El teléfono celular como herramienta de apoyo en el proceso de aprendizaje para el estudiante no indígena y el estudiante indígena de la Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Astorga, Cristel Ivannia
León Anchía, Rodolfo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El uso del teléfono celular en el aula como apoyo en los
procesos de aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes de
la Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, es cada vez mayor.
Conocer cuál es la forma en que la población estudiantil
de la Sección utiliza esta herramienta y en particular la
población indígena, nos permite visualizar cómo dirigir
la acción docente con la finalidad de aprovechar su uso.
Para ello y basados en la teoría interdisciplinaria y de la
complejidad, se realizó un estudio descriptivo, que parte
de la sistematización de la experiencia en el aula, con una
muestra estadística representativa de los estudiantes de
los niveles avanzados de las carreras, mediante un cuestionario, para establecer patrones de comportamiento en
el uso del teléfono celular. Entre los principales hallazgos
se encuentran que el teléfono móvil como herramienta
es utilizada por ambas poblaciones estudiantiles de igual forma, siendo mayoritariamente usada para investigar. Sin embargo, las facilidades e incentivos por parte
del docente son pocas, lo que es un llamado a formar y
capacitar sobre la introducción y uso de depósitos electrónicos en el aula.
The use of the smartphones in the classroom setting, as support for the learning process by students of the North ern Huetar and Caribbean Regional Branch of the Na tional University, Costa Rica, is substantially increasing. Knowing the way in which this population, particularly the indigenous population on this Campus uses this tool, allows showing how to address the teaching practice to benefit from its use. Due to this, and based on the inter disciplinary and complexity theories, a descriptive study was conducted in which the systematization of the teach ing practice was the starting point, complemented by a statistic sample of the students from the advanced levels of the different majors by the application of a question naire, to establish behavior patterns in smartphones use. Among the main findings of the study, it was found that smartphones are used as a tool by both populations in the same way, mainly for research purposes. Still, the ease and incentives from the university faculty are not enough; this calls to educate and to train in the introduction and use of these technological devices in the classroom.
The use of the smartphones in the classroom setting, as support for the learning process by students of the North ern Huetar and Caribbean Regional Branch of the Na tional University, Costa Rica, is substantially increasing. Knowing the way in which this population, particularly the indigenous population on this Campus uses this tool, allows showing how to address the teaching practice to benefit from its use. Due to this, and based on the inter disciplinary and complexity theories, a descriptive study was conducted in which the systematization of the teach ing practice was the starting point, complemented by a statistic sample of the students from the advanced levels of the different majors by the application of a question naire, to establish behavior patterns in smartphones use. Among the main findings of the study, it was found that smartphones are used as a tool by both populations in the same way, mainly for research purposes. Still, the ease and incentives from the university faculty are not enough; this calls to educate and to train in the introduction and use of these technological devices in the classroom.
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