Aprender desde la extensión : epistemologías de la conversación
Castro Flores , Kattia Isabel
Méndez Méndez, José Mario
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Universidad Nacional
Estas páginas son una contribución para quienes quieren construir comunidades aprendientes universitarias, enriquecidas por los distintos caminos de aprendizajes que han sido ya recorridos por las personas con las cuales se entra en contacto desde los proyectos de extensión.
De esa manera, se promoverá el diálogo entre la epistemología dominante en las instituciones de educación superior (criterio que suele ser llamado “científico”) y los saberes comunitarios (criterios locales y contextuales).
Este trabajo tiene como fuentes principales las conversaciones con grupos de personas que participan en dos de los proyectos de extensión adscritos a la Escuela Ecuménica de Ciencias de la Religión: el proyecto Bioaprendizaje, aprender desde la vida, y el proyecto Educaciones, espiritualidades y resistencias: vivencias pedagógicas y sociorreligiosas liberadoras para la niñez y adolescencia.
En la propuesta metodológica de estos proyectos se encuentra, de forma explícita y reiterada, la voluntad de conversar. En vez de entrevistas, se promueven espacios de diálogo y de búsqueda compartida, y los talleres dan lugar a la promoción de enriquecedoras experiencias de convivencia en las que todas las personas toman-recuperan las palabras para comunicar sus saberes, temores, luchas y esperanzas.
These pages are a contribution to those who want to build university learning communities enriched by the different learning paths that have already been traveled by the people with whom they come into contact through extension projects. In this way, the dialogue between the dominant epistemology in higher education institutions (criteria that are usually called "scientific") and community knowledge (local and contextual criteria) will be promoted. This work has as its main sources the conversations with groups of people participating in two of the extension projects attached to the Ecumenical School of Religious Sciences: the project Biolearning, learning from life, and the project Educations, spiritualities and resistances: liberating pedagogical and socio-religious experiences for children and adolescents. In the methodological proposal of these projects we find, explicitly and repeatedly, the willingness to talk. Instead of interviews, spaces for dialogue and shared research are promoted, and the workshops give rise to the promotion of enriching experiences of coexistence in which all people take back the words to communicate their knowledge, fears, struggles and hopes.
These pages are a contribution to those who want to build university learning communities enriched by the different learning paths that have already been traveled by the people with whom they come into contact through extension projects. In this way, the dialogue between the dominant epistemology in higher education institutions (criteria that are usually called "scientific") and community knowledge (local and contextual criteria) will be promoted. This work has as its main sources the conversations with groups of people participating in two of the extension projects attached to the Ecumenical School of Religious Sciences: the project Biolearning, learning from life, and the project Educations, spiritualities and resistances: liberating pedagogical and socio-religious experiences for children and adolescents. In the methodological proposal of these projects we find, explicitly and repeatedly, the willingness to talk. Instead of interviews, spaces for dialogue and shared research are promoted, and the workshops give rise to the promotion of enriching experiences of coexistence in which all people take back the words to communicate their knowledge, fears, struggles and hopes.
Universidad Nacional (Vicerrectoría de Extensión)
Proyecto Bioaprendizaje, aprender desde la vida, y el proyecto Educaciones, espiritualidades y resistencias: vivencias pedagógicas y sociorreligiosas liberadoras para la niñez y adolescencia.
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