Propuesta para el establecimiento de alianzas público-privadas como modelo de gestión para el desarrollo local
Jaén Baltodano, Jimena
Vargas Vargas, Stephanie
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente estudio se basa en un análisis de las alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo (APPD) y su contribución en el desarrollo local, tomando como estudios de caso tres experiencias exitosas desarrolladas en Costa Rica.
Los resultados obtenidos de esta investigación aportan un mayor conocimiento sobre los alcances de las alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo a nivel local, así como una mayor comprensión respecto a la potencialidad de su implementación y gestión. Estos resultados se fundamentan en el análisis de los casos específicos a partir de experiencias desarrolladas a nivel local con los actores sociales para promover iniciativas en las comunidades seleccionadas de escasos recursos del país.
El documento ha sido organizado en cuatro capítulos, el primer capítulo contiene el abordaje teórico del enfoque y evolución de las alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo, los antecedentes y sus características como instrumento dentro de la responsabilidad social, el cual respalda nuestra propuesta.
El segundo capítulo examina tres casos seleccionados con base en criterios definidos, los cuales sirven de modelo para la gestión del desarrollo en los espacios locales, específicamente, en los cantones de Sarapiquí, Península de Osa y Limón donde participaron distintos actores: Alianza multisectorial para la conservación del medio ambiente entre Chiquita Brands, el Gobierno local de Sarapiquí y el Programa de Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GTZ); la Alianza para desarrollar el Programa “Creciendo Juntos” entre la Empresa Península de Papagayo, Ministerio de Educación y el Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje y la Alianza para la gestión social y ambiental de la construcción de la III etapa del oleoducto Limón -La Garita entre RECOPE, Consorcio ARCO, TECHINT y Municipios. Estos casos aportan elementos para la construcción de alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo y validan la importancia de esta investigación. El tercer capítulo propone una estrategia con los principales elementos para la implementación de las alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo, que incluye la participación con actores claves involucrados en las comunidades y territorios, con el fin de poder construir estas alianzas y promover el desarrollo local.
Por último, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de esta investigación que se resumen en importantes retos para los gobiernos locales, el Estado, y la necesidad de desarrollar políticas, programas y proyectos entre distintos actores sociales con presencia en las localidades, comunidades y regiones con mayores índices de pobreza, que además prioricen el bienestar del tejido social.
This study is based on an analysis of public-private partnerships for development (PPPD) and their contribution to local development, taking as case studies three successful experiences developed in Costa Rica. The results obtained from this research provide greater knowledge on the scope of public-private partnerships for development at the local level, as well as a better understanding of the potential of their implementation and management. These results are based on the analysis of specific cases from experiences developed at the local level with social actors to promote initiatives in selected low-income communities in the country. The document has been organized into four chapters. The first chapter contains the theoretical approach and evolution of public-private partnerships for development, their background and characteristics as an instrument within social responsibility, which supports our proposal. The second chapter examines three cases selected based on defined criteria, which serve as models for development management in local areas, specifically in the cantons of Sarapiquí, Península de Osa and Limón, where different actors participated: Multisectoral Alliance for environmental conservation between Chiquita Brands, the local government of Sarapiquí and the German Technical Cooperation Program (GTZ); the Alliance to develop the "Growing Together" Program between the Peninsula de Papagayo Company, Ministry of Education and the National Learning Institute and the Alliance for the social and environmental management of the construction of the III stage of the Limón -La Garita pipeline between RECOPE, Consorcio ARCO, TECHINT and Municipalities. These cases provide elements for the construction of public-private partnerships for development and validate the importance of this research. The third chapter proposes a strategy with the main elements for the implementation of public-private partnerships for development, which includes the participation of key actors involved in the communities and territories, in order to build these partnerships and promote local development. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of this research are presented, which are summarized in important challenges for local governments, the State, and the need to develop policies, programs and projects among different social actors with presence in localities, communities and regions with higher poverty rates, which also prioritize the welfare of the social fabric.
This study is based on an analysis of public-private partnerships for development (PPPD) and their contribution to local development, taking as case studies three successful experiences developed in Costa Rica. The results obtained from this research provide greater knowledge on the scope of public-private partnerships for development at the local level, as well as a better understanding of the potential of their implementation and management. These results are based on the analysis of specific cases from experiences developed at the local level with social actors to promote initiatives in selected low-income communities in the country. The document has been organized into four chapters. The first chapter contains the theoretical approach and evolution of public-private partnerships for development, their background and characteristics as an instrument within social responsibility, which supports our proposal. The second chapter examines three cases selected based on defined criteria, which serve as models for development management in local areas, specifically in the cantons of Sarapiquí, Península de Osa and Limón, where different actors participated: Multisectoral Alliance for environmental conservation between Chiquita Brands, the local government of Sarapiquí and the German Technical Cooperation Program (GTZ); the Alliance to develop the "Growing Together" Program between the Peninsula de Papagayo Company, Ministry of Education and the National Learning Institute and the Alliance for the social and environmental management of the construction of the III stage of the Limón -La Garita pipeline between RECOPE, Consorcio ARCO, TECHINT and Municipalities. These cases provide elements for the construction of public-private partnerships for development and validate the importance of this research. The third chapter proposes a strategy with the main elements for the implementation of public-private partnerships for development, which includes the participation of key actors involved in the communities and territories, in order to build these partnerships and promote local development. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of this research are presented, which are summarized in important challenges for local governments, the State, and the need to develop policies, programs and projects among different social actors with presence in localities, communities and regions with higher poverty rates, which also prioritize the welfare of the social fabric.
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