Preferencias de microhábitat de anuros (Bufonidae e Hylidae) en los ríos Reventazón, Savegre y Grande de Térraba para determinar caudales ambientales
Rojas Ávila, Kimberly
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
En Costa Rica el régimen hídrico de los ríos se ha utilizado desde los años 40 para satisfacer necesidad de electricidad y abastecimiento humano. Debido a estas demandas, nace la necesidad de crear una metodología para calcular caudal ambiental, definido como el flujo de agua que permite mantener no solo la integridad del ecosistema, sino también la productividad, servicios y otros beneficios de los ecosistemas acuáticos. En este estudio se calcula el caudal ambiental C.marinus especie que se reproducen en las cuencas del río Reventazón, Savegre y Grande de Térraba, utilizando la metodología RANA-ICE. Esta metodología se basa en evaluar aspectos hidrológicos, ecológicos y socioeconómicos. Se realizaron 41 muestreos en la cuenca del río Savegre, en dos microhábitats diferentes (charca y brazo del río), donde se localizaron 7 especies de anuros pertenecientes a tres familias distintas. En la cuenca del río Reventazón se realizaron 17 y en el Grande de Térraba 25 muestreos y solamente se encontró C. marinus tanto en las charcas como en el río principal. Se establecieron las preferencias de hábitat de los renacuajos que se localizaron en las cuencas estudiadas para poder generar simulaciones de un caudal ambiental adecuado. Las simulaciones permitieron determinar que en la cuenca del Grande de Térraba un caudal de 22 m3/s es adecuado para la reproducción de C. marinus. En la cuenca del Savagre y Reventazón los renacuajos se desarrollan en llanuras aluviales que se forman y modifican por los pulsos que ocurren a lo a largo del año, esta dinámica permite un cambio de las especies que utilizan estos sitos para su reproducción. También es importante mencionar que la cantidad de charcas y el volumen de las mismas, varia por el efecto de la precipitación sin embargo este factor no pudo ser cuantificado en este estudio.
In Costa Rica, the water regime of rivers has been used since the 1940s to satisfy the need for electricity and human supply. Due to these demands, the need arises to create a methodology to calculate environmental flow, defined as the flow of water that allows maintaining not only the integrity of the ecosystem, but also the productivity, services and other benefits of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the environmental flow of C.marinus species that reproduces in the Reventazón, Savegre and Grande de Térraba river basins is calculated, using the RANA-ICE methodology. This methodology is based on evaluating hydrological, ecological and socioeconomic aspects. Forty-one samples were taken in the Savegre river basin, in two different microhabitats (pond and river branch), where 7 anuran species belonging to three different families were located. In the Reventazón river basin, 17 samples were taken and in the Grande de Térraba 25 samples, and only C. marinus was found both in the ponds and in the main river. The habitat preferences of the tadpoles that were located in the studied basins were established in order to generate simulations of an adequate environmental flow. The simulations made it possible to determine that in the Grande de Térraba basin a flow of 22 m3/s is adequate for the reproduction of C. marinus. In the Savagre and Reventazón basin, tadpoles develop in alluvial plains that are formed and modified by the pulses that occur throughout the year, this dynamic allows a change in the species that use these sites for their reproduction. It is also important to mention that the number of ponds and their volume varies due to the effect of precipitation; however, this factor could not be quantified in this study.
In Costa Rica, the water regime of rivers has been used since the 1940s to satisfy the need for electricity and human supply. Due to these demands, the need arises to create a methodology to calculate environmental flow, defined as the flow of water that allows maintaining not only the integrity of the ecosystem, but also the productivity, services and other benefits of aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the environmental flow of C.marinus species that reproduces in the Reventazón, Savegre and Grande de Térraba river basins is calculated, using the RANA-ICE methodology. This methodology is based on evaluating hydrological, ecological and socioeconomic aspects. Forty-one samples were taken in the Savegre river basin, in two different microhabitats (pond and river branch), where 7 anuran species belonging to three different families were located. In the Reventazón river basin, 17 samples were taken and in the Grande de Térraba 25 samples, and only C. marinus was found both in the ponds and in the main river. The habitat preferences of the tadpoles that were located in the studied basins were established in order to generate simulations of an adequate environmental flow. The simulations made it possible to determine that in the Grande de Térraba basin a flow of 22 m3/s is adequate for the reproduction of C. marinus. In the Savagre and Reventazón basin, tadpoles develop in alluvial plains that are formed and modified by the pulses that occur throughout the year, this dynamic allows a change in the species that use these sites for their reproduction. It is also important to mention that the number of ponds and their volume varies due to the effect of precipitation; however, this factor could not be quantified in this study.
Rojas Ávila, K. (2015). Preferencias de microhábitat de anuros (Bufonidae e Hylidae) en los ríos Reventazón, Savegre y Grande de Térraba para determinar caudales ambientales. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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