Análisis de la cultura afrodescendiente a partir de la declaratoria por la ONU del año 2011 como "Año Internacional de las Personas Afrodescendientes"
Rodríguez Sánchez, Adriana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Considerando que el año 2011 fue declarado por la Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), como el “Año Internacional de las Personas Afrodescendientes”; se evidencia que la responsabilidad por parte de los Estados miembros en promover dicho acuerdo, entre sus entidades gubernamentales y convenios internacionales. Promoviendo actividades, acciones, y demás que concientizarán la igualdad de derechos entre mujeres y hombres, haciendo consciencia sobre la presencia afrodescendiente en la región, su aporte a la economía y la patrimonio cultural.
En la presente investigación, se expresa la importancia y trascendencia de la cultura afrodescendiente, tanto en Costa Rica como en la región Centroamericana y el Caribe; en el cual se proyecta la cultura, el potencial turístico y el desarrollo artístico en la zona del Caribe costarricense (la provincia de Limón).
A lo largo de la investigación realizada y la participación en distintas actividades, se demostró el interés de las comunidades, y demás entidades situadas en el Caribe Costarricense en desarrollar acciones que aviven la participación de entidades gubernamental, Organismos No Gubernamentales, instituciones privadas, entre otras, para que centren su atención en el desarrollo emprendedor, la diversificación cultural y la riqueza patrimonial que poseen.
Considering that the year 2011 was declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) as the "International Year for People of African Descent", it is evident that the responsibility of the member states to promote this agreement among their governmental entities and international agreements. Promoting activities, actions, and others that will raise awareness of equal rights between women and men, raising awareness about the Afro-descendant presence in the region, their contribution to the economy and cultural heritage. In the present research, the importance and transcendence of the Afro-descendant culture is expressed, both in Costa Rica and in the Central American and Caribbean region; in which the culture, the tourist potential and the artistic development in the Costa Rican Caribbean area (the province of Limón) are projected. Throughout the research carried out and the participation in different activities, it was demonstrated the interest of the communities and other entities located in the Costa Rican Caribbean in developing actions that encourage the participation of governmental entities, non-governmental organizations, private institutions, among others, to focus their attention on entrepreneurial development, cultural diversification and the rich heritage they have.
Considering that the year 2011 was declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) as the "International Year for People of African Descent", it is evident that the responsibility of the member states to promote this agreement among their governmental entities and international agreements. Promoting activities, actions, and others that will raise awareness of equal rights between women and men, raising awareness about the Afro-descendant presence in the region, their contribution to the economy and cultural heritage. In the present research, the importance and transcendence of the Afro-descendant culture is expressed, both in Costa Rica and in the Central American and Caribbean region; in which the culture, the tourist potential and the artistic development in the Costa Rican Caribbean area (the province of Limón) are projected. Throughout the research carried out and the participation in different activities, it was demonstrated the interest of the communities and other entities located in the Costa Rican Caribbean in developing actions that encourage the participation of governmental entities, non-governmental organizations, private institutions, among others, to focus their attention on entrepreneurial development, cultural diversification and the rich heritage they have.
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