Professionalizing on-site medical interpretation to support Costa Rica's medical tourism
Zúñiga Hernández, Adriana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El término “turismo medico” se refiere a la práctica de viajar de la propia comunidad o país a otro lugar para recibir atención médica. Costa Rica se promociona tenazmente como el sitio ideal para dicho turismo. A pesar del vertiginoso crecimiento de este sector, y basándose en la idea de que muchos de nuestros médicos se han especializado en el extranjero, se le ha prestado muy poca atención al uso de intérpretes médicos calificados. Sin embargo, resulta ingenuo suponer que todos los turistas médicos que nos visitan hablan inglés o que siempre van a ser atendidos por personal con excelentes conocimientos de las lenguas y las culturas involucradas. En el sector salud, el asegurar una comunicación clara, exacta y completa entre las partes es crucial y, por lo tanto, para evitar cualquier percance personal, legal, ético o moral, resulta indispensable proveer servicios de interpretación de alta calidad. Dado que no hay espacio para intérpretes médicos incompetentes, esta presentación y el subsiguiente taller buscan crear consciencia e impartir conocimientos en el área de la interpretación médica presencial y abogar por la necesidad de desarrollar cursos académicos y programas de certificación formales en Costa Rica para que los intérpretes estén bien preparados no sólo con respecto a la comprensión de la terminología y los procedimientos médicos, sino también al entendimiento de los Papeles del intérprete, la aplicación del Código de Ética, el seguimiento de las “Reglas de oro” o estándares básicos, y la adherencia estricta al Protocolo adecuado.
The term “medical tourism” refers to the practice of traveling from one's own community or country to another place to receive medical attention. Costa Rica is tenaciously promoted as the ideal place for such tourism. Despite the rapid growth of this sector, and based on the idea that many of our doctors have specialized abroad, very little attention has been paid to the use of qualified medical interpreters. However, it is naive to assume that all medical tourists who visit us speak English or that they will always be cared for by staff with excellent knowledge of the languages and cultures involved. In the health sector, ensuring clear, accurate and complete communication between the parties is crucial and, therefore, to avoid any personal, legal, ethical or moral mishap, it is essential to provide high quality interpretation services. Since there is no room for incompetent medical interpreters, this presentation and the subsequent workshop seek to raise awareness and impart knowledge in the area of face-to-face medical interpreting and advocate for the need to develop academic courses and formal certification programs in Costa Rica so that practitioners Interpreters are well prepared not only with regard to understanding medical terminology and procedures, but also understanding the Interpreter's Roles, applying the Code of Ethics, following the “Golden Rules” or basic standards, and strict adherence to the appropriate Protocol.
The term “medical tourism” refers to the practice of traveling from one's own community or country to another place to receive medical attention. Costa Rica is tenaciously promoted as the ideal place for such tourism. Despite the rapid growth of this sector, and based on the idea that many of our doctors have specialized abroad, very little attention has been paid to the use of qualified medical interpreters. However, it is naive to assume that all medical tourists who visit us speak English or that they will always be cared for by staff with excellent knowledge of the languages and cultures involved. In the health sector, ensuring clear, accurate and complete communication between the parties is crucial and, therefore, to avoid any personal, legal, ethical or moral mishap, it is essential to provide high quality interpretation services. Since there is no room for incompetent medical interpreters, this presentation and the subsequent workshop seek to raise awareness and impart knowledge in the area of face-to-face medical interpreting and advocate for the need to develop academic courses and formal certification programs in Costa Rica so that practitioners Interpreters are well prepared not only with regard to understanding medical terminology and procedures, but also understanding the Interpreter's Roles, applying the Code of Ethics, following the “Golden Rules” or basic standards, and strict adherence to the appropriate Protocol.
III Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada , 2011
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