Propuesta metodológica para el contenido de química orgánica de la educación diversificada costarricense, incorporando el enfoque ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS)
Gutiérez Gutiérrez, Gabriel Emilio
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Elabora una respuesta metodológica innovadora del contenido de química orgánica de la educación diversificada costarricense que propicie un aprendizaje analítico a través del enfoque Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS). Es una investigación cualitativa, se realiza en tres instituciones de la modalidad de educación diversificada académica diurna rural pública, Colegio Científico Bilingüe sector privado y un Colegio Humanístico público; las instituciones seleccionadas están conformadas por centros educativos que pertenecen a una zona urbana y a una rural. Los sujetos de estudio son los profesores y un grupo de estudiantes de undécimo año, que participan en el desarrollo del contenido de química orgánica de cada una de las instituciones A, B y C. Utiliza como instrumentos y técnicas, la observación, la entrevista, el cuestionario; y test que se dirigió a los docentes.
It elaborates an innovative methodological response to the organic chemistry content of Costa Rican diversified education that promotes analytical learning through the Science Technology and Society (CTS) approach. It is a qualitative research, it is carried out in three institutions of the public rural daytime academic diversified education modality, a private sector Bilingual Scientific College and a public Humanistic College; The selected institutions are made up of educational centers that belong to an urban and a rural area. The subjects of study are the professors and a group of eleventh-year students, who participate in the development of the organic chemistry content of each of the institutions A, B, and C. It uses observation, interviews, and techniques as instruments and techniques. the questionnaire; and test addressed to teachers.
It elaborates an innovative methodological response to the organic chemistry content of Costa Rican diversified education that promotes analytical learning through the Science Technology and Society (CTS) approach. It is a qualitative research, it is carried out in three institutions of the public rural daytime academic diversified education modality, a private sector Bilingual Scientific College and a public Humanistic College; The selected institutions are made up of educational centers that belong to an urban and a rural area. The subjects of study are the professors and a group of eleventh-year students, who participate in the development of the organic chemistry content of each of the institutions A, B, and C. It uses observation, interviews, and techniques as instruments and techniques. the questionnaire; and test addressed to teachers.
Gutiérez Gutiérrez, G. E. (2013). Propuesta metodológica para el contenido de química orgánica de la educación diversificada. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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