Pasantía en patología y microbiología en el Laboratorio de Patología de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica y Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A., San José, Costa Rica
Guevara González, Mariana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía de 320 horas, organizada en dos rotaciones, una en el
Laboratorio Clínico Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A., San José, Costa Rica, que se llevó a
cabo del 15 de junio al 15 de julio de 2021; y otra en el Laboratorio de Patología de la
Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica,
comprendida entre el 11 de agosto y el 14 de octubre del mismo año. Durante la
estadía en estos centros, se desarrollaron habilidades diagnósticas tanto en el área de
patología como de microbiología por medio de la participación en 32 exámenes post-
mortem, 577 estudios histopatológicos y 117 estudios citológicos, en el Laboratorio de
Patología; y en 91 exámenes directos con KOH, 192 tinciones Gram, 98 cultivos
micológicos, 155 cultivos bacteriológicos y 134 antibiogramas, en Diagnóstico Albéitar
S.A. Las muestras y especímenes procesados provenían de una gran variedad de
especies: 784 de caninos, 68 de felinos, 19 de animales silvestres, 19 de especies
productivas, diez de equinos y cuatro de especies exóticas. En ambos laboratorios, las
muestras que tuvieron mayor representación fueron las muestras de piel de especies
de compañía; en el Laboratorio de Patología el grueso del diagnóstico correspondió a
desórdenes neoplásicos o granulomatosos, mientras que, en Diagnóstico Albéitar
S.A., los resultados eran más compatibles con procesos como piodermas superficiales,
contaminación de heridas, dermatofitosis y sarna demodécica. Se evidenció además
un nivel bajo de remisión de muestras de especies mayores, lo cual dificulta la
vigilancia y estudio de enfermedades en estas especies.
A 320-hour externship was carried out between June 15 and October 14, 2021. The internship consisted of two rotations, one at the clinical laboratory Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A., San José, Costa Rica, and another at the Pathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Medicine School of the National University, Heredia, Costa Rica. During the internship, diagnostic skills were developed in both pathology and microbiology areas, throughout participation in 32 post-mortem exams, 577 histopathological studies and 117 cytological studies, at the Pathology Laboratory; and 91 direct examinations with KOH, 192 Gram stains, 98 mycological cultures, 155 bacteriological cultures and 134 antibiograms, at Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A. A wide variety of animal species were studied, including: canines, felines, horses, exotics, wild animals and livestock. In both laboratories, the most common samples were skin samples from dogs and cats; in the Pathology Laboratory, the majority of the diagnosis corresponded to neoplastic or granulomatous skin diseases, while in Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A., the results were more compatible with disorders such as superficial pyoderma, wound contamination, dermatophytosis and demodectic mange. Few samples from large animals were received during the externship, a worrying situation that makes it difficult to monitor and study diseases in these species.
A 320-hour externship was carried out between June 15 and October 14, 2021. The internship consisted of two rotations, one at the clinical laboratory Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A., San José, Costa Rica, and another at the Pathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Medicine School of the National University, Heredia, Costa Rica. During the internship, diagnostic skills were developed in both pathology and microbiology areas, throughout participation in 32 post-mortem exams, 577 histopathological studies and 117 cytological studies, at the Pathology Laboratory; and 91 direct examinations with KOH, 192 Gram stains, 98 mycological cultures, 155 bacteriological cultures and 134 antibiograms, at Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A. A wide variety of animal species were studied, including: canines, felines, horses, exotics, wild animals and livestock. In both laboratories, the most common samples were skin samples from dogs and cats; in the Pathology Laboratory, the majority of the diagnosis corresponded to neoplastic or granulomatous skin diseases, while in Diagnóstico Albéitar S.A., the results were more compatible with disorders such as superficial pyoderma, wound contamination, dermatophytosis and demodectic mange. Few samples from large animals were received during the externship, a worrying situation that makes it difficult to monitor and study diseases in these species.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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