Análisis del uso de los certificados de cesión: determinación de su incidencia en el financiamiento partidario de las campañas presidenciales de 2010, 2014 y 2018 en Costa Rica
Chacón Badilla, Ronald
Sandoval Díaz, Wendy
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación versa sobre el Análisis del uso de los certificados de cesión: Determinación de su incidencia en el financiamiento partidario de las campañas presidenciales de 2010, 2014 y 2018 en Costa Rica. Dicho análisis conlleva la comparación de los diferentes usos que admite la legislación electoral costarricense para esos instrumentos, como fuente de financiamiento partidario de los procesos electorales presidenciales; la evaluación de aspectos que inciden en el valor de estos; y −finalmente− la presentación de una reseña sobre el financiamiento partidario irregular relacionado con el uso de tales certificados en esas campañas presidenciales.En lo concerniente al primer objetivo del trabajo de investigación, se aborda –en lo esencial− lacuantía por rubro de los gastos partidarios respaldados con certificados de cesión como medio de pago, que fueron objeto del proceso de comprobación desarrollado por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones; el monto al que asciende el uso de esos instrumentos financieros como garantía de operaciones crediticias y fideicomisos formalizados por los partidos políticos; y la suma a la que asciende su utilización mediante la venta, así como las personas autorizadas para esos efectos.En cuanto al segundo objetivo, su alcance refiere a la incidencia de las encuestas de carácter político-electoral, la fuerza electoral alcanzada por cada partido político el primer domingo de febrero del año de los comicios presidenciales y el resultado del proceso de comprobación de gastos, en el valor de los certificados de cesión.Respecto del tercer objetivo, se reseñan los principales hechos probados, considerandos y parte dispositiva referidos en lasdos únicas sentencias judiciales en firme que dan cuenta del uso irregular de la figura de los certificados de cesión.El presente estudio consta de cinco capítulos, en los que se detallan: a) los aspectos metodológicos, b) el marco referencial sobre las generalidades del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, su Dirección General del Registro Electoral y de Financiamiento de Partidos Políticos y su Departamento de Financiamiento de Partidos Políticos, en su condición instancias intervinientes que, en el marco desus competencias, tienen relación directa con lo referente a los certificados de cesión, c) la teoría específica que sirve de marco orientador de la investigación, así como el modelo de análisis diseñado para este estudio, lo que conlleva la conceptualización de las xvitres variables independientes, así como sus variables dependientes e indicadores relacionados, d) los principales resultados del análisis efectuado por el equipo investigador a partir de los insumos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de los instrumentos de investigación, y e) las conclusiones y recomendaciones derivadas del trabajo de investigación. Acerca del tema abordado en el presente estudio, corresponde hacer notar que los certificados de cesión son utilizados de manera prevalente por los diferentes partidos políticos con el propósito de financiar sus actividades político-electorales, y que, paralelamente, afectan negativamente la equidad y la transparencia en las campañas presidenciales. En este contexto, el equipo investigador vislumbra laoportunidad de profundizar en el estudio de esta sui génerisfigura, en virtud detratarse –dada su naturaleza− de un instrumento de interés en el ámbito de la Gestión Financiera, que además representa un tema novedosopara la Escuela de Administración dela Universidad Nacional y de relevancia para la sociedad costarricense, en razón de que permiten vehiculizar el reconocimiento de decenas de miles de millones de colones con recursos públicos en cada proceso electoral presidencial.En el desarrollo de la presente investigación se dispuso de información oportuna, por estar revestida de naturaleza pública; ahora bien, como resultado de la ambiciosa pretensión de abordar los últimos tres periodos electorales presidenciales, a saber: 2010, 2014 y 2018, se tiene que la recolección, procesamiento, discriminación y análisis de datos, representa un proceso laborioso del que se derivan resultados reveladores, para cuyo acometimiento se cuenta con escasa bibliografía, dado su carácter especializado. Ello, en razón decorresponder a un instrumento financiero que únicamente se utilizaen Costa Rica, lo que lleva implícita la dificultad de ubicar material relacionado y personascon amplio conocimiento en este tema. Finalmente, se indica que el desarrollo de la investigación se considera el Manual de Publicaciones de la American Psychological Association 7ª Edición complementado con la capacitación sobre el formato de citas y referencias bibliográficas brindada por Sandra Fonseca Alvarado, funcionaria del Centro de Información Documental (CIDCSO) de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, el 25 de marzo de 2021
The present investigation deals with the Analysis of the use of transfer certificates: Determination of their incidence in the party financing of the presidential campaigns of 2010, 2014 and 2018 in Costa Rica. Said analysis entails the comparison of the different uses that the Costa Rican electoral legislation admits for these instruments, as a source of party financing of the presidential electoral processes; the evaluation of aspects that affect their value; and −finally− the presentation of a review on the irregular party financing related to the use of such certificates in these presidential campaigns. Regarding the first objective of the research work, it deals –essentially− with the amount by item of expenses supporters backed by assignment certificates as a means of payment, which were subject to the verification process developed by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal; the amount of the use of these financial instruments as collateral for credit operations and trusts formalized by political parties; and the amount to which its use amounts through sale, as well as the persons authorized for these purposes. As for the second objective, its scope refers to the incidence of political-electoral surveys, the electoral strength reached by each party politician on the first Sunday of February of the year of the presidential elections and the result of the expense verification process, in the value of the transfer certificates. This study consists of five chapters, which detail: a) the methodological aspects, b) the reference framework on the generalities of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, its General Directorate of the Electoral Registry and the Financing of Political Parties and its Department of Financing of Political Parties, in their capacity as intervening instances that, within the framework of their powers, are directly related to matters relating to transfer certificates, c) the specific theory that serves as a guiding framework for the investigation, as well as the analysis model designed for this study, which entails the conceptualization of the xvithree independent variables, as well as their dependent variables and related indicators, d) the main results of the analysis carried out by the research team based on the inputs obtained through the application of the research, and e) the c Conclusions and recommendations derived from the research work. Regarding the topic addressed in this study, it should be noted that transfer certificates are used prevalently by the different political parties with the purpose of financing their political-electoral activities, and that, in parallel, they negatively affect equity and transparency. in presidential campaigns. In this context, the research team sees the opportunity to deepen the study of this sui generis figure, by virtue of being -given its nature− an instrument of interest in the field of Financial Management, which also represents a novel subject for the School of Administration. of the National University and of relevance for Costa Rican society, because they allow the recognition of tens of billions of colones to be channeled with public resources in each presidential electoral process. In the development of this investigation, timely information was available, for be of a public nature; however, as a result of the ambitious intention of addressing the last three presidential electoral periods, namely: 2010, 2014 and 2018, the collection, processing, discrimination and analysis of data represents a laborious process from which results are derived. developers, for whose undertaking there is little bibliography, given its specialized nature. This, because it corresponds to a financial instrument that is only used in Costa Rica, which implies the difficulty of locating related material and people with extensive knowledge on this subject. Finally, it is indicated that the development of the research is considered the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th Edition complemented with the training on the format of citations and bibliographic references provided by Sandra Fonseca Alvarado, official of the Documentary Information Center (CIDCSO) of the Faculty of Social Sciences, on March 25, 2021
The present investigation deals with the Analysis of the use of transfer certificates: Determination of their incidence in the party financing of the presidential campaigns of 2010, 2014 and 2018 in Costa Rica. Said analysis entails the comparison of the different uses that the Costa Rican electoral legislation admits for these instruments, as a source of party financing of the presidential electoral processes; the evaluation of aspects that affect their value; and −finally− the presentation of a review on the irregular party financing related to the use of such certificates in these presidential campaigns. Regarding the first objective of the research work, it deals –essentially− with the amount by item of expenses supporters backed by assignment certificates as a means of payment, which were subject to the verification process developed by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal; the amount of the use of these financial instruments as collateral for credit operations and trusts formalized by political parties; and the amount to which its use amounts through sale, as well as the persons authorized for these purposes. As for the second objective, its scope refers to the incidence of political-electoral surveys, the electoral strength reached by each party politician on the first Sunday of February of the year of the presidential elections and the result of the expense verification process, in the value of the transfer certificates. This study consists of five chapters, which detail: a) the methodological aspects, b) the reference framework on the generalities of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, its General Directorate of the Electoral Registry and the Financing of Political Parties and its Department of Financing of Political Parties, in their capacity as intervening instances that, within the framework of their powers, are directly related to matters relating to transfer certificates, c) the specific theory that serves as a guiding framework for the investigation, as well as the analysis model designed for this study, which entails the conceptualization of the xvithree independent variables, as well as their dependent variables and related indicators, d) the main results of the analysis carried out by the research team based on the inputs obtained through the application of the research, and e) the c Conclusions and recommendations derived from the research work. Regarding the topic addressed in this study, it should be noted that transfer certificates are used prevalently by the different political parties with the purpose of financing their political-electoral activities, and that, in parallel, they negatively affect equity and transparency. in presidential campaigns. In this context, the research team sees the opportunity to deepen the study of this sui generis figure, by virtue of being -given its nature− an instrument of interest in the field of Financial Management, which also represents a novel subject for the School of Administration. of the National University and of relevance for Costa Rican society, because they allow the recognition of tens of billions of colones to be channeled with public resources in each presidential electoral process. In the development of this investigation, timely information was available, for be of a public nature; however, as a result of the ambitious intention of addressing the last three presidential electoral periods, namely: 2010, 2014 and 2018, the collection, processing, discrimination and analysis of data represents a laborious process from which results are derived. developers, for whose undertaking there is little bibliography, given its specialized nature. This, because it corresponds to a financial instrument that is only used in Costa Rica, which implies the difficulty of locating related material and people with extensive knowledge on this subject. Finally, it is indicated that the development of the research is considered the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th Edition complemented with the training on the format of citations and bibliographic references provided by Sandra Fonseca Alvarado, official of the Documentary Information Center (CIDCSO) of the Faculty of Social Sciences, on March 25, 2021
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