered in Costa Rica: xylazine (1 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.04 mg/kg), and ketamine (2 mg/kg), with or without intravenous lidocaine (2 mg/kg), represents two of the protocols; and xylazine (1mg/kg), midazolam (0.02mg/kg) and ketamine (2mg/kg), with or without intravenous lidocaine (2mg/kg), the other two. Forty horses in a double-blind model were randomly assigned to one of the four protocols. An intravenous catheter with a three-way stopcock was placed in the jugular vein for drug administration. All horses were sedated with xylazine five minutes before the respective induction protocol. Parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate and response to surgical stimulation were recorded at five minutes intervals to evaluate the depth of anesthesia. The duration of anesthesia and the recovery period were measured during the investigation. The induction and recovery quality were also evaluated. All anesthetic protocols generated smooth and calm inductions and recoveries. The response to surgical stimulation was mild and showed minimal differences between groups. The heart rate and breathing did not show differences within the four protocols. The overall duration of anesthesia was located at an average of 35 minutes for all groups.
Modalidad: Tesis
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