Factores que influyen en la participación y el desempeño académico de los estudiantes que compiten en la IV Olimpiada Costarricense de Ciencias Biológicas (OLICOCIBI)
Ulate Campos, Ana Verónica
Arroyo Jiménez, Stephanie de Nazareth
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Analiza los factores que influyen en la participación y en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes en la IV Olimpiada Costarricense de Ciencias Biológicas (OLICOCIBI), con el fin de formular algunos lineamientos y recomendaciones que sean de utilidad para las futuras participaciones estudiantiles e institucionales. La investigación se enmarca dentro del paradigma naturalista, el enfoque es mixto y el tipo de investigación es descritiva. El proceso de la investigación se realizó en cuatro fases: Fase preparatoria, trabajo de campo, fase analítica y fase informativa. Los objetos de estudio corresponden a 21 direcciones regionales del país, se tomó una muestra representativa de 374 estudiantes que participaban en la categoría A establecidas para estas competencias, la muestra de los profesores tutores fue de 89 y en la segunda etapa fue de 21 docentes. Los estudiantes provenían de centros educativos privados, técnicos, académicos, experimental bilingüe, científicos, artísticos y humanísticos de todas las provincias del país, con edades entre los 16 y 18 años, de los cuales un 57% eran mujeres y un 43% hombres. Para recopilar la información se utilizó la observación participante, la entrevista estructurada y la encuesta.
It analyzes the factors that influence the participation and academic performance of students in the IV Costa Rican Biological Sciences Olympiad (OLICOCIBI), in order to formulate some guidelines and recommendations that are useful for future student and institutional participation. The research is framed within the naturalistic paradigm, the approach is mixed and the type of research is descriptive. The research process was carried out in four phases: Preparatory phase, field work, analytical phase and informative phase. The objects of study correspond to 21 regional directions of the country, a representative sample of 374 students who participated in category A established for these competencies was taken, the sample of tutor teachers was 89 and in the second stage it was 21 teachers. The students came from private, technical, academic, bilingual experimental, scientific, artistic and humanistic educational centers from all the country's provinces, aged between 16 and 18, of which 57% were women and 43% men. To collect the information, participant observation, the structured interview and the survey were used.
It analyzes the factors that influence the participation and academic performance of students in the IV Costa Rican Biological Sciences Olympiad (OLICOCIBI), in order to formulate some guidelines and recommendations that are useful for future student and institutional participation. The research is framed within the naturalistic paradigm, the approach is mixed and the type of research is descriptive. The research process was carried out in four phases: Preparatory phase, field work, analytical phase and informative phase. The objects of study correspond to 21 regional directions of the country, a representative sample of 374 students who participated in category A established for these competencies was taken, the sample of tutor teachers was 89 and in the second stage it was 21 teachers. The students came from private, technical, academic, bilingual experimental, scientific, artistic and humanistic educational centers from all the country's provinces, aged between 16 and 18, of which 57% were women and 43% men. To collect the information, participant observation, the structured interview and the survey were used.
Ulate Campos, A. V. y Arroyo Jiménez, S. N. (2013). Factores que influyen en la participación y el desempeño académico de los estudiantes que compiten en la IV Olimpiada Costarricense de Ciencias Biológicas (OLICOCIBI). [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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