Construcción del conocimiento sobre la salud sexual en personas adultas mayores: una aproximación desde los relatos de personas adultas mayores que asisten al PAIPAM
Picado Roblero, Jose David
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Universidad Nacional Costa Rica
La presente investigación tuvo como propósito analizar el proceso de construcción del
conocimiento en salud sexual de personas adultas mayores que asisten al Programa de
Atención Integral para la Persona Adulta Mayor (PAIPAM) en la Universidad Nacional de
Costa Rica. La motivación para esta investigación surgió de la necesidad existente de
determinar cómo han construido el conocimiento en salud sexual las personas adultas
mayores dentro de la sociedad costarricense a lo largo de las décadas y los cambios sociales.
Para ello se tomó una muestra de 5 hombres y 5 mujeres participantes del programa, a quienes
se les realizó una entrevista a profundidad con el objetivo de crear un relato de vida sobre
este proceso y el impacto que ha tenido en su vida. Los resultados arrojaron que las primeras
etapas de vida de las personas participantes estuvieron cargadas de censura y
desconocimiento en salud sexual, debido a la religiosidad y el hermetismo propios de la
época. Estas características provocaron que se desarrollaran con múltiples vacíos en salud
sexual, lo cual trajo consigo fenómenos como el embarazo adolescente, ausencia o empleo
escaso de métodos anticonceptivos y un sistema de creencias tanto social como individual
donde la culpa y la vergüenza los ha mantenido alejados de una educación afectiva. No
obstante, actualmente las personas participantes perciben la salud sexual como un tema vital
dentro de un envejecimiento saludable, mientras se aparte de la visión reduccionista de que
la sexualidad consiste únicamente en el coito y se aborde desde todo el entramado de caricias,
afectividad y compañía en la relación de pareja.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the construction process of the knowledge in sexual health of older adults who attend the Program of Comprehensive Care for the Elderly Person (PAIPAM) at the National University of Costa Rica. The motivation for this research arose from the existing need to determine how adults have built sexual health knowledge elderly within Costa Rican society over the decades and social changes. For this, a sample of 5 men and 5 women participating in the program was taken, who were An in-depth interview was conducted with the aim of creating a life story about this process and the impact it has had on your life. The results showed that the first stages of life of the participants were loaded with censorship and Ignorance in sexual health, due to the religiosity and the hermeticism of the epoch. These characteristics caused them to develop with multiple gaps in health sexual, which brought with it phenomena such as teenage pregnancy, absence or employment lack of contraceptive methods and a system of beliefs both social and individual where guilt and shame have kept them away from an affective education. No However, currently the participants perceive sexual health as a vital issue within healthy ageing, while moving away from the reductionist view that sexuality consists solely of intercourse and is addressed from the entire framework of caresses, affectivity and companionship in the couple relationship.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the construction process of the knowledge in sexual health of older adults who attend the Program of Comprehensive Care for the Elderly Person (PAIPAM) at the National University of Costa Rica. The motivation for this research arose from the existing need to determine how adults have built sexual health knowledge elderly within Costa Rican society over the decades and social changes. For this, a sample of 5 men and 5 women participating in the program was taken, who were An in-depth interview was conducted with the aim of creating a life story about this process and the impact it has had on your life. The results showed that the first stages of life of the participants were loaded with censorship and Ignorance in sexual health, due to the religiosity and the hermeticism of the epoch. These characteristics caused them to develop with multiple gaps in health sexual, which brought with it phenomena such as teenage pregnancy, absence or employment lack of contraceptive methods and a system of beliefs both social and individual where guilt and shame have kept them away from an affective education. No However, currently the participants perceive sexual health as a vital issue within healthy ageing, while moving away from the reductionist view that sexuality consists solely of intercourse and is addressed from the entire framework of caresses, affectivity and companionship in the couple relationship.
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