Efectividad de la política fiscal sobre el gasto social y su efecto en los niveles de pobreza: caso Costa Rica en el periodo 1991-2020
Calvo-Aguilar, Daniela
Jiménez-Naranjo, Jesús
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación analiza la efectividad de la política fiscal sobre el gasto social y su efecto en los niveles de pobreza de Costa Rica para el periodo de 1991 a 2020. Se pretende realizar un análisis de la eficiencia de la gestión de la política fiscal en el gasto social, debido a que es un instrumento para la toma de decisiones de política pública. Además, se analiza si estas han contribuido con la mejora o el deterioro de la calidad de vida de las personas ciudadanas. La finalidad es establecer relaciones entre la política fiscal y la pobreza, lo que constituye un aporte relevante desde la teoría y la evidencia empírica para la discusión y formulación futura de políticas públicas. Por medio del modelo econométrico se pretende identificar aquellas variables que registran mayores efectos en la reducción de la pobreza, de manera que se tenga una referencia en el momento de plantear reformas fiscales que ayuden a mitigar los efectos de la desigualdad de los ingresos y la pobreza en el desarrollo económico y social del país. Durante muchos años, la erradicación de la pobreza ha sido un tema preocupante para la mayoría de las economías del mundo, ya que el crecimiento acelerado de esta, muestra signos de una economía poco desarrollada y con serios problemas de distribución de la riqueza que repercuten en el avance y desarrollo económico de un país. De acuerdo con lo anterior, esto ha llevado a gobiernos e instituciones, entre otros a realizar investigaciones referentes a estos temas que se exponen a lo largo de este capítulo, el cual resulta de interés para conocer la efectividad de la política fiscal desde el gasto social.
his research analyzes the effectiveness of fiscal policy on social spending and its effect on poverty levels in Costa Rica for the period from 1991 to 2020. The aim is to carry out an analysis of the efficiency of fiscal policy management in social spending, because it is an instrument for making public policy decisions. In addition, it analyzes whether these have contributed to the improvement or deterioration of the quality of life of citizens. The purpose is to establish relationships between fiscal policy and poverty, which constitutes a relevant contribution from theory and empirical evidence for the discussion and future formulation of public policies. Through the econometric model, it is intended to identify those variables that register greater effects on poverty reduction, so that there is a reference when proposing fiscal reforms that help mitigate the effects of income inequality and poverty on the economic and social development of the country. For many years, poverty eradication has been a worrying issue for most of the world's economies, since the accelerated growth of poverty shows signs of an underdeveloped economy with serious problems in the distribution of wealth that have an impact on the economic progress and development of a country. In accordance with the above, this has led governments and institutions, among others, to carry out research on these issues, which are presented throughout this chapter, which is of interest to understand the effectiveness of fiscal policy based on social spending.
his research analyzes the effectiveness of fiscal policy on social spending and its effect on poverty levels in Costa Rica for the period from 1991 to 2020. The aim is to carry out an analysis of the efficiency of fiscal policy management in social spending, because it is an instrument for making public policy decisions. In addition, it analyzes whether these have contributed to the improvement or deterioration of the quality of life of citizens. The purpose is to establish relationships between fiscal policy and poverty, which constitutes a relevant contribution from theory and empirical evidence for the discussion and future formulation of public policies. Through the econometric model, it is intended to identify those variables that register greater effects on poverty reduction, so that there is a reference when proposing fiscal reforms that help mitigate the effects of income inequality and poverty on the economic and social development of the country. For many years, poverty eradication has been a worrying issue for most of the world's economies, since the accelerated growth of poverty shows signs of an underdeveloped economy with serious problems in the distribution of wealth that have an impact on the economic progress and development of a country. In accordance with the above, this has led governments and institutions, among others, to carry out research on these issues, which are presented throughout this chapter, which is of interest to understand the effectiveness of fiscal policy based on social spending.
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