Descripciones morfológicas del polen de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) y de melina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) como herramienta para el mejoramiento genético
Hernández Delgado, Belinda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
A pesar de la importancia económica de la teca y melina en el mundo forestal tropical
y de la existencia de programas de mejoramiento genético desde antes de los años 70 en
América latina, se reportan avances modestos hacia generaciones avanzadas de
mejoramiento. Para esto se requiere desarrollar un programa de cruzamientos controlados
entre los genotipos de mejor desempeño, con el fin de continuar obteniendo ganancias
genéticas de manera sostenida en las siguientes generaciones de mejoramiento. Por lo
anterior, se desarrolla en la actualidad el proyecto “Desarrollo de la segunda generación
de mejoramiento genético de teca (Tectona grandis L.) y melina (Gmelina arborea
Roxb.) en la Cooperativa GENFORES (0021-14, ITCR-UNA) (2015-2019)”, el cual
posee un componente biotecnológico, que busca dar respuesta a las interrogantes en
relación al manejo y conservación de polen de ambas especies con el establecimiento de
un banco de polen (criobanco), y en específico con el presente trabajo se busca conocer
los diferentes descriptores morfológicos de los granos de polen que permitan una
selección temprana de polen viable, con el fin de aumentar la eficacia de la polinización
Algunos de estos caracteres son la forma, el tamaño y el número de aberturas, debido
a que, en el estado de madurez del grano, son constantes dentro de la especie, género e
incluso en la familia, lo que les confiere a estos descriptores un alto valor taxonómico y
filogenético. En el presente estudio se trabajó con el polen de cinco clones de teca y cinco
clones de melina, con el fin de establecer la morfología de cada especie y si existía
variación entre genotipos. Se determinó que los granos de polen de ambas especies son
mónadas, tricolporados y medianos. Melina mostró granos oblatos-subesferoidales y teca
presenta granos subesferoidales. Además, en ambas especies se encontró un alto
coeficiente de variación intragenotípica, lo que demuestra una asociación fuerte del polen
con el genotipo paterno vegetal. Por lo que se llegó a la conclusión de que, en los granos
de polen, tanto de teca como de melina, existe una fuerte asociación de la expresión
fenotípica con el genotipo, lo que conlleva a un alto control genético de los caracteres
Despite the economic importance of teak and melina in the tropical forest world and the existence of genetic improvement programs since before the 1970s in Latin America, modest advances towards advanced generations of improvement are reported. For this, it is necessary to develop a program of controlled crosses between the best performing genotypes, in order to continue obtaining genetic gains in a sustained way in the following generations of improvement. Therefore, the project “Development of the second generation of genetic improvement of teak (Tectona grandis L.) and melina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) Is currently being developed at the GENFORES Cooperative (0021-14, ITCR-UNA) ( 2015-2019) ”, which has a biotechnological component, which seeks to answer the questions in relation to the management and conservation of pollen of both species with the establishment of a pollen bank (cryobank), and specifically with the present work It seeks to know the different morphological descriptors of the pollen grains that allow an early selection of viable pollen, in order to increase the effectiveness of controlled pollination. Some of these characters are the shape, size and number of openings, due to the fact that, in the state of maturity of the grain, they are constant within the species, genus and even in the family, which gives these descriptors a high taxonomic and phylogenetic value. In the present study, pollen from five teak clones and five melina clones were used, in order to establish the morphology of each species and whether there was variation between genotypes. It was determined that the pollen grains of both species are monads, tricolporates and medium. Melina showed oblate-subspheroidal grains and teak presented subspheroidal grains. In addition, in both species a high coefficient of intragenotypic variation was found, which shows a strong association of pollen with the parental plant genotype. Therefore, it was concluded that, in pollen grains, both teak and melina, there is a strong association of phenotypic expression with genotype, which entails a high genetic control of morphological characters.
Despite the economic importance of teak and melina in the tropical forest world and the existence of genetic improvement programs since before the 1970s in Latin America, modest advances towards advanced generations of improvement are reported. For this, it is necessary to develop a program of controlled crosses between the best performing genotypes, in order to continue obtaining genetic gains in a sustained way in the following generations of improvement. Therefore, the project “Development of the second generation of genetic improvement of teak (Tectona grandis L.) and melina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) Is currently being developed at the GENFORES Cooperative (0021-14, ITCR-UNA) ( 2015-2019) ”, which has a biotechnological component, which seeks to answer the questions in relation to the management and conservation of pollen of both species with the establishment of a pollen bank (cryobank), and specifically with the present work It seeks to know the different morphological descriptors of the pollen grains that allow an early selection of viable pollen, in order to increase the effectiveness of controlled pollination. Some of these characters are the shape, size and number of openings, due to the fact that, in the state of maturity of the grain, they are constant within the species, genus and even in the family, which gives these descriptors a high taxonomic and phylogenetic value. In the present study, pollen from five teak clones and five melina clones were used, in order to establish the morphology of each species and whether there was variation between genotypes. It was determined that the pollen grains of both species are monads, tricolporates and medium. Melina showed oblate-subspheroidal grains and teak presented subspheroidal grains. In addition, in both species a high coefficient of intragenotypic variation was found, which shows a strong association of pollen with the parental plant genotype. Therefore, it was concluded that, in pollen grains, both teak and melina, there is a strong association of phenotypic expression with genotype, which entails a high genetic control of morphological characters.
Hernández Delgado, B. (2019). Descripciones morfológicas del polen de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) y de melina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) como herramienta para el mejoramiento genético. (Tesis de Licenciatura). Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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