Comentario del libro: Costa Rica después del café. La era cooperativa en la historia y la memoria, de Lowell Gudmundson
Díaz Porras, Rafael
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Editorial Universidad Nacional
La oportunidad de leer y comentar este valioso aporte de Lowell Gudmundson,1 para alguien que ha analizado la caficultura de Costa Rica, desde una perspectiva económica, es muy valiosa, pues valoro los aportes, al tener contacto con un análisis de la caficultura, desde la perspectiva históricosocial, que permite ampliar el panorama de análisis. En particular, destaco la ventaja de entender las dinámicas en el más largo plazo, para entender y ubicar los fenómenos actuales. El libro parte con preocupaciones del presente inmediato de la sociedad costarricense, reflejadas en la dinámica de la caficultura. Por otra parte, destaco el aporte en términos de la integralidad del análisis, observando dinámicas políticas, sociales, productivas en Costa Rica, ubicadas en un contexto internacional, también de largo alcance.
The opportunity to read and comment on this valuable contribution by Lowell Gudmundson, 1 for someone who has analyzed coffee growing in Costa Rica, from an economic perspective, is very valuable, since I value the contributions, having contact with an analysis of coffee growing, from the historical-social perspective, which allows broadening the panorama of analysis. In particular, I highlight the advantage of understanding the dynamics in the longer term, to understand and locate current phenomena. The book starts with concerns of the immediate present of Costa Rican society, reflected in the dynamics of coffee farming. On the other hand, I highlight the contribution in terms of the comprehensiveness of the analysis, observing political, social, and productive dynamics in Costa Rica, located in an international context, also far-reaching.
The opportunity to read and comment on this valuable contribution by Lowell Gudmundson, 1 for someone who has analyzed coffee growing in Costa Rica, from an economic perspective, is very valuable, since I value the contributions, having contact with an analysis of coffee growing, from the historical-social perspective, which allows broadening the panorama of analysis. In particular, I highlight the advantage of understanding the dynamics in the longer term, to understand and locate current phenomena. The book starts with concerns of the immediate present of Costa Rican society, reflected in the dynamics of coffee farming. On the other hand, I highlight the contribution in terms of the comprehensiveness of the analysis, observing political, social, and productive dynamics in Costa Rica, located in an international context, also far-reaching.
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