Responsabilidad social en la institución pública y sostenibilidad del sector de las artes escénicas costarricense: diseño de estrategia de sostenibilidad para el Teatro Popular Melico Salazar
Díaz Benach, Adriana
Fernández Jiménez, Jorge Ernesto
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La Responsabilidad Social y sostenibilidad es, sin duda, una gestión que, de realizarse de manera estratégica y articulada, brinda muchas oportunidades a una organización. Es sabido que gestionar conscientemente la Responsabilidad Social representa una ventaja competitiva y, hoy más que nunca, en el contexto actual de este proyecto, desarrollado entre febrero y diciembre del 2020, se vuelve mucho más crítico y relevante para asegurar su existencia en el largo plazo.
Adicionalmente, contar con una estrategia de sostenibilidad marca una diferencia positiva en el mercado e industria en la que opera una institución, en cuanto a llevar la batuta para que otras entidades vean la necesidad de articular la responsabilidad en su estrategia, así como el relacionamiento con sus partes interesadas y la identificación de impactos.
Este proyecto pretende proporcionar al Teatro Popular Melico Salazar una estrategia de sostenibilidad con la cual pueda potenciar el alcance de sus objetivos estratégicos institucionales, mediante la identificación y priorización de su materialidad y su relacionamiento con las partes interesadas con el fin de gestionar responsablemente sus impactos en el triple balance: social, ambiental y gobernanza. De esta manera contribuirá con su propósito de fomentar y desarrollar el sector de las artes escénicas en Costa Rica, mediante una investigación cualitativa, cuyos objetos de investigación corresponden con los objetivos específicos formulados en el proyecto, desarrollados en fases consecutivas al alcance de los resultados esperados para cada uno de esos objetivos.
Se establece como punto de inicio un análisis documental exhaustivo del entorno, que resultó en insumos valiosos de una perspectiva de tema relevantes por incorporar como línea base a una estrategia.
A través de la priorización de partes interesadas en un proceso participativo, se comprende el universo de grupos de interés con los que se relaciona la institución, para definir aquellos más relevantes con los cuales, también constructivamente, se fortalecerá el enfoque de la estrategia con la información recopilada de las expectativas en el proceso de consulta a esas partes interesadas relevantes con herramientas de investigación como entrevistas y encuestas.
De manera participativa, también, con representación de diferentes unidades de trabajo de la institución, se evaluaron los temas relevantes que permitieron identificar los asuntos materiales de la institución, a partir de los que se desarrolló la estrategia de sostenibilidad en 3 ejes importantes con objetivos, metas, indicadores y actividades. De esta manera, se espera que el TPMS pueda continuar alcanzando su propósito institucional, mientras se sostiene y se fortalece en medio de la crisis que actualmente golpea al sector cultural y al país en general, dado que el arte tiene un rol esencial en la sociedad.
El compromiso demostrado por la dirección y jefaturas de la institución durante el proceso de este proyecto ha sido vital para definir una estrategia de sostenibilidad que sea de valor para el TPMS que, como efecto multiplicador, pueda compartir ese valor hacia su cadena de valor y grupos de interés, con un enfoque en la maximización de sus recursos, humanos, técnicos y económicos y la creación de alianzas estratégicas adicionales con el fin de afrontar los cambios políticos y económicos del país, alineados a las tendencias artísticas y sociales del entorno.
Social Responsibility and sustainability is, without a doubt, a management that, if carried out in a strategic and articulated manner, offers many opportunities to an organization. It is known that consciously managing Social Responsibility represents a competitive advantage and, today more than ever, in the current context of this project, developed between February and December 2020, it becomes much more critical and relevant to ensure its existence in the long term. Additionally, having a sustainability strategy makes a positive difference in the market and industry in which an institution operates, in terms of leading the way for other entities to see the need to articulate responsibility in their strategy, as well as the relationship with their stakeholders and the identification of impacts. This project aims to provide the Melico Salazar Popular Theater with a sustainability strategy with which it can enhance the scope of its institutional strategic objectives, through the identification and prioritization of its materiality and its relationship with stakeholders in order to responsibly manage its impacts in the triple bottom line: social, environmental and governance. In this way it will contribute to its purpose of promoting and developing the performing arts sector in Costa Rica, through a qualitative research, whose research objects correspond to the specific objectives formulated in the project, developed in consecutive phases to reach the expected results for each of these objectives. An exhaustive documentary analysis of the environment is established as a starting point, which resulted in valuable inputs from a perspective of relevant issues to be incorporated as a baseline for a strategy. Through the prioritization of stakeholders in a participatory process, the universe of interest groups with which the institution relates is understood, in order to define the most relevant ones with which, also constructively, the strategy approach will be strengthened with the information gathered from the expectations in the stakeholder consultation process. the information gathered from the expectations in the process of consulting these relevant stakeholders with research tools such as interviews and surveys. In a participatory manner, also, with representation from different work units of the institution, relevant issues were evaluated that allowed identifying the material issues of the institution, from which the sustainability strategy was developed in 3 important axes with objectives, goals, indicators and activities. In this way, it is expected that the TPMS can continue to achieve its institutional purpose, while sustaining and strengthening itself in the midst of the crisis that is currently hitting the cultural sector and the country in general, given that art has an essential role in society. The commitment shown by the institution's management and leadership during the process of this project has been vital to define a sustainability strategy that is of value to the TPMS and that, as a multiplier effect, can share that value with its value chain and stakeholders, with a focus on maximizing its human, technical and economic resources and the creation of additional strategic alliances in order to face the political and economic changes of the country, aligned with the artistic and social trends of the environment.
Social Responsibility and sustainability is, without a doubt, a management that, if carried out in a strategic and articulated manner, offers many opportunities to an organization. It is known that consciously managing Social Responsibility represents a competitive advantage and, today more than ever, in the current context of this project, developed between February and December 2020, it becomes much more critical and relevant to ensure its existence in the long term. Additionally, having a sustainability strategy makes a positive difference in the market and industry in which an institution operates, in terms of leading the way for other entities to see the need to articulate responsibility in their strategy, as well as the relationship with their stakeholders and the identification of impacts. This project aims to provide the Melico Salazar Popular Theater with a sustainability strategy with which it can enhance the scope of its institutional strategic objectives, through the identification and prioritization of its materiality and its relationship with stakeholders in order to responsibly manage its impacts in the triple bottom line: social, environmental and governance. In this way it will contribute to its purpose of promoting and developing the performing arts sector in Costa Rica, through a qualitative research, whose research objects correspond to the specific objectives formulated in the project, developed in consecutive phases to reach the expected results for each of these objectives. An exhaustive documentary analysis of the environment is established as a starting point, which resulted in valuable inputs from a perspective of relevant issues to be incorporated as a baseline for a strategy. Through the prioritization of stakeholders in a participatory process, the universe of interest groups with which the institution relates is understood, in order to define the most relevant ones with which, also constructively, the strategy approach will be strengthened with the information gathered from the expectations in the stakeholder consultation process. the information gathered from the expectations in the process of consulting these relevant stakeholders with research tools such as interviews and surveys. In a participatory manner, also, with representation from different work units of the institution, relevant issues were evaluated that allowed identifying the material issues of the institution, from which the sustainability strategy was developed in 3 important axes with objectives, goals, indicators and activities. In this way, it is expected that the TPMS can continue to achieve its institutional purpose, while sustaining and strengthening itself in the midst of the crisis that is currently hitting the cultural sector and the country in general, given that art has an essential role in society. The commitment shown by the institution's management and leadership during the process of this project has been vital to define a sustainability strategy that is of value to the TPMS and that, as a multiplier effect, can share that value with its value chain and stakeholders, with a focus on maximizing its human, technical and economic resources and the creation of additional strategic alliances in order to face the political and economic changes of the country, aligned with the artistic and social trends of the environment.
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